Изучая в межсезонье разные ништяки для мотоциклов я понял, что зарядка для телефона/камеры мне жизненно необходима!)
Поэтому пройдя по пути выбора, покупки, сборки и установки, я решил написать небольшую инструкцию по установке USB зарядки на любой мотоцикл.
Ничего сложного в этом нет. Приведу самый простой вариант, который тем ни менее не лишен необходимых элементов.
Кого заинтересовал, читаем дальше!
Электрическая схема достаточно проста. Не требуется подгрызаться к штатной проводке, устанавливать разные дополнительные релюшки и т.п. Применима не только для USB, но и для обычного 12В прикуривателя.
Выбор USB-разъем или 12В-прикуриватель каждый должен сделать для себя сам. Отмечу, что на заводской плате USB напряжение преобразуется из 12В в 5В. Поэтому дополнительных примочек в схеме не потребуется. Плюс к этому имеются комбинированные разъемы 12В+USB.
Для тех, кто совсем далек от схемотехники, поясняю.)
Снизу изображен аккумулятор. От него идет два провода на USB. Провода идут через предохранитель, кнопку включения и вольтметр. Все эти элементы не обязательны, но крайне желательны.
— Предохранитель защитит от аварийных электрических токов.
— Вольтметр защитит от полной разрядки АКБ.
— Кнопка защитит от разрядки АКБ и от желающих подзарядится в Ваше отсутствие).
Принцип работы:
1. Схема выключена.
2. При нажатии на кнопку включается вольтметр и USB разъем.
3. При повторном нажатии схема опять выключена. Напряжения на разъеме нет. Вольтметр выключен.
Предохранитель, как правило, уже входит в хороший комплект к прикуривателю или USB порту.
Например в моем комплекте был предохранитель, подсветка USB портов и крепеж.
Но есть и более бюджетные варианты, для тех, кто не боится доработать. Предохранители продаются на каждом углу.
Главное помните! Разъем должен быть влагозащищенным (Waterproof).
Вольтметр я покупал на ebay, но проблем с ними в нашей рознице так же нет. Нужно искать Waterproof Voltmeter.
Кнопочка подойдет практически любая. Лучше конечно так же подобрать влагозащищенную. Есть с подсветкой, но это немного усложнит схему.
Собрав все необходимые элементы. Приступим к сборке.
Помимо самих электрических элементов на понадобятся:
1. Изолента(термоусадка)/хомуты. Длину хомутов смотрите сразу по своей раме. Я сначала взял целую упаковку коротких >_<
2. Отвертка, возможно дрель, широкое сверло и прочие инструменты (если решите врезать в пластик).
п.с. я же сказал, что статья для чайников
3. Мотоцикл и пиво.
Теперь много фоток по каждому этапу с пояснениями.
Предохранитель на 7.5А. Почему именно 7.5А я не знаю. Так решили китайцы.
Анфас, профиль.
Собираем схему.
Проверяем от аккумулятора (взяли от дрели).
Контакт есть! Вольтметр показывает напряжение по нажатию кнопки.
Изоляция кнопки.
Общий вид.
Кнопка врезана после предохранителя на плюсовом кабеле. Вольтметр согласно схемы к плюсовому и отрицательному.
Черный, по умолчанию, минус.
Виновник торжества.
Раскладываем инструмент, снимаем пластик (что бы запрятать кабель).
Как снять пластик, читайте в мануале к байку. Как правило все просто. Самый гемор с заклепками.
Сняв сидушку видим аккумулятор.
Прикручиваем минус к минусу, плюс к плюсу.
Вольтметр с кнопкой, объединенные изолентой в единый блок я спрятал в багажнике. Без ключа не забраться.
Крепим хомутами.
Протягиваем кабель вдоль рамы и фиксируем хомутами.
На фото кабель справа, но потом перенес на левую сторону. На моем моте удобнее.
Сам разъем я решил не крепить на руле, а врезать в пластик.
Берем дрель и специальные сверла (ими быстрее).
Собираем байк.
После месяца использования, появилась рекомендация по доработке электрической платы.
Прежде чем устанавливать китайский разъем, очень рекомендую пройтись по нему герметиком.
Тряска на руле мотоцикла велика и есть большая вероятность, что отвалится какой нибудь конденсатор/дроссель.
Мой вариант хорош тем, что без использования разъема, аккумулятор не разряжается (и тем более никто посторонний не может воспользоваться зарядкой). Плюс к этому он элементарно демонтируется, если не врезать в пластик. Руль или пластик, 12В или USB — решать Вам!
Спасибо за внимание. Готов ответить на вопросы. =)
Benefits of Motorcycle USB Chargers
- Compact design. USB chargers are compact and take up less storage space than standard chargers. Wall chargers have bulky adaptors on one side and the cable on the other. USB chargers, on the other hand, have small connectors on both sides of the wire. This design makes them compact and easy to store.
- Convenience. When you have a USB charger, you don’t have to look for power outlets. You can move around and ride freely without having to stop and stay in one place and wait for your devices to power up.
- Quick charging. USB chargers are very powerful and able to charge tech gadgets quickly. Although not all models are super efficient, most of the newly designed ones are highly reliable and ensure fast recharges.
Types of Motorcycle USB Chargers
Why Trust Us
Our reviews are driven by a combination of hands-on testing, expert input, “wisdom of the crowd” assessments from actual buyers, and our own expertise. We always aim to offer genuine, accurate guides to help you find the best picks.
Learn more
Direct Connection
A large number of USB chargers connect directly to the motorcycle. They can be mounted on the handlebars, and they plug directly into the battery of your bike. The benefit of this type is it’s easy to install. All you need to do is to run the wires from the charger and connect them to the battery. Just make sure that everything is connected properly.
The DIN type of charger fits into an existing power port on your motorcycle. It’s very similar to a car’s cigarette lighter socket, and it can be used on many motorcycle models (mainly BMWs, Triumphs, and KTMs). The main benefit of this type is the ability to handle a larger electrical current, which means it’s more powerful and offers overall better performance. The connection is also fairly safe and more stable under vibration.
Another popular charger is the one that uses an SAE adapter. This type of charger attaches directly to the battery, but it requires an SAE lead. The good thing is that you can install a permanent SAE lead on your motorcycle quite easily and use it to charge the battery and other electronic devices. This connection type prevents short circuits and is very safe. It’s also easy to install, although you need to be extra careful and make sure you connect the right polarities. An SAE USB charger has two ring terminals, a positive and a negative, that should be connected to the battery’s positive and negative connections.
Top Brands
Eklipes was founded in 2008 and is located in Roseville, California. The company focuses on motorcycle USB chargers and other accessories, such as mounts and power sockets. One of its most popular products is the Eklipes Cobra Chrome USB Charging System.
Battery Tender
Battery Tender is a brand owned by Deltran, a company that started as a small family business and evolved into a leading manufacturer of battery chargers. It was founded back in 1964 and is located in DeLand, Florida. One of the company’s most popular and best-rated products is the Battery Tender USB Charger.
Mic Tuning
Mic Tuning focuses on a variety of automotive products, such as car chargers, lighting systems, and other accessories and gear parts. It’s popular among customers and continues to grow and expand. It’s located in Alhambra, California. One of the best products from Mic Tuning is the Mictuning USB Charger for Motorcycles.
Motorcycle USB Chargers Pricing
- Under $20: At this price range, you can find decent and quite powerful USB chargers. They might lack some extra features such as power switches and locking mechanisms, but they are reliable and efficient.
- Over $20: For a few more dollars, you can find motorcycle USB chargers with more installation and mounting options. They are also more powerful and versatile, fitting different models and tech gadgets.
Key Features
The most important thing to consider when choosing a USB charger is safety. Although most newly designed chargers come with over-current protection, some of them still might be prone to short circuits and other damage. Double check the safety features and look for extra ones, such as weather resistance. This is especially important if you’re planning to spend a lot of time outside. You might need to protect the unit from water, dust, dirt, debris, and other harmful elements.
Not all chargers are compatible with all devices, which mostly depends on technical specifications. If you connect a phone that requires fast charging to a slower USB adapter, you probably won’t be able to recharge it quickly. Also, connecting two units with different technical specifications might be dangerous and cause short circuits.
Another important thing to consider when choosing a USB charger is the mounting option. Some devices can be mounted directly on the motorcycle handlebars, while others can be placed in areas that are more hidden. Consider which option works the best, depending on the bike and overall convenience. If you want to use a particular device during rides, you’ll need to mount the charger within hand’s reach.
Other Considerations
- Number of Ports: It’s also good to consider the number of USB ports before making a purchase. Some chargers offer only one charging port, while others come equipped with two or more. If you need a charger that can charge several devices at the same time, you’ll have to look for the one that has at least a dual port.
- Power Switch: Check whether the USB charger has a power switch feature. The power switch allows you to turn off the charger when not in use. It’s a useful feature that ensures more safety. Most of the newly designed ones come with it, but some units stay on all the time.
- Installation: Check whether a charger is compatible with your motorcycle. Not all chargers are the same, and you want to find the one that can connect to your motorcycle battery or available ports. Then consider the installation type and which one is the easiest based on your bike’s model.
Best Motorcycle USB Chargers Reviews & Recommendations 2021
The BlueFire Dual USB Charger is one well-rounded and high-quality option for a motorcycle USB charger. It’s convenient and easy to install, and it makes charging any device pretty effortless when you’re on the go. This charger is actually more than just a single USB charger; it’s both a dual USB charger and a cigarette lighter socket in a single device. You can charge two devices via USB at the same time, and if you need to add another charger you can easily do so via the cigarette lighter socket. The entire unit is built for the open road and outdoors, made from ABS material that’s fire-retardant, temperature-resistant, and anti-corrosive. It’s also waterproof, thanks to the included waterproof USB cover and cigarette lighter cover. The handy voltmeter allows you to see the voltage while you’re using the charger, which is convenient as you monitor your motorcycle’s battery. And the easy wire and handlebar attachment options also make it simple to set up.
While the Yonhan Motorcycle USB Charger isn’t the cheapest option on our list, it offers excellent value with a whole host of features for a budget-friendly price. This motorcycle charger will get your devices recharged in no time at all, thanks to its PD and QC 3.0 high-output charging support via the two USB ports. You can charge up to two items at once, and you’ll be able to connect different devices simultaneously — like an iPad, iPhone, digital camera, and other tech gadgets. The speedy charger includes an SAE to USB adapter and a built-in voltmeter that monitors the battery and your motorcycle’s electrical system automatically. You’ll also enjoy three different installation options, which means you can choose the best placement and method for your needs and your motorcycle. One additional little perk you’ll also love is the on/off switch. Most chargers are unplugged when they aren’t needed, but thanks to that switch, this one can stay right in place and simply be shut off.
If you need a USB charger that works on a wider voltage range, you might find the Mic Tuning charger ideal for the task. It’s a device that works at the 12-24-volt range and has an output of 2.1 amps. The charger is suitable for different motorcycle types and can power up smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets. The main benefit of this device is its sturdy construction. The high-quality ABS and copper materials are impressively durable. The charger is waterproof and resistant to heat, corrosion, and other threats. Also, you have two connection options. You can plug it directly into the motorcycle battery or use the SAE power adapter. The mounting process is a breeze as well. All you need to do is to make a few holes or use adhesive tape. Although it’s compatible with a wide voltage range, the charger might be slower than other options on the market. That might be the biggest drawback along with the higher current draw that might drain the battery faster. Some users also mentioned that it doesn’t work well with android phones.
You can charge a phone, tablet, GPS, and more with this USB charger kit. It has an input voltage of 12-24 volts and a 7.5-amp fused SAE to ring terminal cable for battery chargers and maintainers. The cap is waterproof, and you can mount this kit using screws, zip ties, or tape. The inner housing is made of fire-resistant polycarbonate, while the outer housing is made of polyvinyl chloride. You wire this product directly to your bike’s battery, and installation is pretty straightforward. The leads are long enough to snake under the tank of a cruiser up to the handle bar without getting too tight or straining when making turns. It does a great job of charging a phone, it feels solid, and it comes with its own fuse in case something goes wrong. However, there have been some complaints that it charges devices inconsistently; sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Also, some of the wires are red, so it sticks out a little, which can be aesthetically unpleasing.
BlueFire’s USB charger socket is made of fire-retardant ABS environmental protection material. It is corrosion-resistant and high and low temperature-resistant. It features a dual USB charger, cigarette lighter socket, clock, voltmeter, and more. The socket also comes with a waterproof and dustproof cover and a 4.75-foot long cable with a built-in fuse. It’s small and well-built. It’s easy to install, and the lid stays closed when you’re riding and doesn’t flop around. It looks and operates like a factory-installed option, and it’s very reliable. Overall, the device works as described. Unfortunately, the cable may not be long enough to run down the frame of the bike to the battery. As a result, you may have to pull the gas tank off and run the wire on the frame to the battery. Also, the digital clock, which needs a separate battery, can be hard to read during the day, and the kit can be hard to mount on some types of handlebars with the included hardware.
This three-amp, dual USB adapter allows you to charge two devices at the same time. It has an input voltage of 12-24 volts with a quick disconnect and over-current protection. It’s made of high-grade injection molding material and is high temperature- and corrosion-resistant. You can rotate the unit 360 degrees, and it has a rubber, water-resistant USB cover. The device comes with zip ties and an adhesive strip to mount to your bike and connects directly to the battery. It’s easy to install, particularly if you have a battery tender lead already hooked up. The cable is strong, flexible, and long, and it is easy to disconnect at the base if you want to plug in a trickle charger. One drawback is that the mount is not very good quality. The cover may also break off prematurely, which can expose the device to water in wet conditions. The unit can also drain the battery if you forget to disconnect it.
This motorcycle USB charger has a power of 2.1A and features a manual switch that prevents the bike’s battery from draining when it’s not in use. The USB and SAE connections are vibration-proof, so they won’t move when you’re riding. The device also has polarity indicators, so it doesn’t overheat or short circuit. The adapter has a USB rubber flap to protect the unit if it rains. It’s very compact and discreet, and it hooks right into the trickle charge connection. Overall, it works as advertised, it’s easy to thread the cable, and it provides fast charging to a cell phone when the battery is low or dead. One downside is that the plastic may fall apart after a short period of use. There have also been some complaints that it doesn’t work with all types of phones. In addition, the on/off switch may loosen, and it doesn’t have a loop or anything to help keep it in place while it is plugged in.
The GoHawk Waterproof Motorcycle Dual USB Charger Kit is a great option if you’re worried about weather, dirt, or dust. It’s also wonderfully versatile — while it’s made for motorcycles, its highly durable construction makes it perfectly suited for other vehicles like ATVs, UTVs, and more off-roading options. This charger offers two 2.1 amp USB charging ports so you can charge one or two devices as needed, plus all of the items you need to connect the charger to your bike. A 60-inch long power extension wire and built-in fuse, plus an on/off power switch make it easy to set up. You’ll also get a tough metal mounting clamp and rubber inserts to suit handlebars between 7/8 and 1 inch. The entire charger is waterproof and dustproof, able to offer quick charging even in the face of inclement weather. You’ll never have to worry about your motorcycle charger failing thanks to water, mud, or other outdoor elements.
- Most people use USB chargers to power up their smartphones and GPS devices, but the unit is also great for charging music players, cameras, and other motorcycle accessories.
- Some motorcycle USB chargers come with covers that offer extra protection from dirt, dust, and water. The most durable types also have fire-resistant materials. Consider getting a weatherproof charger with these extra features if you’re going to use it daily and in various weather conditions. .
- In case you get a motorcycle USB charger without weather protection, be careful when using it. The internal parts might get soaked in water and cause short circuits that can damage the motorcycle battery and your device. Make sure to use a cable that is dry and whole without tears and wires coming out of it.
Q: What installation options do I have when it comes to motorcycle USB chargers?
A: A USB charger can be connected directly to the motorcycle battery or by using separate slots such as DIN or SAE. Which option is best largely depends on the power options on your bike as well as your personal preferences.
Q: Will a motorcycle USB charger still work if water enters the port?
A: Only if you have a water-resistant charger. Keep in mind, however, that not all chargers have the same level of protection. Some of them have lower IPX ratings and might get damaged by water. If you need extra protection, look for the chargers that have higher IPX ratings and are completely waterproof.
Q: Will a USB charger drain the motorcycle battery when not in use?
A: A USB charger might draw a small amount of current even when nothing is plugged into it, but that won’t drain the battery. It would take a lot of time for this to happen.
Final Thoughts
Benefits of Motorcycle USB Chargers
- Compact design. USB chargers are compact and take up less storage space than standard chargers. Wall chargers have bulky adaptors on one side and the cable on the other. USB chargers, on the other hand, have small connectors on both sides of the wire. This design makes them compact and easy to store.
- Convenience. When you have a USB charger, you don’t have to look for power outlets. You can move around and ride freely without having to stop and stay in one place and wait for your devices to power up.
- Quick charging. USB chargers are very powerful and able to charge tech gadgets quickly. Although not all models are super efficient, most of the newly designed ones are highly reliable and ensure fast recharges.
Types of Motorcycle USB Chargers
Why Trust Us
Our reviews are driven by a combination of hands-on testing, expert input, “wisdom of the crowd” assessments from actual buyers, and our own expertise. We always aim to offer genuine, accurate guides to help you find the best picks.
Learn more
Direct Connection
A large number of USB chargers connect directly to the motorcycle. They can be mounted on the handlebars, and they plug directly into the battery of your bike. The benefit of this type is it’s easy to install. All you need to do is to run the wires from the charger and connect them to the battery. Just make sure that everything is connected properly.
The DIN type of charger fits into an existing power port on your motorcycle. It’s very similar to a car’s cigarette lighter socket, and it can be used on many motorcycle models (mainly BMWs, Triumphs, and KTMs). The main benefit of this type is the ability to handle a larger electrical current, which means it’s more powerful and offers overall better performance. The connection is also fairly safe and more stable under vibration.
Another popular charger is the one that uses an SAE adapter. This type of charger attaches directly to the battery, but it requires an SAE lead. The good thing is that you can install a permanent SAE lead on your motorcycle quite easily and use it to charge the battery and other electronic devices. This connection type prevents short circuits and is very safe. It’s also easy to install, although you need to be extra careful and make sure you connect the right polarities. An SAE USB charger has two ring terminals, a positive and a negative, that should be connected to the battery’s positive and negative connections.
Top Brands
Eklipes was founded in 2008 and is located in Roseville, California. The company focuses on motorcycle USB chargers and other accessories, such as mounts and power sockets. One of its most popular products is the Eklipes Cobra Chrome USB Charging System.
Battery Tender
Battery Tender is a brand owned by Deltran, a company that started as a small family business and evolved into a leading manufacturer of battery chargers. It was founded back in 1964 and is located in DeLand, Florida. One of the company’s most popular and best-rated products is the Battery Tender USB Charger.
Mic Tuning
Mic Tuning focuses on a variety of automotive products, such as car chargers, lighting systems, and other accessories and gear parts. It’s popular among customers and continues to grow and expand. It’s located in Alhambra, California. One of the best products from Mic Tuning is the Mictuning USB Charger for Motorcycles.
Motorcycle USB Chargers Pricing
- Under $20: At this price range, you can find decent and quite powerful USB chargers. They might lack some extra features such as power switches and locking mechanisms, but they are reliable and efficient.
- Over $20: For a few more dollars, you can find motorcycle USB chargers with more installation and mounting options. They are also more powerful and versatile, fitting different models and tech gadgets.
Key Features
The most important thing to consider when choosing a USB charger is safety. Although most newly designed chargers come with over-current protection, some of them still might be prone to short circuits and other damage. Double check the safety features and look for extra ones, such as weather resistance. This is especially important if you’re planning to spend a lot of time outside. You might need to protect the unit from water, dust, dirt, debris, and other harmful elements.
Not all chargers are compatible with all devices, which mostly depends on technical specifications. If you connect a phone that requires fast charging to a slower USB adapter, you probably won’t be able to recharge it quickly. Also, connecting two units with different technical specifications might be dangerous and cause short circuits.
Another important thing to consider when choosing a USB charger is the mounting option. Some devices can be mounted directly on the motorcycle handlebars, while others can be placed in areas that are more hidden. Consider which option works the best, depending on the bike and overall convenience. If you want to use a particular device during rides, you’ll need to mount the charger within hand’s reach.
Other Considerations
- Number of Ports: It’s also good to consider the number of USB ports before making a purchase. Some chargers offer only one charging port, while others come equipped with two or more. If you need a charger that can charge several devices at the same time, you’ll have to look for the one that has at least a dual port.
- Power Switch: Check whether the USB charger has a power switch feature. The power switch allows you to turn off the charger when not in use. It’s a useful feature that ensures more safety. Most of the newly designed ones come with it, but some units stay on all the time.
- Installation: Check whether a charger is compatible with your motorcycle. Not all chargers are the same, and you want to find the one that can connect to your motorcycle battery or available ports. Then consider the installation type and which one is the easiest based on your bike’s model.
Best Motorcycle USB Chargers Reviews & Recommendations 2021
The BlueFire Dual USB Charger is one well-rounded and high-quality option for a motorcycle USB charger. It’s convenient and easy to install, and it makes charging any device pretty effortless when you’re on the go. This charger is actually more than just a single USB charger; it’s both a dual USB charger and a cigarette lighter socket in a single device. You can charge two devices via USB at the same time, and if you need to add another charger you can easily do so via the cigarette lighter socket. The entire unit is built for the open road and outdoors, made from ABS material that’s fire-retardant, temperature-resistant, and anti-corrosive. It’s also waterproof, thanks to the included waterproof USB cover and cigarette lighter cover. The handy voltmeter allows you to see the voltage while you’re using the charger, which is convenient as you monitor your motorcycle’s battery. And the easy wire and handlebar attachment options also make it simple to set up.
While the Yonhan Motorcycle USB Charger isn’t the cheapest option on our list, it offers excellent value with a whole host of features for a budget-friendly price. This motorcycle charger will get your devices recharged in no time at all, thanks to its PD and QC 3.0 high-output charging support via the two USB ports. You can charge up to two items at once, and you’ll be able to connect different devices simultaneously — like an iPad, iPhone, digital camera, and other tech gadgets. The speedy charger includes an SAE to USB adapter and a built-in voltmeter that monitors the battery and your motorcycle’s electrical system automatically. You’ll also enjoy three different installation options, which means you can choose the best placement and method for your needs and your motorcycle. One additional little perk you’ll also love is the on/off switch. Most chargers are unplugged when they aren’t needed, but thanks to that switch, this one can stay right in place and simply be shut off.
If you need a USB charger that works on a wider voltage range, you might find the Mic Tuning charger ideal for the task. It’s a device that works at the 12-24-volt range and has an output of 2.1 amps. The charger is suitable for different motorcycle types and can power up smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets. The main benefit of this device is its sturdy construction. The high-quality ABS and copper materials are impressively durable. The charger is waterproof and resistant to heat, corrosion, and other threats. Also, you have two connection options. You can plug it directly into the motorcycle battery or use the SAE power adapter. The mounting process is a breeze as well. All you need to do is to make a few holes or use adhesive tape. Although it’s compatible with a wide voltage range, the charger might be slower than other options on the market. That might be the biggest drawback along with the higher current draw that might drain the battery faster. Some users also mentioned that it doesn’t work well with android phones.
You can charge a phone, tablet, GPS, and more with this USB charger kit. It has an input voltage of 12-24 volts and a 7.5-amp fused SAE to ring terminal cable for battery chargers and maintainers. The cap is waterproof, and you can mount this kit using screws, zip ties, or tape. The inner housing is made of fire-resistant polycarbonate, while the outer housing is made of polyvinyl chloride. You wire this product directly to your bike’s battery, and installation is pretty straightforward. The leads are long enough to snake under the tank of a cruiser up to the handle bar without getting too tight or straining when making turns. It does a great job of charging a phone, it feels solid, and it comes with its own fuse in case something goes wrong. However, there have been some complaints that it charges devices inconsistently; sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Also, some of the wires are red, so it sticks out a little, which can be aesthetically unpleasing.
BlueFire’s USB charger socket is made of fire-retardant ABS environmental protection material. It is corrosion-resistant and high and low temperature-resistant. It features a dual USB charger, cigarette lighter socket, clock, voltmeter, and more. The socket also comes with a waterproof and dustproof cover and a 4.75-foot long cable with a built-in fuse. It’s small and well-built. It’s easy to install, and the lid stays closed when you’re riding and doesn’t flop around. It looks and operates like a factory-installed option, and it’s very reliable. Overall, the device works as described. Unfortunately, the cable may not be long enough to run down the frame of the bike to the battery. As a result, you may have to pull the gas tank off and run the wire on the frame to the battery. Also, the digital clock, which needs a separate battery, can be hard to read during the day, and the kit can be hard to mount on some types of handlebars with the included hardware.
This three-amp, dual USB adapter allows you to charge two devices at the same time. It has an input voltage of 12-24 volts with a quick disconnect and over-current protection. It’s made of high-grade injection molding material and is high temperature- and corrosion-resistant. You can rotate the unit 360 degrees, and it has a rubber, water-resistant USB cover. The device comes with zip ties and an adhesive strip to mount to your bike and connects directly to the battery. It’s easy to install, particularly if you have a battery tender lead already hooked up. The cable is strong, flexible, and long, and it is easy to disconnect at the base if you want to plug in a trickle charger. One drawback is that the mount is not very good quality. The cover may also break off prematurely, which can expose the device to water in wet conditions. The unit can also drain the battery if you forget to disconnect it.
This motorcycle USB charger has a power of 2.1A and features a manual switch that prevents the bike’s battery from draining when it’s not in use. The USB and SAE connections are vibration-proof, so they won’t move when you’re riding. The device also has polarity indicators, so it doesn’t overheat or short circuit. The adapter has a USB rubber flap to protect the unit if it rains. It’s very compact and discreet, and it hooks right into the trickle charge connection. Overall, it works as advertised, it’s easy to thread the cable, and it provides fast charging to a cell phone when the battery is low or dead. One downside is that the plastic may fall apart after a short period of use. There have also been some complaints that it doesn’t work with all types of phones. In addition, the on/off switch may loosen, and it doesn’t have a loop or anything to help keep it in place while it is plugged in.
The GoHawk Waterproof Motorcycle Dual USB Charger Kit is a great option if you’re worried about weather, dirt, or dust. It’s also wonderfully versatile — while it’s made for motorcycles, its highly durable construction makes it perfectly suited for other vehicles like ATVs, UTVs, and more off-roading options. This charger offers two 2.1 amp USB charging ports so you can charge one or two devices as needed, plus all of the items you need to connect the charger to your bike. A 60-inch long power extension wire and built-in fuse, plus an on/off power switch make it easy to set up. You’ll also get a tough metal mounting clamp and rubber inserts to suit handlebars between 7/8 and 1 inch. The entire charger is waterproof and dustproof, able to offer quick charging even in the face of inclement weather. You’ll never have to worry about your motorcycle charger failing thanks to water, mud, or other outdoor elements.
- Most people use USB chargers to power up their smartphones and GPS devices, but the unit is also great for charging music players, cameras, and other motorcycle accessories.
- Some motorcycle USB chargers come with covers that offer extra protection from dirt, dust, and water. The most durable types also have fire-resistant materials. Consider getting a weatherproof charger with these extra features if you’re going to use it daily and in various weather conditions. .
- In case you get a motorcycle USB charger without weather protection, be careful when using it. The internal parts might get soaked in water and cause short circuits that can damage the motorcycle battery and your device. Make sure to use a cable that is dry and whole without tears and wires coming out of it.
Q: What installation options do I have when it comes to motorcycle USB chargers?
A: A USB charger can be connected directly to the motorcycle battery or by using separate slots such as DIN or SAE. Which option is best largely depends on the power options on your bike as well as your personal preferences.
Q: Will a motorcycle USB charger still work if water enters the port?
A: Only if you have a water-resistant charger. Keep in mind, however, that not all chargers have the same level of protection. Some of them have lower IPX ratings and might get damaged by water. If you need extra protection, look for the chargers that have higher IPX ratings and are completely waterproof.
Q: Will a USB charger drain the motorcycle battery when not in use?
A: A USB charger might draw a small amount of current even when nothing is plugged into it, but that won’t drain the battery. It would take a lot of time for this to happen.