Как узнать свой номер азерсель

Nömrə əldə edilməsi üçün mövcud üsullar:

  • Sayt üzərindən öncədən sifariş etmək — www.azercellim.com;
  • Azercell Eksklüziv mağazasına müraciət etmək;
  • Rəsmi diler satış məntəqələrimizdən əldə etmək.

010 prefiksli nömrələr üçün yeni təsis haqqı


  • Abunəçi 010 prefiksli nömrəni sayt üzərindən sifariş edib Azercell Eksklüziv mağazasına müraciət etdikdə yalnız aktivasiya məbləğini və seçdiyi tarif paketin aylıq ödənişini edir.
  • Abunəçi 010 prefiksli nömrənin əldə edilməsi üçün Azercell Eksklüziv mağazasına birbaşa müraciət etdikdə saytda nömrə üçün qeyd edilən vəsait, aktivasiya məbləğini və seçdiyi tarif paketin aylıq ödənişini edir.
  • Yeni 010 prefiksli nömrəyə sahib olduqda aşağıda qeyd edilən tariflərdən birinə abunə olmaq mümkündür:
  • GəncOL 6
    GəncOL 9
  • Sərbəst 6
    Sərbəst 10
    Sərbəst 15
    Sərbəst 25
    Sərbəst 50
    Sərbəst 75
  • Sadə 6
  • İstəsən
  • Abunəçi sifariş etdiyi nömrə ilə bağlı Azercell-in istənilən Eksklüziv mağazasına (istənilən satış nöqtələri) 7 gün ərzində yaxınlaşmalıdır. Sifarişçinin bu müddət ərzində mağazaya yaxınlaşmadığı təqdirdə nömrəyə görə ödənilən məbləğ karta geri qaytarılır və nömrə yenidən azercellim.com saytında yerləşdirilərək satışa çıxarılır. Bu qayda bütün sifariş edilən nömrələrə şamil edilir.
  • Fakturalı xətt sisteminə aid olan 010 prefiksli nömrələrin birbaşa Azercell-in rəsmi satış məntəqələrindən əldə edilməsi hal-hazırda mümkün deyil. Nömrələri yalnız onlayn formada azercellim.com saytı üzərindən sifariş etdikdən sonra Azercell-in istənilən rəsmi satış nöqtəsinə müraciət etməklə aktivləşdirmək olar.
  • Fakturalı xətt abunəçisi 010 prefiksli nömrəsini fakturasız xətt sisteminə keçirmək istədikdə növbəti gün ərzində istənilən Azercell Eksklüziv mağazalarından birinə yaxınlaşmalıdır.
  • Fakturalı xətt sisteminə aid olan yeni 010 prefiksli nömrələr 0102xx seriya ilə başlayır. Digər seriya ilə başlayanlar isə fakturasız xətt sisteminə aiddir.
  • Fakturasız xətt abunəçisi yeni 010 prefiksli nömrəni aktiv etdikdən sonra “Xoş gəldin” kampaniyası çərçivəsində balansına 3 AZN məbləğində bonus yüklənilir.

050/051 prefiksli nömrələr üçün yeni təsis haqqı


  • Abunəçi 050/051 prefiksli nömrələri həm azercellim.com saytı üzərindən həm Rəsmi diler satış məntəqəsində nömrə kataloqu üzərindən seçim edərək əldə edə bilər.
  • www.azercellim.com saytında nömrənin qiyməti qeyd edilməyibsə dilerin əlaqə nömrəsinə zəng etməklə məlumat əldə etmək olar.
  • Fakturasız xətt abunəçisi nömrəni aktiv etdikdən sonra ilk 10 gün ərzində “Xoş gəldin” kampaniyası çərçivəsində balansına 3 AZN məbləğində bonus yüklənilir.

Tez-tez verilən suallar

Abunə növündən asılı olaraq izahlı qaimədə aşağıdakı məlumatlar əks etdirilir:


Hər iki şəxs aşağıda qeyd edilən sənədlər ilə Azercell Eksklüziv ofisinə yaxınlaşmalıdır.


Fakturasız xətt nömrələrinin bərpası əməliyyatının həyata keçirilməsi üçün abunəçilər öz (bərpa olunacaq nömrələrinin) hesablarını 5 AZN məbləğində kart təqdim etməklə artırmalıdırlar. Bu zaman 2 AZN (ƏDV daxil) xidmət haqqı tətbiq ediləcək.


Fakturasız xətt abunəçiləri nömrələrini dəyişmədən Fakturalı xəttə keçirə bilərlər.


Уточнение персональных данных абонента

Ваш запрос не может быть обработан

Ваш запрос не может быть обработан

С данным запросом возникла проблема. Мы работаем чтобы устранить ее как можно скорее.

Источник: http://facebook.com/Bakcell/posts/609771765734622

Универсальные способы

  • Посмотреть в договоре с оператором или на стартовом пакете;
  • Позвонить оператору и спросить;
  • Позвонить на номер человека, в телефонной книге которого вас нет. Номер отобразится на экране;
  • Позвонить на номер человека, у которого вы есть в телефонной книге. После этого он сможет узнать ваш номер, нажав на ваше имя в списке вызовов.

Источник: http://iphones.ru/iNotes/kak-uznat-svoy-nomer-telefona-09-28-2019

Общая информация

Услуга “Уточнение персональных данных абонента ” позволяет текущему пользователю номера узнать информацию о номере с помощью SMS .

Источник: http://azercell.com/ru/personal/plans-and-services/services-and-options/self-service/subscriber-identification.html


  • команда *111*0887#;
  • звонок на номер 0887;
  • в приложении «Мой МТС» (версия для iOS, Android).

Источник: http://iphones.ru/iNotes/kak-uznat-svoy-nomer-telefona-09-28-2019


  • команда *205#;
  • включить передачу данных (мобильный интернет) и зайти на сайт megafon.ru (или на региональный подсайт). Номер отобразится в личном кабинете, а на остальных страницах – в верхней части экрана;
  • в приложении “Мегафон Личный кабинет”  (для iOS, Android). 

Источник: http://iphones.ru/iNotes/kak-uznat-svoy-nomer-telefona-09-28-2019

Плата за использование

Использование услуги с помощью SMS, USSD кода, а также мобильного приложения “Azercell Kabinetim” совершенно бесплатно.

Услуга предназначена для всех абонентов фактурных и безфактурных (Sim-Sim) линий, за исключением корпоративных абонентов.

Источник: http://azercell.com/ru/personal/plans-and-services/services-and-options/self-service/subscriber-identification.html

Способы для iPhone

  • “Настройки” – “Телефон” – “Мой номер” (вверху);
  • Домашнее меню – “Телефон” – “Контакты” (вверху);
  • В iTunes: “Устройства” – “Сводка” – “Номер телефона”.

Источник: http://iphones.ru/iNotes/kak-uznat-svoy-nomer-telefona-09-28-2019

Способ для iPad (с 3G/4G)

  • “Настройки” – “Номер для сотовых данных”. 

Источник: http://iphones.ru/iNotes/kak-uznat-svoy-nomer-telefona-09-28-2019


Узнавание – традиционный перевод древнегреческого термина “анагноризис”, которым оперирует в “Поэтике” Аристотель. Это переломный момент в драматическом прои…

Источник: http://google-info.org/tag/kak-uznat-nomer-sim-karty-bakcell.html

Способ для Android

  • “Настройки” – “О телефоне” – “Статус” – “Статус SIM” – “Мой номер телефона”.

Если у вас установлена оболочка для Android, названия пунктов могут отличаться. 

Бывает, что номер не показывается. Это бывает, когда вы перевыпускали или меняли SIM-карту в салоне оператора.

Сотрудники копируют со старой карты на новую ключи шифрования и другую важную информацию. А вот ячейку “Свой номер” заполнить забывают. 

Источник: http://iphones.ru/iNotes/kak-uznat-svoy-nomer-telefona-09-28-2019

Как поменять номер прямо на SIM-карте

Находите старый кнопочный Siemens A50 или его “коллег”, вставляете в него SIM-карту, в контактах находите “Свой номер” и пишете там всё, что вам нравится, затем сохраняете. Можно даже формат не соблюдать.  

Другой вариант – древний смартфон с Android 4.1 и ниже. 

  • Заходите в “Настройки” – “Управление SIM-картами” и отключаете нужную карту (либо переключаетесь в режим полета). 
  • Нажимаете на название SIM-карты и переходите в раздел “Информация о SIM-карте”.
  • Выбираете пункт “Введите номер телефона” и вводите нужный номер. 

То же самое работает в некоторых оболочках для Android (например, в MIUI). 

Но в любом случае ваш номер в сети от этого не изменится. А то бы все ходили с красивыми номерами. 

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В Google можно найти всё, что угодно. Только не свой номер телефона на сим-карте. Как же его узнать — быстро и у любого оператора? Собрали все способы в одном материале. Универсальные способы Посмотреть в договоре с оператором или на стартовом пакете; Позвонить оператору и спросить; Позвонить на номер человека, в телефонной книге которого вас нет….

Ксения Шестакова avatar

Источник: http://iphones.ru/iNotes/kak-uznat-svoy-nomer-telefona-09-28-2019

Ксения Шестакова


Живу в будущем. Разбираю сложные технологии на простые составляющие.

Источник: http://iphones.ru/iNotes/kak-uznat-svoy-nomer-telefona-09-28-2019

( 1 оценка, среднее 5 из 5 )

Просто отправив пустое SMS с используемого номера на короткий номер «6800», вы сможете уточнить информацию об абоненте номера (Имя, Фамилия и отчество) посредством SMS.


  • 1 Как узнать на чье имя номер Азерсель?
  • 2 Как посмотреть номер своего телефона?
  • 3 Как узнать свой номер в Азербайджане?
  • 4 Как узнать свой номер телефона в настройках?
  • 5 Как проверить баланс на Azercell?
  • 6 Как узнать остаток трафика на Азерсель?
  • 7 Как узнать свой номер телефона на Водафоне?
  • 8 Как узнать свой номер телефона велком?
  • 9 Как узнать свой номер телефона в активе?
  • 10 Как позвонить в Азерсель с мобильного?
  • 11 Как проверить баланс на сим?
  • 12 Как проверить баланс на нар?
  • 13 Как узнать свой номер телефона на iPhone?
  • 14 Как узнать свой номер на о?

Как узнать на чье имя номер Азерсель?

Абоненты Азерсель также могут узнать имя владельца номера. Чтобы узнать ФИО официального владельца сим-карты, можно отправить смс на номер 6800. В ответ вы получите сообщение с необходимыми данными. Также можно воспользоваться коротким кодом 680#YES.

Как посмотреть номер своего телефона?

Также определить свой номер можно следующими способами: — с помощью USSD-команды, набрав на телефоне комбинацию *110*10# вызов; — позвонить по номеру 067410. Ответ с номером телефона поступит в SMS.

Как узнать свой номер в Азербайджане?

Как узнать свой номер телефона?

  1. USSD-запрос: *205# Чтобы узнать номер и баланс на смартфоне, планшете или модеме, вы также можете зайти на сайт megafon.ru, подключившись к интернету через сеть «МегаФон» (не по Wi-Fi). …
  2. SMS-запрос: отправить «пустое» SMS на номер 1024. …
  3. Телефонный звонок: 0887. …
  4. USSD-запрос: *222*16#

19 февр. 2016 г.

Как узнать свой номер телефона в настройках?

Если у Вас смартфон на Android, нужно перейти в настройки и кликнуть по строке «SIM-карты и мобильные сети». Появится раздел меню «Настройки SIM-карт», где отобразятся все установленные номера телефонов на устройстве. Если же у Вас iPhone, то узнать свой номер можно также с помощью системного меню.

Как проверить баланс на Azercell?

Чтобы проверить информацию о балансе, сведения о подписке и дату истечения срока действия предоплатного номера, позвони по номеру 2112 или отправь пустое SMS на номер 2112. Каждое SMS стоит 0,02 AZN.

Как узнать остаток трафика на Азерсель?

Есть 2 способа проверить баланс интернет-пакета:

  1. Отправить пустое СМС сообщение на номер 2525.
  2. Набрать *100*#YES на клавиатуре телефона (Эта услуга предоставляется бесплатно)

Как узнать свой номер телефона на Водафоне?

Как узнать свой номер телефона?

  1. Наберите комбинацию *161#
  2. Спросите свой номер у человека, у которого он может быть записан в телефонной книге.
  3. Позвоните человеку (если есть возможность совершать звонки) и попросите продиктовать ваш номер.

Как узнать свой номер телефона велком?

*147#p — узнать свой номер Velcom. При наборе команды вы увидите на экране телефона свой номер в формате: +375 АВ ХХХХХХХ, где 375 – код страны, АВ – префикс сети (код оператора), ХХХХХХХ – номер абонента.

Как узнать свой номер телефона в активе?

Способы от Актив

  1. команду *114# – это бесплатный запрос, в ответ придет СМС с информацией;
  2. отправить сообщение по WhatsApp на номер +7 702 257 7399;
  3. написать письмо виртуальному консультанту Жанне в Telegram;
  4. позвонить оператору на городской 8 (727) 258-80-00;
  5. сделать звонок в Call Center на 3030 или 116.

27 июн. 2019 г.

Как позвонить в Азерсель с мобильного?

С мобильного телефона из Азербайджана:

  1. С мобильного Azercell: (050,051) + Номер XXXXXXX.
  2. С номера другого мобильного оператора: GSM: Код доступа + код Azercell + XXXXXXX.

Как проверить баланс на сим?

Как узнать баланс SIM-карты:

  1. Позвонить мобильному оператору
  2. Установить на Ваш смартфон приложение мобильного оператора из Google Play/AppStore, проверить баланс в приложении
  3. Зайти на сайт мобильного оператора и проверить в личном кабинете

2 сент. 2020 г.

Как проверить баланс на нар?

Услуги | Nar. Как проверить баланс? Набрав код *777#20#YES; Отправив СМС с текстом B на 777 ( Цена за 1 СМС будет вычтена с баланса);

Как узнать свой номер телефона на iPhone?

Способы для iPhone

  1. “Настройки” – “Телефон” – “Мой номер” (вверху);
  2. Домашнее меню – “Телефон” – “Контакты” (вверху);
  3. В iTunes: “Устройства” – “Сводка” – “Номер телефона”.

29 сент. 2019 г.

Как узнать свой номер на о?

Чтобы узнать, зарегистрирован номер или нет, необходимо набрать на телефоне команду *212#.

Flag of Azerbaijan.svg.png


Azerbaijan has three major national GSM operators:

  • Azercell
  • Bakcell
  • nar mobile (by Azerfon)

Two further operators only have very limited 4G/LTE network:

  • Sazz
  • Baktelecom

Sazz is on 3500 and 3700 MHz (B42 and 43) and Baktelecom is on 2300 (B40). They only offer wireless stationary internet in the Baku area and a few provices for homes. That’s why there are not mentioned any further. The CDMA-based networks of Aztrank and Nakhtel in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic are not presented as CDMA is not compatible to GSM mobile phones.

2G/GSM is on 900 MHz with Azercell and Bakcell and 1800 MHz with Nar, 3G is on 2100 MHz with all operators up to DC-HSPA and 4G/LTE has started on all three providers on 1800 MHZ (B3). 5G is still in test phase.

Coverage and speeds are quite good throughout the country. 4G/LTE has only started and is mostly limited to the capital so far, but is beginning to be expanded into the countryside.

Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)[]

In the de facto independent Republic of Artsakh, formerly known as Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, that is internationally recognized as de jure part of Azerbaijan, Karabakh Telecom remains the only provider on 2G and 3G only which is listed at the bottom of the article.


Up to 2016 it was difficult to get a SIM card for foreigners the legal way as you couldn’t be properly registered as a short-time visitor. Most SIM cards were sold on the grey market without any registration risking that they’ll shut you off.

But things changed in 2016 when a new SIM registration system was implemented that allowed for the first time that foreigners staying less than 10 days in the country are registered on a centralized database with their ID data. Now any visitor can easily get a SIM card by showing your ID (passport, visa) at one of the sales points of the operators.

In 2018 Azerbaijan has introduced a limit for the number of SIM cards registered on behalf of one person. The maximum number totals 5 SIMs from all Azerbaijan mobile operators.

IMEI registration[]

There is another hurdle. Like in Turkey, the authorities in Azerbaijan maintain a register of all IMEI numbers. These numbers are unique to your device and go to a whitelist system. This is done officially to prevent theft, but constitutes a surveillance tool as well.

All devices that use a local SIM card for more than 30 days need to be registered on the Azerbajan IMEI data base. To enlist you can either go online here with a local friend for help or go to any post office in the country. Online registration costs AZN 5, in postal offices AZN 5.50. Otherwise, your device will be shut off after 30 days based on its IMEI number.

To know your IMEI number, you need to press *#06# on most devices, but remember that each SIM slot or eSIM has its own IMEI number. If you stay for less than 30 days or use a roaming SIM in the country, you don’t need to care. In contrast to Turkey, this country is not greylisted anymore though this second registration poses another obstacle and the grace period is much shorter, but the fees are much lower too and you wont be charged import taxes for your device.


new logo

Azercell is Azerbaijan’s largest mobile operator by subscribers with about 50% of all users and used to be owned by Swedish Telia group and Turkish Turkcell. In 2018 both agreed to sell their holding in Azercell to Azintelecom, a company wholly-owned by the Republic of Azerbaijan.

It covers 80% of Azerbaijan’s territory and 99% of the populated areas (outside of Nagorno-Karabakh). But some of them are on 2G. 3G has started in 2011, to be followed by 4G/LTE in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula with 79% coverage of the capital and Absheron in 2017 and new in Ganja, Barda, Shamkir and Lankaran: 4G coverage map.


old logo

Their SIM card is sold for AZN 5 in their shops and outlets (locator) showing your ID. Their prepaid SIMs are called SimSim. They come in different tariff lines. Default tariff is Acercellim. If you are on a different line, you can change by texting letter A to 7575. New subscribers who top-up their balance with AZN 1 or more during 10 days after activation will get AZN 3 as a bonus.

Payment cards for top-ups are sold all over from AZN 1 to 100. Validity is 7 to 360 days depending on amount. To top-up, enter *131*<voucher code>#.

To check balance send an empty SMS to 2112 (for AZN 0.02) or enter USSD code *111*1*7# for data consumption and phone call credit. Or *100# to check data consumption only or use their mobile app called Kabinetim.


They offer a variety of different prepaid plans:

  • Acercellim: default rate with calls, texts and data for extra pay. Internet is at AZN 0.20 per MB in 51 KB increments
  • Sərbəst: combo packs with data volume, domestic minutes and free WhatsApp and FB Messenger texting for 30 days:
    • 2 GB, 350 mins: AZN 10 — activation: S10
    • 5 GB, 500 mins: AZN 15 — activation: S15
    • 15 GB, 850 mins: AZN 25 — activation: S25
    • 25 GB, 2500 mins: AZN 50 — activation: S50
    • 60 GB, 4000 mins: AZN 75 -activation: S75
  • GəncOL: combo packs with data, calls and specified data volume for Azercell apps SberZvuk, ivi, Busuu and Bookmate and free WhatsApp texing
    • 750 MB, 75 mins, 750 MB for apps: AZN 2 — activation: G2
    • 3 GB, 300 mins, 3 GB for apps: AZN 6 — activation: G6
    • 6 GB, 600 mins, 6 GB for apps: AZN 9 — activation: G9
  • Sadə and GəncSim: voice plans without data allowances, data packages can be added
  • Data: data-only plan without voice, data packs (see below) can be added

You can change between all tariff lines by sending a SMS with the name to 7575 (for AZN 1 fee) or use Kabinetim app.

Data feature packages[]

Default rates on almost all tariffs including Acercellim is AZN 0.20 per MB. Max speed is on 3G 21.6 Mbps on 4G/LTE 100 Mbps.

They sell these data packs for extra data to all plans mentioned above:

Data Validity Price Activation
unlimited 1 hour AZN 0.59 S
3 hours AZN 1.49 3S
6 hours AZN 2.39 6S
weekend AZN 0.99 night
100 MB 24 hours AZN 0.50 100
500 MB AZN 1.20 gun
500 MB 30 days AZN 3 500
1 GB AZN 5 1000
5 GB AZN 10 5000
10 GB AZN 15 10
30 GB AZN 25 30
50 GB AZN 30 L

For activation, text code to 2525 free of charge. All packages auto-renew. To stop text ‘stop <activation code> to 2525. Overage rate is AZN 0.05 during the running time of the package. Check balance by an empty SMS to 2525 or by *100#. Hourly and unlimited packs are capped at 2 Mbit/s. The weekend pack is capped at 512 kbit/s only and weekend means all day on Saturday and Sunday.

More info[]

  • APN: internet
  • Website in English: http://www.azercell.com/en



Bakcell was the first provider in the country established in 2002. It’s partly state-owned and today #2 in the market with a 30% user share. It has a good coverage in 2G and 3G throughout the country and started with 4G in the Baku and Ganja areas with a slightly lower coverage than Azercell at lower prices.


Bakcell’s prepaid SIM cards are called CIN. They have different tariff lines and starter packs are for AZN 5 in their stores. You will need to show your passport.

To top-up money cards are sold everywhere from 1 to 50 AZD giving 5 to 150 days of validity. To enter the code, type *101#<voucher code>#. To check balance, type *100#.

To begin using internet you should have at least AZN 0.29 in your account.


Like Azercell Bakcell offers a variety of different base and combo plans for 30 days:

  • CIN: is their default base plan with data and calls for extra. Mobile data is at AZD 0.15 per MB, activation: *300#
  • ƏlaAY: has a 500 MB bonus and data at AZD 0.02 per MB and unlimited on-net calls: AZD 17, activation: *317#
  • ƏlaSAAT, ƏlaGÜN and YeniDoğma only feature cheap calls and data is at AZD 0.15 per MB
  • DaimOnline is a combo pack with data, with data default rate is at AZD 0.02 per MB and on-net calls :
    • DaimOnline 6: 3 GB, 50 on-net mins: AZN 6 — activation: *306#
    • DaimOnline 10: 5 GB, 100 on-net mins, free WhatsUp, Instagram, Facebook: AZN 10 — activation: *310#
  • Klass is their combo pack with domestic mins, data and free WhatsUp texting, data overuse is at AZD 0.02 per MB;
    • Klass 5: 500 MB, 100 mins,: AZN 5 — activation: *205#
    • Klass 10: 2 GB, 350 mins: AZN 10 — activation: *210#
    • Klass 15: 5 GB, 500 mins: AZN 15 — activation: *215#
    • Klass 25: 15 GB, 1050 mins: AZN 25 — activation: *225#
    • Klass 50: 20 GB, 3000 mins: AZN 50 — activation: *250#

To all plans above you can add data packages. You can change plans anytime for AZN 1-2 depending on plan. Check included balances by *100# for free.

Data feature packages[]

They have a variety of internet packages to be added to the plans above for extra data:

Data Time Price Activation
unlimited 1 hour (#) AZN 0.50 *570*50#
100 MB 1 day AZN 0.50 *444*100#
250 MB AZN 0.75 *444*250#
500 MB AZN 1 *444*500#
300 MB 7 days AZN 2 *444*300#
600 MB AZN 3 *444*600#
60 MB 15 days AZN 1 *444*60#
500 MB 30 days AZN 3 *444*05#
1 GB AZN 5 *444*1#
2.5 GB AZN 8 *444*025#
5 GB AZN 10 *444*5#
10 GB AZN 15 *444*10#
20 GB (§) AZN 25 *444*20#
50 GB AZN 30 *444*050#

(#) = hourly package can only activated once per day 1am-7pm. Check status by *570#, tethering is banned, speed is capped at 4 Mbit/s.

(§) = 20 GB pack is only valid 1am until 10am, internet speed is up to 2 Mbit/s.

To check the balance of the package dial *444#. To renew current package ahead of time, dial *444#555#. All daily, weekly and monthly packages auto-renew. To deactivate auto-renewal of the package, dial *444#0#. Having booked a package you can get access to Bakcell’s WiFi in Baku and surf for free (see below).

They also sell dedicated packages for Instagram and YouTube use.

Bakcell WiFi[]

Bakcell’s free WiFi service is available to all Bakcell subscribers and visitors with foreign numbers who are using the Bakcell network. There are no other requirements for using the WiFi service. It’s available in more than 200 different locations: restaurants, hotels, cafes, parks (locator) in Baku, Sumgait and Shusha.

You will need to connect to Bakcell_Free_WiFi access point. Submit your telephone number in 994XXXXXXXXX format on the landing page, click “Get password”, and wait for the text message. Use the password from SMS and enter in in the “Your Password” box and press, “Log in”. You will have free access to the internet for 1 hour. After 1 hour, you will be disconnected from the WiFi network. To re-establish your connection, you need to log-in again on landing page. Passwords are reusable during the day. Your internet connection speed is limited to 2 Mbit/s.

Data-only SIM[]

For tables and modems they offer a free data-only and SMS card and these packages for 30 days:

  • 11 GB: AZN 15 , activation: *134*111#
  • 50 GB: AZN 30 , activation: *134*512#

All packages are for one month, they will auto-renew if you have enough balance. To stop: *134#0#, to check data balance: *134#559#. Default and overuse rate is AZN 0.01 per MB. Speeds are up to 225 Mbit/s on 4G/LTE+ networks. To know your number, dial *666#.

More info[]

  • APN: internet.bakcell.com
  • Website in English: http://www.bakcell.com/en

Nar (by Azerfon)[]


Azerfon launched its activities in 2007 under brand name nar mobile. Azerfon claims to reach 80% of the territory which is almost all given that some 15% of the territory is ‘under occupation’. In certain remote areas nar is the only provider offering service, but generally coverage is lower. In 2015 4G/LTE was launched in the city of Baku and 3G extended, but they remain at #3 with a 25% user share. In 2019 they announced to have covered 97.6% of the country’s population by 3G, while its 4G/LTE network was available to 91.5% of population.


Their prepaid SIM card called NarSim is sold in their stores for AZN 5 in different tariff lines. It doesn’t make much difference for data as they stay mainly on the default rate of AZN 0.29 per MB.

To top-up recharge cards are sold from AZN 2 to 50 valid for 25 to 245 days. To top-up, type *777#11#<voucher code>#. To check balance, type *777#10#.


Like their competitors, they offer different base plans with internet at AZN 0.29 per MB called

  • Unlimited, Unique, Yerlim or Super0 only offer data at the base rate, but you can add packages below
  • 3in1: you get 150 on-net minutes, 50 off-net minutes and 200 MB per week at AZN 2.80, activation: *777#20#.
  • Welcome is their plan for visitors. It contains 6 GB at AZD 10, calls are extra, but any change in plans is not allowed: AZD 10
  • Full is their usual combo plan with voice and data for 30 days:
    • 1.5 GB, 300 mins: AZN 9 — activation: F9
    • 2 GB, 450 mins: AZN 14 — activation: F14
    • 2.5 GB, 600 mins: AZN 19 — activation: F19
    • 3 GB, unlimited on-net mins, 1000 off-net mins, 1000 domestic SMS: AZN 29 — activation: F29
    • 5 GB, unlimited on-net mins, 1500 off-net mins, 1500 domestic SMS: AZN 39 — activation: F39
    • 10 GB, unlimited on-net mins, 2000 off-net mins, 2000 domestic SMS: AZN 49 — activation: F49
  • CaravaNar plans are combo plans with free app usage for 30 days:
    • 2 GB, 1 GB for Facebook, Twitter and VKontakte, 200 domestic mins: AZN 6 — activation: C6
    • 5 GB, 5 GB for Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte and Instagram, 500 dom. mins: AZN 9 — activation: C9

All plans auto-renew, for activation text code to 777 for free. The Full plans have data roll-over of unused data to the next month and the Cevir offer: You can change minutes into MB at 50 mins to 100 MB (*778*50100#), 100 mins to 200 MB (*778*100200#), 200 mins to 400 MB (*778*200400#) or 300 mins to 600 MB (*778*300600#). This can be done up to 5 times a month for a AZN 0.20 fee.

Data feature packages[]

They offer three internet pack with 100 MB valid until midnight of the day at AZD 0.50. To activate, text code to 777#50#. It will auto-renew at midnight. To stop, enter *777#012#. To check data balance, *777#77# or use Nar+ app.

These long-term data packages offered to all plans:

Plan Data Time Price Activation Night bonus
XS 60 MB 15 days AZN 1 *777#01#
S 200 MB 20 days AZN 2 *777#02#
M+ 750 MB 30 days AZN 4 *777#035#
L 1.5 GB AZN 6 *777#04#
L+ 5 GB AZN 10 *777*045#
XL 7 GB AZN 13 *777#05# unlimited


2XL 20 GB AZN 25 *777#06#
3XL 40 GB AZN 35 *777#07#

Night bonus is valid midnight to 8am only. All packages auto-renew. To stop, type *777#0#. To check balance *777#77#. When pack’s main data is used up, additional free data will be provided according to active internet pack with maximal 64 kbit/s speed until the end of pack’s validity period. After additional free data is used up, you will be charged as per your current pack’s or tariff’s terms. (For XS, S and M+ packs 1 MB = AZN 0.02, for L and L+ 1 MB = AZN 0.005).

To restore max speed when all data is used up, they offer the «turbo button». With Turbo button you can restore full speed of current internet pack during usage period of internet pack. It’s available till the end of expiration date of current internet pack.

  • on XS/S/M+/L packs: 50 MB for AZD 0.50, activation: *777*050#
  • on L+/XL/2XL/3XL packs: 500 MD for AZD 1, activation: *777*500#

Otherwise, you can repurchase any data pack ahead of time.

More info[]

  • APN: nar
  • Username: nar
  • Password empty
  • Website in Azerbaijan and Russian: http://www.nar.az/

Artsakh: Karabakh Telecom []

flag of the Rep. of Artsakh

The Republic of Artsakh, better known as (part of) Nagorno-Karabakh, is internationally recognized as de jure part of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan considers this territory ‘under occupation’ by Armenian forces, while the local government declared the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, now renamed as the Republic of Artsakh. In 2020 Azerbaijan regained control over part of the area.

The Karabakh territory has close ties to Armenia and prices are given in the local currency of AMD (Armenian Dram). The Azerbaijan operators don’t have any infrastructure deployed in this area, nor offer roaming or IDD calls. Otherwise Armenian providers offer roaming and connections (check Armenia article). In those areas of Nagrono-Karabakh regained by Azeri forces during the military conflict in late 2020, the usual Azerbaijan operators have started to deploy antennas there.


Karabakh Telecom (KT)[]

Karabakh Telecom (also called K-Telecom or short as KT) is the only mobile provider in the region. It was founded in 2003 after the separation and was purchased in 2007 by Russia’s MTS. They have a 95% coverage on 2G on 900 and 1800 MHz. In 2013 they started with 3G in Stepanakert, Artsakh and other major towns on 900 and 2100 MHz. There seems to be no 4G/LTE coverage yet in the region.


Their regular prepaid SIM card is available in their stores for AMD 1,200 without credit. This fee is waived when you buy a Mix combo bundle (see below) at the start.

Recharge cards of AMD 500, 1000, 2000, 4500 and 9000 are sold too. Check your account by *122#.

All mobile subscribers will receive 1 GB of mobile internet for free. After consuming the volume, AMD 13 will be charged for each MB. To activate the package, prepaid subscribers can activate the 1 GB mobile internet package by dialing *555*1# and check the volume balance with *180#.


They offer 3 Mix combo bundles for prepaid subscribers for 30 days:

  • Mix 1900: 3 GB 3G data, 100 on-net SMS, 300 on-net mins and 80 mins to Armenia : AMD 1900, activation: *444*1900#
  • Mix 2900: 5 GB 3G data, 200 on-net SMS, 500 on-net mins and 350 mins to Armenia: AMD 2900, activation: *444*2900#
  • Mix 4900: unlimited 3G data, 300 on-net SMS, 1000 on-net mins and 500 mins to Armenia: AMD 4900, activation: *444*4900#

For more data you need to add one of these packages. All prepaid phone subscribers have the opportunity to use the following new packages with mobile internet:

Package 3G Data Price Activation
Giga 6 6 GB AMD 1000 *555*6#
Giga 15 15 GB AMD 2000 *555*15#

You can activate more than one package. To check the megabytes of the package, you need to dial *555#. Prepaid phone subscribers will use the package for 30 days from the day of activation.

Have in mind that there is no 4G/LTE coverage from this provider and all data downloads are expected to be pretty slow on 2G and 3G only.


Karabakh Telecom only roams in Armenia at AMD 15 per MB on all three operators. There is no roaming in Azerbaijan.

More info[]

  • APN: connect.kt.am
  • Website: https://www.kt.am/
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg.png


Azerbaijan has three major national GSM operators:

  • Azercell
  • Bakcell
  • nar mobile (by Azerfon)

Two further operators only have very limited 4G/LTE network:

  • Sazz
  • Baktelecom

Sazz is on 3500 and 3700 MHz (B42 and 43) and Baktelecom is on 2300 (B40). They only offer wireless stationary internet in the Baku area and a few provices for homes. That’s why there are not mentioned any further. The CDMA-based networks of Aztrank and Nakhtel in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic are not presented as CDMA is not compatible to GSM mobile phones.

2G/GSM is on 900 MHz with Azercell and Bakcell and 1800 MHz with Nar, 3G is on 2100 MHz with all operators up to DC-HSPA and 4G/LTE has started on all three providers on 1800 MHZ (B3). 5G is still in test phase.

Coverage and speeds are quite good throughout the country. 4G/LTE has only started and is mostly limited to the capital so far, but is beginning to be expanded into the countryside.

Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)[]

In the de facto independent Republic of Artsakh, formerly known as Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, that is internationally recognized as de jure part of Azerbaijan, Karabakh Telecom remains the only provider on 2G and 3G only which is listed at the bottom of the article.


Up to 2016 it was difficult to get a SIM card for foreigners the legal way as you couldn’t be properly registered as a short-time visitor. Most SIM cards were sold on the grey market without any registration risking that they’ll shut you off.

But things changed in 2016 when a new SIM registration system was implemented that allowed for the first time that foreigners staying less than 10 days in the country are registered on a centralized database with their ID data. Now any visitor can easily get a SIM card by showing your ID (passport, visa) at one of the sales points of the operators.

In 2018 Azerbaijan has introduced a limit for the number of SIM cards registered on behalf of one person. The maximum number totals 5 SIMs from all Azerbaijan mobile operators.

IMEI registration[]

There is another hurdle. Like in Turkey, the authorities in Azerbaijan maintain a register of all IMEI numbers. These numbers are unique to your device and go to a whitelist system. This is done officially to prevent theft, but constitutes a surveillance tool as well.

All devices that use a local SIM card for more than 30 days need to be registered on the Azerbajan IMEI data base. To enlist you can either go online here with a local friend for help or go to any post office in the country. Online registration costs AZN 5, in postal offices AZN 5.50. Otherwise, your device will be shut off after 30 days based on its IMEI number.

To know your IMEI number, you need to press *#06# on most devices, but remember that each SIM slot or eSIM has its own IMEI number. If you stay for less than 30 days or use a roaming SIM in the country, you don’t need to care. In contrast to Turkey, this country is not greylisted anymore though this second registration poses another obstacle and the grace period is much shorter, but the fees are much lower too and you wont be charged import taxes for your device.


new logo

Azercell is Azerbaijan’s largest mobile operator by subscribers with about 50% of all users and used to be owned by Swedish Telia group and Turkish Turkcell. In 2018 both agreed to sell their holding in Azercell to Azintelecom, a company wholly-owned by the Republic of Azerbaijan.

It covers 80% of Azerbaijan’s territory and 99% of the populated areas (outside of Nagorno-Karabakh). But some of them are on 2G. 3G has started in 2011, to be followed by 4G/LTE in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula with 79% coverage of the capital and Absheron in 2017 and new in Ganja, Barda, Shamkir and Lankaran: 4G coverage map.


old logo

Their SIM card is sold for AZN 5 in their shops and outlets (locator) showing your ID. Their prepaid SIMs are called SimSim. They come in different tariff lines. Default tariff is Acercellim. If you are on a different line, you can change by texting letter A to 7575. New subscribers who top-up their balance with AZN 1 or more during 10 days after activation will get AZN 3 as a bonus.

Payment cards for top-ups are sold all over from AZN 1 to 100. Validity is 7 to 360 days depending on amount. To top-up, enter *131*<voucher code>#.

To check balance send an empty SMS to 2112 (for AZN 0.02) or enter USSD code *111*1*7# for data consumption and phone call credit. Or *100# to check data consumption only or use their mobile app called Kabinetim.


They offer a variety of different prepaid plans:

  • Acercellim: default rate with calls, texts and data for extra pay. Internet is at AZN 0.20 per MB in 51 KB increments
  • Sərbəst: combo packs with data volume, domestic minutes and free WhatsApp and FB Messenger texting for 30 days:
    • 2 GB, 350 mins: AZN 10 — activation: S10
    • 5 GB, 500 mins: AZN 15 — activation: S15
    • 15 GB, 850 mins: AZN 25 — activation: S25
    • 25 GB, 2500 mins: AZN 50 — activation: S50
    • 60 GB, 4000 mins: AZN 75 -activation: S75
  • GəncOL: combo packs with data, calls and specified data volume for Azercell apps SberZvuk, ivi, Busuu and Bookmate and free WhatsApp texing
    • 750 MB, 75 mins, 750 MB for apps: AZN 2 — activation: G2
    • 3 GB, 300 mins, 3 GB for apps: AZN 6 — activation: G6
    • 6 GB, 600 mins, 6 GB for apps: AZN 9 — activation: G9
  • Sadə and GəncSim: voice plans without data allowances, data packages can be added
  • Data: data-only plan without voice, data packs (see below) can be added

You can change between all tariff lines by sending a SMS with the name to 7575 (for AZN 1 fee) or use Kabinetim app.

Data feature packages[]

Default rates on almost all tariffs including Acercellim is AZN 0.20 per MB. Max speed is on 3G 21.6 Mbps on 4G/LTE 100 Mbps.

They sell these data packs for extra data to all plans mentioned above:

Data Validity Price Activation
unlimited 1 hour AZN 0.59 S
3 hours AZN 1.49 3S
6 hours AZN 2.39 6S
weekend AZN 0.99 night
100 MB 24 hours AZN 0.50 100
500 MB AZN 1.20 gun
500 MB 30 days AZN 3 500
1 GB AZN 5 1000
5 GB AZN 10 5000
10 GB AZN 15 10
30 GB AZN 25 30
50 GB AZN 30 L

For activation, text code to 2525 free of charge. All packages auto-renew. To stop text ‘stop <activation code> to 2525. Overage rate is AZN 0.05 during the running time of the package. Check balance by an empty SMS to 2525 or by *100#. Hourly and unlimited packs are capped at 2 Mbit/s. The weekend pack is capped at 512 kbit/s only and weekend means all day on Saturday and Sunday.

More info[]

  • APN: internet
  • Website in English: http://www.azercell.com/en



Bakcell was the first provider in the country established in 2002. It’s partly state-owned and today #2 in the market with a 30% user share. It has a good coverage in 2G and 3G throughout the country and started with 4G in the Baku and Ganja areas with a slightly lower coverage than Azercell at lower prices.


Bakcell’s prepaid SIM cards are called CIN. They have different tariff lines and starter packs are for AZN 5 in their stores. You will need to show your passport.

To top-up money cards are sold everywhere from 1 to 50 AZD giving 5 to 150 days of validity. To enter the code, type *101#<voucher code>#. To check balance, type *100#.

To begin using internet you should have at least AZN 0.29 in your account.


Like Azercell Bakcell offers a variety of different base and combo plans for 30 days:

  • CIN: is their default base plan with data and calls for extra. Mobile data is at AZD 0.15 per MB, activation: *300#
  • ƏlaAY: has a 500 MB bonus and data at AZD 0.02 per MB and unlimited on-net calls: AZD 17, activation: *317#
  • ƏlaSAAT, ƏlaGÜN and YeniDoğma only feature cheap calls and data is at AZD 0.15 per MB
  • DaimOnline is a combo pack with data, with data default rate is at AZD 0.02 per MB and on-net calls :
    • DaimOnline 6: 3 GB, 50 on-net mins: AZN 6 — activation: *306#
    • DaimOnline 10: 5 GB, 100 on-net mins, free WhatsUp, Instagram, Facebook: AZN 10 — activation: *310#
  • Klass is their combo pack with domestic mins, data and free WhatsUp texting, data overuse is at AZD 0.02 per MB;
    • Klass 5: 500 MB, 100 mins,: AZN 5 — activation: *205#
    • Klass 10: 2 GB, 350 mins: AZN 10 — activation: *210#
    • Klass 15: 5 GB, 500 mins: AZN 15 — activation: *215#
    • Klass 25: 15 GB, 1050 mins: AZN 25 — activation: *225#
    • Klass 50: 20 GB, 3000 mins: AZN 50 — activation: *250#

To all plans above you can add data packages. You can change plans anytime for AZN 1-2 depending on plan. Check included balances by *100# for free.

Data feature packages[]

They have a variety of internet packages to be added to the plans above for extra data:

Data Time Price Activation
unlimited 1 hour (#) AZN 0.50 *570*50#
100 MB 1 day AZN 0.50 *444*100#
250 MB AZN 0.75 *444*250#
500 MB AZN 1 *444*500#
300 MB 7 days AZN 2 *444*300#
600 MB AZN 3 *444*600#
60 MB 15 days AZN 1 *444*60#
500 MB 30 days AZN 3 *444*05#
1 GB AZN 5 *444*1#
2.5 GB AZN 8 *444*025#
5 GB AZN 10 *444*5#
10 GB AZN 15 *444*10#
20 GB (§) AZN 25 *444*20#
50 GB AZN 30 *444*050#

(#) = hourly package can only activated once per day 1am-7pm. Check status by *570#, tethering is banned, speed is capped at 4 Mbit/s.

(§) = 20 GB pack is only valid 1am until 10am, internet speed is up to 2 Mbit/s.

To check the balance of the package dial *444#. To renew current package ahead of time, dial *444#555#. All daily, weekly and monthly packages auto-renew. To deactivate auto-renewal of the package, dial *444#0#. Having booked a package you can get access to Bakcell’s WiFi in Baku and surf for free (see below).

They also sell dedicated packages for Instagram and YouTube use.

Bakcell WiFi[]

Bakcell’s free WiFi service is available to all Bakcell subscribers and visitors with foreign numbers who are using the Bakcell network. There are no other requirements for using the WiFi service. It’s available in more than 200 different locations: restaurants, hotels, cafes, parks (locator) in Baku, Sumgait and Shusha.

You will need to connect to Bakcell_Free_WiFi access point. Submit your telephone number in 994XXXXXXXXX format on the landing page, click “Get password”, and wait for the text message. Use the password from SMS and enter in in the “Your Password” box and press, “Log in”. You will have free access to the internet for 1 hour. After 1 hour, you will be disconnected from the WiFi network. To re-establish your connection, you need to log-in again on landing page. Passwords are reusable during the day. Your internet connection speed is limited to 2 Mbit/s.

Data-only SIM[]

For tables and modems they offer a free data-only and SMS card and these packages for 30 days:

  • 11 GB: AZN 15 , activation: *134*111#
  • 50 GB: AZN 30 , activation: *134*512#

All packages are for one month, they will auto-renew if you have enough balance. To stop: *134#0#, to check data balance: *134#559#. Default and overuse rate is AZN 0.01 per MB. Speeds are up to 225 Mbit/s on 4G/LTE+ networks. To know your number, dial *666#.

More info[]

  • APN: internet.bakcell.com
  • Website in English: http://www.bakcell.com/en

Nar (by Azerfon)[]


Azerfon launched its activities in 2007 under brand name nar mobile. Azerfon claims to reach 80% of the territory which is almost all given that some 15% of the territory is ‘under occupation’. In certain remote areas nar is the only provider offering service, but generally coverage is lower. In 2015 4G/LTE was launched in the city of Baku and 3G extended, but they remain at #3 with a 25% user share. In 2019 they announced to have covered 97.6% of the country’s population by 3G, while its 4G/LTE network was available to 91.5% of population.


Their prepaid SIM card called NarSim is sold in their stores for AZN 5 in different tariff lines. It doesn’t make much difference for data as they stay mainly on the default rate of AZN 0.29 per MB.

To top-up recharge cards are sold from AZN 2 to 50 valid for 25 to 245 days. To top-up, type *777#11#<voucher code>#. To check balance, type *777#10#.


Like their competitors, they offer different base plans with internet at AZN 0.29 per MB called

  • Unlimited, Unique, Yerlim or Super0 only offer data at the base rate, but you can add packages below
  • 3in1: you get 150 on-net minutes, 50 off-net minutes and 200 MB per week at AZN 2.80, activation: *777#20#.
  • Welcome is their plan for visitors. It contains 6 GB at AZD 10, calls are extra, but any change in plans is not allowed: AZD 10
  • Full is their usual combo plan with voice and data for 30 days:
    • 1.5 GB, 300 mins: AZN 9 — activation: F9
    • 2 GB, 450 mins: AZN 14 — activation: F14
    • 2.5 GB, 600 mins: AZN 19 — activation: F19
    • 3 GB, unlimited on-net mins, 1000 off-net mins, 1000 domestic SMS: AZN 29 — activation: F29
    • 5 GB, unlimited on-net mins, 1500 off-net mins, 1500 domestic SMS: AZN 39 — activation: F39
    • 10 GB, unlimited on-net mins, 2000 off-net mins, 2000 domestic SMS: AZN 49 — activation: F49
  • CaravaNar plans are combo plans with free app usage for 30 days:
    • 2 GB, 1 GB for Facebook, Twitter and VKontakte, 200 domestic mins: AZN 6 — activation: C6
    • 5 GB, 5 GB for Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte and Instagram, 500 dom. mins: AZN 9 — activation: C9

All plans auto-renew, for activation text code to 777 for free. The Full plans have data roll-over of unused data to the next month and the Cevir offer: You can change minutes into MB at 50 mins to 100 MB (*778*50100#), 100 mins to 200 MB (*778*100200#), 200 mins to 400 MB (*778*200400#) or 300 mins to 600 MB (*778*300600#). This can be done up to 5 times a month for a AZN 0.20 fee.

Data feature packages[]

They offer three internet pack with 100 MB valid until midnight of the day at AZD 0.50. To activate, text code to 777#50#. It will auto-renew at midnight. To stop, enter *777#012#. To check data balance, *777#77# or use Nar+ app.

These long-term data packages offered to all plans:

Plan Data Time Price Activation Night bonus
XS 60 MB 15 days AZN 1 *777#01#
S 200 MB 20 days AZN 2 *777#02#
M+ 750 MB 30 days AZN 4 *777#035#
L 1.5 GB AZN 6 *777#04#
L+ 5 GB AZN 10 *777*045#
XL 7 GB AZN 13 *777#05# unlimited


2XL 20 GB AZN 25 *777#06#
3XL 40 GB AZN 35 *777#07#

Night bonus is valid midnight to 8am only. All packages auto-renew. To stop, type *777#0#. To check balance *777#77#. When pack’s main data is used up, additional free data will be provided according to active internet pack with maximal 64 kbit/s speed until the end of pack’s validity period. After additional free data is used up, you will be charged as per your current pack’s or tariff’s terms. (For XS, S and M+ packs 1 MB = AZN 0.02, for L and L+ 1 MB = AZN 0.005).

To restore max speed when all data is used up, they offer the «turbo button». With Turbo button you can restore full speed of current internet pack during usage period of internet pack. It’s available till the end of expiration date of current internet pack.

  • on XS/S/M+/L packs: 50 MB for AZD 0.50, activation: *777*050#
  • on L+/XL/2XL/3XL packs: 500 MD for AZD 1, activation: *777*500#

Otherwise, you can repurchase any data pack ahead of time.

More info[]

  • APN: nar
  • Username: nar
  • Password empty
  • Website in Azerbaijan and Russian: http://www.nar.az/

Artsakh: Karabakh Telecom []

flag of the Rep. of Artsakh

The Republic of Artsakh, better known as (part of) Nagorno-Karabakh, is internationally recognized as de jure part of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan considers this territory ‘under occupation’ by Armenian forces, while the local government declared the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, now renamed as the Republic of Artsakh. In 2020 Azerbaijan regained control over part of the area.

The Karabakh territory has close ties to Armenia and prices are given in the local currency of AMD (Armenian Dram). The Azerbaijan operators don’t have any infrastructure deployed in this area, nor offer roaming or IDD calls. Otherwise Armenian providers offer roaming and connections (check Armenia article). In those areas of Nagrono-Karabakh regained by Azeri forces during the military conflict in late 2020, the usual Azerbaijan operators have started to deploy antennas there.


Karabakh Telecom (KT)[]

Karabakh Telecom (also called K-Telecom or short as KT) is the only mobile provider in the region. It was founded in 2003 after the separation and was purchased in 2007 by Russia’s MTS. They have a 95% coverage on 2G on 900 and 1800 MHz. In 2013 they started with 3G in Stepanakert, Artsakh and other major towns on 900 and 2100 MHz. There seems to be no 4G/LTE coverage yet in the region.


Their regular prepaid SIM card is available in their stores for AMD 1,200 without credit. This fee is waived when you buy a Mix combo bundle (see below) at the start.

Recharge cards of AMD 500, 1000, 2000, 4500 and 9000 are sold too. Check your account by *122#.

All mobile subscribers will receive 1 GB of mobile internet for free. After consuming the volume, AMD 13 will be charged for each MB. To activate the package, prepaid subscribers can activate the 1 GB mobile internet package by dialing *555*1# and check the volume balance with *180#.


They offer 3 Mix combo bundles for prepaid subscribers for 30 days:

  • Mix 1900: 3 GB 3G data, 100 on-net SMS, 300 on-net mins and 80 mins to Armenia : AMD 1900, activation: *444*1900#
  • Mix 2900: 5 GB 3G data, 200 on-net SMS, 500 on-net mins and 350 mins to Armenia: AMD 2900, activation: *444*2900#
  • Mix 4900: unlimited 3G data, 300 on-net SMS, 1000 on-net mins and 500 mins to Armenia: AMD 4900, activation: *444*4900#

For more data you need to add one of these packages. All prepaid phone subscribers have the opportunity to use the following new packages with mobile internet:

Package 3G Data Price Activation
Giga 6 6 GB AMD 1000 *555*6#
Giga 15 15 GB AMD 2000 *555*15#

You can activate more than one package. To check the megabytes of the package, you need to dial *555#. Prepaid phone subscribers will use the package for 30 days from the day of activation.

Have in mind that there is no 4G/LTE coverage from this provider and all data downloads are expected to be pretty slow on 2G and 3G only.


Karabakh Telecom only roams in Armenia at AMD 15 per MB on all three operators. There is no roaming in Azerbaijan.

More info[]

  • APN: connect.kt.am
  • Website: https://www.kt.am/

В Google можно найти всё, что угодно. Только не свой номер телефона на сим-карте.

Как же его узнать — быстро и у любого оператора?

Собрали все способы в одном материале.

Универсальные способы

  • Посмотреть в договоре с оператором или на стартовом пакете;
  • Позвонить оператору и спросить;
  • Позвонить на номер человека, в телефонной книге которого вас нет. Номер отобразится на экране;
  • Позвонить на номер человека, у которого вы есть в телефонной книге. После этого он сможет узнать ваш номер, нажав на ваше имя в списке вызовов.


  • команда *111*0887#;
  • звонок на номер 0887;
  • в приложении «Мой МТС» (версия для iOS, Android).


  • команда *110*10#;
  • звонок на номер 067410;
  • в приложении “Мой Билайн” (для iOS, Android);
  • для USB-модема: в приложении «USB-модем Билайн» зайти в раздел «Управление счетом» и выбрать пункт «Мой номер», затем нажать «Узнать номер».


  • команда *205#;
  • включить передачу данных (мобильный интернет) и зайти на сайт megafon.ru (или на региональный подсайт). Номер отобразится в личном кабинете, а на остальных страницах – в верхней части экрана;
  • в приложении “Мегафон Личный кабинет”  (для iOS, Android). 


  • команда *201#;
  • в приложении “Мой Tele2” (для iOS, Android).


  • команда *103#;
  • в приложении Yota (для iOS, Android).

Способы для iPhone

  • “Настройки” – “Телефон” – “Мой номер” (вверху);
  • Домашнее меню – “Телефон” – “Контакты” (вверху);
  • В iTunes: “Устройства” – “Сводка” – “Номер телефона”.

Способ для iPad (с 3G/4G)

  • “Настройки” – “Номер для сотовых данных”. 

Способ для Android

  • “Настройки” – “О телефоне” – “Статус” – “Статус SIM” – “Мой номер телефона”.

Если у вас установлена оболочка для Android, названия пунктов могут отличаться. 

Бывает, что номер не показывается. Это бывает, когда вы перевыпускали или меняли SIM-карту в салоне оператора.

Сотрудники копируют со старой карты на новую ключи шифрования и другую важную информацию. А вот ячейку “Свой номер” заполнить забывают. 


  • WhatsApp: нажать на три точки в правом верхнем углу – “Настройки” – коснуться своего ника. Номер – самая последняя строчка. 
  • Viber: нажать “Ещё” (кнопка в правом нижнем углу). Номер отобразится под аватаром и ником.
  • Telegram: основное меню (три полоски в левом верхнем углу). Номер будет виден вверху. 

Почему ещё важно знать свой номер

Когда вы покупаете с рук красивый номер, в память SIM-карты может быть записано совсем другое значение. Он хранится в ячейке памяти “Свой номер”.

Если мошенник изменил “Свой номер”, то в настройках смартфона потом будет отображаться красивый номер. А в сети – настоящий, выданный оператором. 

Звонок на другой номер или проверка способами, которые предлагает оператор, поможет не разочароваться в покупке.

Да и вообще покупать номера с рук небезопасно. Если вы потом привяжете такой номер к банковской карте, настоящий владелец номера сможет получить дубликат SIM-карты и оставить вас без денег. 

Как поменять номер прямо на SIM-карте

Находите старый кнопочный Siemens A50 или его “коллег”, вставляете в него SIM-карту, в контактах находите “Свой номер” и пишете там всё, что вам нравится, затем сохраняете. Можно даже формат не соблюдать.  

Другой вариант – древний смартфон с Android 4.1 и ниже. 

  • Заходите в “Настройки” – “Управление SIM-картами” и отключаете нужную карту (либо переключаетесь в режим полета). 
  • Нажимаете на название SIM-карты и переходите в раздел “Информация о SIM-карте”.
  • Выбираете пункт “Введите номер телефона” и вводите нужный номер. 

То же самое работает в некоторых оболочках для Android (например, в MIUI). 

Но в любом случае ваш номер в сети от этого не изменится. А то бы все ходили с красивыми номерами. 

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В Google можно найти всё, что угодно. Только не свой номер телефона на сим-карте. Как же его узнать — быстро и у любого оператора? Собрали все способы в одном материале. Универсальные способы Посмотреть в договоре с оператором или на стартовом пакете; Позвонить оператору и спросить; Позвонить на номер человека, в телефонной книге которого вас нет….

  • инструкции,
  • Операторы,
  • сотовая связь,
  • Это интересно

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Ксения Шестакова


Живу в будущем. Разбираю сложные технологии на простые составляющие.

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