Что такое авианакладная (AWB)?
Номер авианакладной, часто называемый номером отслеживания AWB, представляет собой уникальный код, который отображается в документе, который будет сопровождать все товары, отправленные международным авиаперевозчиком. Целью номера AWB является предоставление всей необходимой информации о доставке и, что наиболее важно, возможность ее отслеживания.
AWB проинформирует всех различных участников, участвующих в транспортировке посылки (таких как обработчики, участвующие в отправке и получении посылки), о конкретной информации, относящейся к ее обработке.
AWB также является сокращенным кодом, который может отображать имя и адрес отправителя пакета, имя получателя и адрес доставки.
AWB также может сообщить вам, из какого аэропорта была отправлена посылка, заявленная стоимость отправления (для таможенных целей), количество отдельных мест, содержащихся в заказе, его общий вес, описание содержимого и любые специальные примечания. . (например, что содержимое скоропортящееся). AWB может быть выпущен многими торговыми площадками или курьерами, в том числе eBay, Etsy, TNT и FedEx.
Как будет выглядеть номер AWB?
Номер отслеживания AWB будет отличаться в зависимости от перевозчика, отвечающего за доставку вашей посылки. Однако обычно они следуют одной и той же общей схеме, которая разбита на три пункта ниже:
- Первые две или три цифры AWB обычно представляют собой букву, которая является аббревиатурой авиакомпании или перевозчика.
- Следующий раздел обычно представляет собой уникальный набор номеров, известный как серийный номер, который помогает идентифицировать вашу посылку.
- Это может сопровождаться последней контрольной цифрой. Также могут быть добавлены некоторые цифры и буквы, которые различаются в зависимости от оператора связи.
В общем, номер отслеживания AWB обычно состоит из 11 символов. К счастью, вам не нужно иметь возможность интерпретировать свой номер отслеживания AWB, чтобы иметь возможность отслеживать свою посылку. Ship24 имеет встроенную систему автоматического обнаружения, которая означает, что когда он считывает любой номер отслеживания AWB, он автоматически распознает курьера и сканирует соответствующие веб-сайты, чтобы найти последнюю информацию для отслеживания на вашей посылке. Независимо от того, получаете ли вы номер отслеживания или код отслеживания AWB, просто скопируйте и вставьте его на главную страницу Ship24, чтобы начать универсальное отслеживание вашей посылки с помощью тысяч различных курьеров и продавцов электронной коммерции.
Как работает номер AWB?
Фактически, AWB действует как получение товаров, предоставленных авиакомпанией (перевозчиком), так и как договор между грузоотправителем и перевозчиком. AWB — это юридическое соглашение, которое вступает в силу, когда грузоотправитель и перевозчик подписывают документ.
Номер AWB означает признание соглашения об условиях и положениях перевозчика, включая порядок предъявления претензий и пределы ответственности, применимые сборы и описание содержимого перемещаемой посылки.
Обратите внимание: номера AWB также могут называться авиагрузовыми.
Где используются авианакладные?
Авианакладная или AWB будет использоваться везде, где это необходимо для сопровождения перевозки товаров международным курьером.
Чтобы найти свой номер AWB или отследить номер AWB, просто введите свой номер AWB на главной странице глобального веб-сайта отслеживания отправлений Ship24 и начните отслеживать свою посылку по всему миру с помощью одного из наиболее полных доступных инструментов отслеживания отправлений. Ship24 не нуждается в какой-либо личной информации или информации о посылке, просто введите свой номер отслеживания AWB на веб-сайте Ship24, чтобы получить информацию о каждом этапе пути вашей посылки на данный момент, о перевозчике, с которым она находится, а также о ее текущем местонахождении и статусе одним щелчком мыши. кнопка.
В чем разница между авиагрузовой накладной (AWB) и транспортной накладной?
Авиагрузовая накладная (AWB) не покрывает стоимость товара внутри содержимого посылки, что известно как не подлежащий обсуждению договор. Это отличается от других коносаментов, в контактных данных которых предусмотрены более конкретные требования, например, какая авиакомпания или метод перевозки следует использовать, когда и в какую дату будет произведена доставка.
Обратите внимание, что разные коносаменты по-прежнему являются юридическими документами между отправителем посылки и перевозчиками, но они могут содержать другую информацию и иметь разные требования, включенные в юридический договор, который представляет собой документ. Это может включать, а может и не включать тип, количество и пункт назначения перевозимых товаров.
Кто управляет номерами AWB?
Международная ассоциация воздушного транспорта отвечает за производство и распространение номеров AWB с рядом требований, которые необходимо предъявлять к ним.
Необходимые требования будут включать включение названия авиакомпании, штаб-квартиры, логотипа и конкретного уникального номера накладной.
AWB и коносаменты являются частью процесса доставки, и они используются, чтобы помочь отправителям и получателям отслеживать посылки в пути. Все посылки, отправленные заказным письмом, можно отслеживать с помощью Ship24. Ship24 помог тысячам физических и юридических лиц отслеживать миллионы посылок по всему миру, будь то индивидуально через нашу главную страницу или с помощью нашего профессионального API отслеживания и функции веб-перехватчика для отслеживания премиум-класса.
Как отследить номер отслеживания Amazon AWB?
Вы можете отслеживать свой Amazon доставка, войдя на сайт Amazon и перейдя на страницу «Ваши заказы». Оказавшись на этой странице, нажмите на опцию Track Package, и вы попадете на страницу отслеживания, где будет отображаться ваш уникальный номер отслеживания AWB. Независимо от того, кто обрабатывает вашу посылку, DHL, UPS, китайская почтаили иным образом вы можете использовать номер для отслеживания, отображаемый здесь, на веб-сайте Ship24, для отслеживания вашей посылки по всему миру.
Лучшее решение для отслеживания — использовать ваш номер отслеживания AWB на веб-сайте Ship24. Это означает, что вы не только сможете мгновенно получить самую последнюю информацию об отслеживании AWB без необходимости входа в систему и навигации по веб-сайту Amazon, но также и на веб-сайте Ship24, который сохранит вашу недавнюю историю поиска, так что вам даже не нужно запоминать свой AWB. номер. Просто введите его один раз и будьте уверены, что у вас всегда под рукой есть все возможности отслеживания на любом Amazon AWB.
Track your airfreight shipment by airwaybill number. All information is pulled directly from airlines’ websites and neatly displayed in unified interface on this page.
We use the first 3 digits to automatically send the AWB tracking request to the correct airline. Click «Track Cargo» to find the status of your air cargo.
What is Air waybill
An air waybill (AWB) or air consignment note is a receipt issued by an international airline for goods and an evidence of the contract of carriage, it is a document of title to the goods.
The air waybill is the most important document issued by a carrier either directly or through its authorized agent. It is a non-negotiable transport document that covers the transport of cargo from airport to airport. By accepting a shipment, an IATA cargo agent is acting on behalf of the carrier whose air waybill is issued.
Air waybills have eleven digit numbers (can have hyphen between airline code and waybill number, like 555-12345678) which can be used to make bookings, check the status of delivery, and a current position of the shipment.
International air waybills that contain consolidated cargo are called master air waybills (MAWB). MAWBs have additional papers called house air waybills (HAWB). Each HAWB contains information of each individual shipment (consignee, contents, etc.) within the consolidation. International AWBs that are not consolidated (only one shipment in one bill) are called simple AWBs. A house air waybill can also be created by a freight forwarder. When the shipment is booked, the airline issues a MAWB to the forwarder, who in turn issues their own house air waybill to the customer.
Air Waybill Number Format
The AWB number has 11 digits and 3 parts.
- The first 3 digits are the Airline Prefix
- The next 7 digits is the Serial Number of the AWB
- The last digit is the Check digit
House and Master AWBs
A freight forwarder offering a consolidation service, will issue its own air waybill. From now on AWB will be used to refer to both. This is called a Forwarder’s or House AWB with its equivalent House BL. These act as contracts of carriage between the shipper and the forwarder, who in this case becomes a Deemed Carrier. The forwarder in turn enters into contracts with one or more carriers, often using more than one mode of transportation. The contract of carriage between the forwarder and carrier is called a Master Air Waybill. A House Air Waybill (HAWB) could act as a multimodal transport document.
Air waybill tracking
I have integrated air cargo tracking for major airlines and constantly maintain and add support for air waybill tracking for other airlines. All information is neatly presented in common format, including complete information about statuses, flights, number of pieces, weight and nature of goods if provided by the airline.
Track Trace Air Cargo Shipment
For Air cargo tracking, enter air way bill number or code and track your air cargo shipments from worldwide carriers. Air cargo tracking feature is absolutely free of carge.
Monitor the progress of your Air shipment and receive up-to-date information as it travels throughout our Air Cargo Tracking System. Enter the airline prefix for Airlines along with the eight-digit air waybill number (example: 003-54321876), this is the number you received at the time of your booking. Then click the Track Cargo button to start your air cargo search.
AWB tracking
Just enter your 11 digit AWB number (with or without hyphen) into the cargo tracking form on top of this page and hit «Track Cargo» button.
Cargo Airlines
Cargo airlines (or airfreight carriers, and derivatives of these names) are airlines mainly dedicated to the transport of cargo by air. Some cargo airlines are divisions or subsidiaries of larger passenger airlines.
Air transport is a component of many international logistics networks, managing and controlling the flow of goods, energy, information and other resources like products, services, and people, from the source of production to the marketplace. Logistics involves the geographical repositioning of raw materials, work in process, and finished inventories
Airlines C-E
Airlines N-S
ABSA Cargo Airline / LATAM Cargo Brasil
M3 549
GB 832
Adria Airways
JP 165
Aegean Airlines
A3 390
Lingus Cargo
EI 053 (alternate tracking site)
SU 555 (alternate tracking site) (from/to Germany:
Aeroflot Germany)
Aerolineas Argentinas
AR 044 (alternate tracking site)
AM 139 (
tracking site
Aigle Azur
ZI 439
Air Algerie
AH 124
Air Arabia
G9 514
D7 843
AirAsia Berhad
AK 807
Air Astana KC 465
Air Atlanta Icelandic
CC 318
BT 657
RU 580
AC 014
CA 999
Europa Cargo
UX 996
AF 057 (Skyteam tracking)
GL 631
Hong Kong
LD 288
Air Incheon
KJ 994
AI 098
JM 201
Air Macau
NX 675
Air Madagascar
MD 258
Air Malawi
QM 167
KM 643
MK 239 (alternate tracking site)
Airmax Cargo
M8 658
Air Moldova
9U 572
Air Namibia
SW 186
New Zealand
NZ 086
Air Niugini
PX 656
Air Serbia (JAT)
JU 115
HM 061
Air Tahiti Nui
TN 244
Air Transat
TS 649
AS 027 (alternate tracking site)
055 (alternate tracking site)
Allied Air
4W 574
Aloha Air Cargo
KH 687
American Airlines
M6 810
All Nippon Cargo
NH 205
OZ 988 (alternate tracking site)
ASL Airlines Belgium
(formerly TNT) 3V 756
Astral Aviation
8V 485 (more tracking)
369 5Y
AV Cargo
Z3 757
Avianca Cargo
AV 134
J2 771
Azul Cargo
AD 577
UP 111
Bangkok Airways
PG 829
Belavia Belarusian Airlines
B2 628
BG 997
Bringer Air Cargo
E6 417
BA 125
SN 082
FB 623
Airlines C-E
Airlines N-S
Cargo Air Lines
5C 700
Camair-Co QC 040
Airlines Int´l
CP 018
Cargojet Airways
W8 489
P3 560
CV 172
Cargolux Italia
C8 356
BW 106 (alternate tracking site)
Pacific Airways
CX 160
Cayman Airways
KX 378
Cebu Air
5J 203
CI 297
Cargo Airlines
CK 112 (alternate tracking site)
Eastern Airlines
MU 781
Southern Airlines
CZ 784 (alternate tracking site)
CO 354
Copa Airlines
CM 230 (alternate tracking site)
SS 923
Coyne Airways
Croatia Airlines
OU 831
Cubana de Aviacion CU 136
CY 048
OK 064 (alternate tracking site)
Air Lines
DL 006 (alternate tracking site)
DHL Aero Expreso
992 D5
Aviation/DHL Airways
ER 423
Aviation / European Air Transport
QY 615
077 (alternate tracking site)
LY 114
EK 176 (alternate tracking site)
Estafeta Carga Aerea
E7 355
OV 960
ET 071
EY 607
BR 695 (alternate tracking site)
Airlines C-E
Airlines N-S
Eastern Air Transport
265 EF
flydubai cargo
FZ 141
Gabon Airlines
GY 013
GA 126
Global Aviation and Services
5S 301
Gol Airlines (VRG Linhas Aéreas)
G3 127
GF 072 (alternate tracking site)
Hainan Airlines
HU 880
Hawaiian Airlines
HA 173
Hong Kong Airlines
N8 851
Hong Kong Express UO 128
IB 075 (alternate tracking site)
108 (alternate tracking site)
IndiGo CarGo
6E 312
Insel Air Cargo
7I 958
IR 096
JL 131
TB 754
9W 589
Jet Airways Inc.
(US) QJ 508
Jet Club
0J 254
Jetstar Asia Airways
3K 375
Jubba Airways
3J 535
K4 272
KQ 706
KL 074 (Skyteam tracking)
KE 180 (alternate tracking site)
KU 229
Airlines of Costa Rica
LR 133
Airlines (LATAM)
LA 045
Chile Cargo
UC 145
LAN Ecuador
XL 462
Airlines Brasil
(more tracking) JJ 957
L7 985
1A 790
LIAT Airlines
LI 140
Polish Airlines
LO 080
Cargo AG
LH 020
Mahan Airlines
W5 537
Airline System
MH 232
Malindo Airways
OD 816
Mandarin Airlines
AE 803
MP 129
MASAir / LATAM Cargo Mexico
M7 865
MCS Aerocarga de Mexico
T8 137
Mercury Americas
4X 805
East Airlines
ME 076
MB 716
Movie Reviews
MR 711
Airlines C-E
Airlines N-S
National Air Cargo
N8 416 (multiple AWB tracking)
Niger Air Cargo
NO 519
Cargo Airlines
KZ 933
Northern Air Cargo
NC 345
Norwegian Air Shuttle
DY 328
Norwegian Air UK
DI 762
OA 050
Oman Air
WY 910
Int´l Airlines
PK 214
Pegasus Cargo
PC 624
PR 079
Air Cargo
PO 403
QF 081
QR 157
Raya Airways
TH 539
Air Maroc
AT 147
Brunei Airlines
BI 672
RJ 512
RUS (Reliable Unique Services) Aviation
R4 827
WB 459
Ryan Air
FR ???
South American Airways
S6 817
Airlines System
SK 117
Air Acores
SP 737
SATA International
S4 331
Arabian Airlines
SV 065 (alternate tracking site)
Shandong Airlines
SC 324
FM 774
Shenzhen Airlines
ZH 479 (Chinese)
Siberia Airlines
421 S7
3U 876
Silk Air
629 MI
Silk Way Airlines
463 ZP
Silk Way West Airlines
501 7L
SQ 618
Skygreece Airlines
GW 358
Skylease Cargo
KY 576
West Airlines
OO 302
Solar Cargo
4S 644
African Airways
SA 083
WN 526
603 UL
Starlight Airlines
QP 321
Arab Airlines RB 070
Airlines C-E
Airlines N-S
DT 118
TAB Transportes Aereos Bolivianos
B1 901
QT 729
Air Portugal
047 TP
281 RO
TATA SIA Airlines/Vistara Cargo
UK 228
TG 217 (alternate tracking site)
TMA Trans Mediterranean Airways
TL 370
TMA Trans Mediterranean Airways
N2 673
Airways (see ASL Airways Belgium) 3V 756
Trans American Airways/TACA Peru
T0 530
Mediterranean Airways
TL 270
TU 199 *
TK 235 (alternate tracking site)
Int´l Airlines
Uni Airways
B7 525
Airlines Cargo
UA 016
Uni-Top Airlines
UW 699
Air Cargo
5X 406
Ural Airlines Cargo
U6 262
Uzbekistan Airways
HY 250
RG 042/183
Vensecar Internacional
V4 946
VN 738
VS 932
Westjet Cargo
WS 838
WW 377
MF 731 (Chinese)
XL Airways France
SE 473
River Express Airlines
Y8 871
Yemen Airways
IY 635 (alternate tracking site)
Air Cargo Terms And Abbreviations
Below is a list of commonly used air cargo terms and abbreviations.
A2A | Airport-to-airport |
A2D | Airport-to-door |
ADV | Advise, Advised, Advising |
AEA | Association of European Airlines (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also) |
Airline | Company operating aircraft between steady origin and destination airports |
Airmail | Mail travelling by air |
Air Operator | Company operating aircraft |
Airport-to-airport | Transport from an airport of origin to an airport of destination |
Allotment | Assigned volume on board of a flight / day |
AOG | Aircraft On Ground ; materials expedited for repair of a grounded aircraft |
AP | Airport |
ARR | Arrive, Arrived, Arrival |
ARR | Also a C2K milestone: ARR = cargo and documents arrived at airport of destination |
ATA | Air Transport Association (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also) |
ATA | Actual Time of Arrival |
ATD | Actual Time of Departure |
Authorisation | The commission to a certain person or body to act on behalf of another person or body ; the person or body can be authorised e.g. to issue air waybills or to collect freight |
AVI | Live Animal(s) |
AWB | Air Waybill |
Backlog | Amount of goods still to be delivered or received and for which the planned or agreed date has expired |
BAG | Baggage |
Belly | Lower-deck cargo hold of an aircraft |
BIG | Outsized cargo |
Blocked-space agreement | A continuous reservation (allotment) for space at one or more flight / date combinations with an airline |
Bonded Goods | Goods on which the customs duty has not yet been paid, and which therefore, are under the control of customs; usually in a Bonded warehouse. |
Bonded warehouse | A depository for goods on which the customs duty has not been paid ; the warehouse proprietor must provide a bond (often in the form of a bank warranty or a mortgage) to the customs authorities as a security for any duties which may not be paid by the customer |
Booking | Request for reservation of space on a flight/day, (to be) confirmed by the airline |
Break Bulk Agent | A forwarder breaking the bulk: taking care of the unpacking and sorting of goods after the flight |
Breakdown List | List of shipments carried in one consolidation (see also: Consolidation Manifest) |
Broker | Person who acts as an agent or intermediary in negotiating contracts ; sometimes refers to a forwarder role |
Bulk Cargo | Loose cargo not loaded on an ULD |
C2K | Cargo 2000 (see the “Cargo 2000” page of this website) |
Cargo Aircraft | Aircraft built with the purpose of carrying nothing else than cargo |
Cargo assembly | The separate reception of parcels or packages and the holding of them for later dispatch as one consignment ; consolidator role |
Cargo Disassembly | The separation of one or more of the parcels or packages that are part of a consignment for further distribution ; break bulk role |
Carriage | Transport ; the process of conveying cargo from one point to another |
Carrier | The party responsible for transport of goods from one point to another, this can be for example an airline or a forwarder (as a NVOCC) |
CASS | Cargo Accounts Settlement System |
CAO | Cargo Aircraft Only |
CC | Charges Collect ; pay at moment of collection of the goods |
CCS | Cargo Community System ; information system integrating the communication between air cargo parties at an airport |
Certificate of Origin | A certificate proving the country of original production of goods ; used for customs declaration purposes |
Charges collect | Charges as stated on the air waybill to be collected from the consignee |
Charges prepaid | Charges as stated on the air waybill to be collected from the shipper |
Claim | A written complaint about the execution of a contract of transportation by a carrier, combined with a demand for financial compensation |
Classifying | Assigning the right import classification number to goods as part of the customs declaration process |
CLR | Clear |
CNEE | Consignee |
COLL | Collect, Collected, Collecting |
COMAT | Company Material (non revenue cargo) |
Combi | Combi Aircraft, combining transport of passengers and cargo on the main-deck |
Commodity | Indication of the type of goods ; commodities are coded according to the harmonised system |
Commodity code | Code used in the Harmonised System for the classification of goods, which are most commonly produced and traded |
Complaint | An official statement from a customer to a carrier about his unhappiness with the service or operation of the service provider |
Consignee | The person or company that is physically and administratively responsible for accepting the goods at final delivery |
Consolidation | A collection of shipments belonging to different shippers travelling to one destination or area to be distributed to several consignees |
Consolidation Manifest | List of shipments carried in one consolidation |
Consolidation Rates | Rates as given by a consolidator / forwarder |
Consolidator | A forwarder consolidating shipments before a flight ; these shipments belonging to different shippers and travelling to one destination or area in order to be distributed to several consignees after the flight |
Courier | Company that carries envelopes and parcels up to 75 kg from door to door ; air transport is generally outsourced to airlines |
Courier Rates | Rates as given by a courier |
CPTY | Capacity |
CRN | Customs Release Note |
Customs Agent/Broker (Certified) | Party certified to handle the customs clearance on account of importers / exporters |
Customs invoice | (Pro forma) Invoice for import declaration (customs and statistics) purposes, stating the commercial price, added with the costs for freight, insurance and packing etc., terms of delivery and payment |
Customs value | Value of goods to be imported for import declaration (customs and statistics) purposes |
D2A | Door-to-airport |
D2D | Door-to-door |
Dangerous Goods | Goods that can be hazardous for health, flight-safety or materials |
DAP | A C2K key performance indicator: DAP = Delivered As Promised (NFD in full and on time statuses are achieved) |
DEP | A C2K milestone: DEP = cargo and documents departed at airport of origin |
DEPT | Department |
DG | Dangerous Goods |
DGR | Dangerous Goods Regulations (IATA) |
Dimensional Weight (Conversion) | Concept adopted by the transportation industry worldwide as a uniform means of establishing a minimum charge for the cubic space a package occupies ; the volume is converted into a (higher) weight / price class |
DIMS | Dimensions |
DIP | Diplomatic mail |
DLV | Deliver, Delivered, Delivering |
DLV | Also a C2K milestone: DLV = cargo and documents delivered to customer (forwarder) |
DOCS | Document(s), Documentation |
Domestic transport | Transport within a country |
Door-to-door | Transport from an initial shipper’s house address to a final consignee’s house address |
Duty | Tax imposed on goods imported from another country |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EDIFACT | Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport ; a specific EDI protocol |
e-Freight | Electronic freight documents project from IATA ; e-Freight aims to take the paper out of the air cargo supply chain and -processes and replace it with cheaper, more accurate and more reliable electronic messaging ; facilitated by IATA, the project is an industry-wide initiative involving carriers, freight forwarders, ground handlers, shippers and customs authorities |
Electronic Data Interchange | The interchange of electronic data, structured following an agreed protocol, between the automated information system of different parties |
Embargo | An embargo on a certain kind of goods means these goods will not be transported by the airline, often for flight-safety reasons |
Equipment | Materials needed to handle or transport goods |
ESC | European Shippers’ Council (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also) |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure |
Expediting | Forwarding goods (in less than the normal lead time) |
Expeditor | Forwarder |
FAK | Freight All Kinds |
FAK-Rates | Rates for Freight All Kinds |
FAP | A C2K key performance indicator: FAP = Flown As Planned (the complete shipment has flown at or before the last planned flight with a maximum 12 hour delay) |
FCL | Full Container Load |
FDCA | Found Cargo |
FFM | Freight Forwarding Message (electronic) |
FIATA | International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also) |
FLT | Flight |
Forwarder | Company specialized in providing door-to-airport transport, arranging connecting air transport and/or airport-to-door transport for parcels and consolidations > 75 kg or up to anything that fits in an aircraft ; the air transport is generally outsourced to airlines and sometimes aircraft operators or air charter companies |
Forwarder network | A network existing of different smaller to medium sized forwarding companies all over the world working together |
Freighter | Aircraft built with the purpose of carrying nothing else than cargo |
FSU | Freight Status Update |
Fuel Surcharge | Surcharge added to the cargo rate to cover the additional costs of increasing fuel-prices ; these will generally follow a certain index |
Full charter | Chartering the full available volume of an aircraft or flight/day |
Full Container Load | Container fully loaded, generally with goods belonging to one party |
Full freighter | Aircraft built with the purpose of carrying nothing else than cargo |
FWB | Electronic air waybill message |
FWB | Also a C2K milestone: FWB = the shipment is booked at the airline, next an electronic air waybill is generated by agent (forwarder) ; this creates the so-called route map in C2K in which all the steps are followed |
FYI | For Your Information |
General Cargo Rates | Rates for all different kinds of cargo, not falling into a specific handling and/or rate category |
GSA | General Sales Agent |
GSF | Global Shippers Forum (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also) |
Handling Agent | Agent handling the ramp and/or warehouse cargo operation for an airline |
Harmonised System | A numeric multi purpose system for the classification of goods with its six digits covering about 5000 descriptions of the products or groups of products most commonly produced and traded, designed for customs purposes, but can also be used for statistics, transport purposes, export, import and manufacturing; the international convention on the HS was established under auspices of the World Customs Organisation in 1983 |
Haulage | Inland transport of cargo |
Haulier | Road carrier |
HEA | Heavy Cargo |
HAWB | House Air Waybill |
House Air Waybill | The shipment contract between the end-customer and the forwarder (see the page “Forwarding Out” of this website for further purposes and explanation) |
Hub | Central point in a transport system or network |
HUM | Human remains |
HWB | House Waybill |
IATA | International Air Transport Association (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also) |
IATA-Agent | An IATA certified agent |
ICAL | Inbound Cargo Action List |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also) |
ICE | Dry Ice Shipment |
IN | Inches |
Inco terms | Internationally agreed set of standard delivery terms |
Integrator | Carrier integrating different modes of transport to form a door-to-door transport or supply chain ; this term mostly refers to the large international express companies who’s core business is to carry envelopes and parcels up to 75 kg, often overnight or even same day |
Intermodal Transport | The movement of cargo in a supply chain by more than one mode of transport ; for example road/air or sea/air transport |
INV | Invoice |
ISA | If Space Available |
KG | Kilos |
L/C | Letter of Credit |
LCL | Less than Container Load |
Less than Container Load | Container partly filled with goods from one party, or an amount of goods that is not sufficient to fill one container and will therefore likely be consolidated |
LHO | Living Human Organs / Blood |
License, import/export | Governmental permit to import / export certain goods under certain conditions |
Line item | Order line, each line on a packing list or invoice to be declared for customs |
Load factor | The extent to which the aircraft (weight-, volume-, ULD-) capacity is efficiently utilized (to generate profit) |
LOC | Location |
Loose cargo/shipments | Cargo / shipments not loaded on an ULD |
Lower Deck | The (cargo) deck below the main deck or upper deck of an aircraft |
LT | Local Time |
Main deck | Upper deck ; the (cargo) deck above the lower deck of an aircraft |
Manifest, flight | Document listing the air waybills and a specification of the related goods carried on a flight |
Master Air Waybill | The shipment contract between the forwarder and the airline (see the page “Forwarding Out” of this website for further purposes and explanation) |
MAWB | Master Air Waybill |
MFST | Manifest |
Minimum Rate | Rate to cover the basic costs of carrying a shipment |
MSG | Message(s) |
Network Forwarder | A large forwarding company with worldwide branches |
NFD | A C2K milestone: NFD = cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline (handler), the customer (forwarder) is notified |
NND | Notice of Non Delivery |
NON-IATA | Airline or agent that is not a member of IATA |
Nose loading | Loading cargo through the cargo door in the nose of an aircraft |
Notify address | Address of a party other than the consignee to be notified of arrival of the goods |
Notify party | Party other than the consignee to be notified of arrival of the goods |
NOTOC | Notification To Captain ; list for the captain of the aircraft with goods carried on board |
N-Rates | Rates for shipments with weights up to 45 kg |
NVOCC | Non Vessel Operating/Owning Cargo Carrier ; in case of Air Cargo a Carrier (e.g. a Forwarder or Consolidator) who issues Air Waybills for the carriage of cargo on aircraft which he does not operate or own |
OAG | Official Airlines Guide |
OB | On Board |
Oversized Cargo | Cargo that exceeds the dimensions of an ULD |
Package | Packed piece of cargo |
Packing list | A list for customs declaration and consignment purposes stating number and kinds of packages being shipped, totals of gross, legal, and net weights of the packages, marks and numbers on the packages, contents and part-/serialnumbers |
Pallet | A (standardized) platform on which goods can be stacked for transport or warehouse handling purposes |
Pallet, aircraft | A (standardized) platform on which goods can be stacked for air transport purposes |
Pallet net | A net used to secure the cargo on the aircraft pallet |
Parcel | Package |
Part charter | Chartering of a part of the available volume on an aircraft or flight/day |
Part shipment | Part of a shipment that travels on a different flight and/or day than the rest of the shipment due to available capacity with the airline |
PAX | Passenger(s) |
Payload | The (cargo) load that can be carried by an aircraft (to generate revenue) |
PC | Piece(s) |
PER | Perishable Cargo |
PFI | Pro Forma Invoice |
POA | Proof Of Acceptance ; legal proof a shipment has been accepted by a party |
POD | Proof Of Delivery ; legal proof a shipment has been delivered by a party |
POD | Place Of Delivery |
PP | Charges Prepaid |
PPD | Prepaid |
Pre-alert | Message stating the current and or expected status of the goods |
Principal | The customer ordering the transport or related services |
PSH | Part Shipment |
QNTY | Quantity |
Q-Rates | Rates with a quantity discount |
RCF | A C2K milestone: RCF = cargo has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination ; cargo and airwaybill are administratively received in the system |
RCPT | Receipt, Reception |
RCS | A C2K milestone: RCS = cargo and documents are received ‘Ready For Carriage’ and accepted by airline (handler) |
Ready For Carriage | (By Air) The goods are correctly packed and labeled, and customs cleared, with the right documents attached |
Ready For Transport | (By Road) The goods are correctly packed and labeled, with the right documents attached |
RFC | Ready For Carriage |
RFT | Ready For Transport |
Routing | The path that is (to be) followed by the goods from shipper to consignee |
RUSHR | Rush Reply |
SASPO | As Soon As Possible |
SAWB | Substitute Air Waybill |
Security Surcharge | Surcharge added to the cargo rate to cover the additional costs of the increasing number of security checks and related administration that are legally required by the authorities |
Shipper | The person or company that is physically and administratively responsible for shipping the goods ; for an airline in most cases a forwarder will be the shipper, for a forwarder the shipper is a third party, for example a trading company, a manufacturer, etc. |
Shipper’s Letter of Instruction | Document issued by the shipper to instruct and authorize the forwarder to forward and declare goods on his behalf ; contains all shipment details needed to facilitate these services |
SHPMNT | Shipment |
Side loading | Loading cargo through a cargo door in the side of an aircraft |
Skid | Pallet |
S/L | Short Loaded |
SLI | Shipper’s Letter of Instruction |
SSPD | Short Shipped ; stayed behind |
TACT | The Air Cargo Tariff ; publication of official airline tariffs |
TBA | Time Before Arrival |
TBD | Time Before Departure |
TEMP | Temperature |
TIACA | The International Air Cargo Association (see the page “Interest Organisations” of this website also) |
TILNA | Tilting Not Allowed |
TILTA | Tilting Allowed |
Time Slot | The agreed time to collect or deliver goods |
Tonne Kilometer | One tonne (1000 kg or 2204.6 lb) metric flown one kilometer ; productivity indicator |
TRA | Transit |
Tracing | Retrieving (information on) the status of goods and documents |
Tracking | Regular checking on the status of goods and documents |
Track & Trace | Automated regular retrieval of (information on) the status of goods and documents and checking these against the agreed norms |
Transfer cargo | Transfer of cargo from one flight to another |
Transito / Transit cargo | Transfer of cargo from one flight to another |
TRM | Transfer Manifest |
TTL | Total |
ULD | Unit Load Device |
ULD, contoured | Unit Load Device shaped to exactly fit in an aircraft |
UNACC | Unaccompanied |
Unit Load Device | Standardized air cargo loading equipment (pallet, container) |
Upper deck | Main deck ; the (cargo) deck above the lower deck of an aircraft |
VAL | Valuable cargo |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
VOL | Volume |
Volume charge | Air transport charge based on the volume of goods instead of the actual weight (see “Dimensional Weight” and “Weight charge” also) |
VUN | Vulnerable cargo |
Weight charge | Air transport charge based on the actual weight of the goods (see “Dimensional Weight” and “Volume charge” also) |
Weight & Balance | Management of the weight and allocation of cargo, passengers and fuel for a flight |
W/H | Warehouse |
XPS | Priority Small Package |
XS | In Excess |
Yield management | The process of maximising the contribution (revenue) of the (transport & handling) network, equipment, infrastructure and resources |
Авиаперевозки грузов по России
Более 100 маршрутов из Москвы. Авиадоставка грузов по России из Шереметьево, Внуково, Домодедово, Жуковского. Срок доставки: 18-24 часа
Международные авиаперевозки
Более 100 маршрутов международных перевозок из Москвы.Надежная авиадоставка грузов по всему миру. Импорт, экспорт, транзит, сотрудничество.
Авиаперевозки грузов в Казахстан (ЕАЭС)
Срочная авиадоставка грузов из Москвы в Казахстан, Беларусь, Армению, Кыргызстан. Срок доставки: 18-24 часа.
Экспресс-доставка авиационных грузов
Курьерская авиаперевозка документов, посылок, грузов регулярными пассажирскими рейсами из Москвы, в том числе «от двери до двери».
Таможенное оформление грузов
Таможенное оформление импортных, экспортных и транзитных авиа грузов
Авиаперевозки ценных грузов
Авиадоставка ценных грузов: золотые слитки, банкноты, драгоценные и полудрагоценные камни, культурные ценности, картины, ювелирные украшения и др.
Авиаперевозки опасных грузов
Проверка, упаковка, маркировка, хранение, оформление и авиадоставка опасных грузов.
Авиаперевозки живых животных
Авиадоставка живых животных из Москвы прямыми рейсами в кратчайшие сроки.
Авиаперевозки негабаритных грузов
Авиадоставка негабаритных (BIG/OHG) и тяжеловесных (HEA) грузов по России и в международном сообщении.
Авиаперевозки транспортных средств
Авиадоставка мототранспортных средств, легковых и грузовых автомобилей, специальной строительной техники.
Авиаперевозки скоропортящихся грузов
Авиадоставка цветов, фруктов, овощей, зелени, молочной и мясной продукции, морепродуктов и других скоропортящихся грузов.
Авиаперевозки фармацевтической продукции
Авиадоставка вакцины и медикаментов (PIL) для людей и животных, требующие немедленной перевозки.
Складская обработка и упаковка грузов
Комплексные решения складской логистики: обработка, хранение, упаковка, консолидация, погрузо-разгрузочные работы.
Страхование грузов
Страхование любых типов груза при авиаперевозке с ответственностью за все риски. Индивидуальное согласование условий страхования.
Статус груза по авианакладной
Для удобства клиентов и партнёров мы предлагаем современную услугу – возможность отслеживать статус груза онлайн. Данный сервис позволяет уточнить месторасположение и статус груза в любой момент круглосуточно 7 дней в неделю. Поиск груза осуществляется по номеру грузовой авианакладной.
Грузовая авианакладная (Air Waybill) — документ, который оформляется уполномоченным грузовым агентом, являющийся договором между грузоотправителем и перевозчиком о перевозке груза по авиалиниям перевозчика. Перевозчиком в данном случае выступает авиакомпания.
Грузовая авианакладная (AWB) имеет 11-значный номер, который используется для бронирования, проверки статуса авиаперевозки, и определения текущего местонахождения груза. Первые три цифры составляют префикс авиакомпании (это код авиакомпании в IATA — International Air Transport Association / Международная ассоциация воздушного транспорта), следующие 8 цифр – порядковый номер. Например, префикс авиакомпании «Аэрофлот» – «555». Номер грузовой авианакладной имеет вид 555-12345678, где «555» — префикс (код авиакомпании), «12345678» — порядковый номер авианакладной.
На этой странице мы собрали самые востребованные сервисы по проверке статуса груза по номеру авианакладной. Мы разделяем их на три категории:
— авиакомпании (сервис фиксирует информацию о бронировании, дате/времени вылета и прилёта груза);
— грузовые терминалы аэропортов (сервис фиксирует дату/время терминальной обработки груза, параметры груза, фактический вылет/прилёт груза);
— агрегаторы (сервисы, консолидирующие в себе возможность проверки статуса груза сразу по нескольким авиакомпаниям).
В мире не все авиакомпании и грузовые терминалы аэропортов имеют онлайн-сервис по отслеживанию статуса груза. Например, национальный авиаперевозчик Казахстана, авиакомпания «Air Astana» (префикс – «465»), до сих пор не имеет подобной возможности. Поэтому статус отправляемого/получаемого груза получается выяснить онлайн только на сайтах грузовых терминалов аэропортов отправления/назначения по-отдельности, при условии что данные грузовые терминалы обладают таким сервисом.
Статус груза | Наименование авиакомпании | Префикс а/к | Код а/к |
| Аэрофлот – российские авиалинии | 555 | SU |
| ЭйрБриджКарго / AirBridgeCargo Airlines | 580 | RU |
| Эйр Астана / Air Astana | 465 | KC |
| Сибирь / S7 Airlines | 421 | S7 |
| Уральские авиалинии / Ural Airlines Cargo | 262 | U6 |
Статус груза | Наименование |
| Track-Trace |
| AZfreight |
Статус груза | Аэропорт |
| Грузовой терминал «Москва Карго» (Шереметьево-1) |
| Грузовой терминал «Шереметьево-Карго» (Шереметьево-2) |
| Грузовой терминал «Внуково-Карго» (Внуково) |
| Грузовой терминал «Домодедово Карго» (Домодедово) |
| Грузовой терминал «Жуковский Карго» (Жуковский) |
Airline: | Name: ABSA Aerolinhas Brasileiras | IATA: M3 | Prefix: 549 | |
Airline: | Name: Aegean Airlines | IATA: A3 | Prefix: 390 | |
Airline: | Name: Aeroflot — Russian Airlines | IATA: SU | Prefix: 555 | |
Airline: | Name: Aeroflot-Cargo | IATA: SU | Prefix: 507 | |
Airline: | Name: Aerolineas Argentinas | IATA: AR | Prefix: 044 | |
Airline: | Name: Aeromexico | IATA: AM | Prefix: 139 | |
Airline: | Name: Aerotransporte de Carga Union | IATA: 6R | Prefix: 873 | |
Airline: | Name: Aerotransportes Mas de Carga S.A. de C.v. | IATA: M7 | Prefix: 865 | |
Airline: | Name: Afriqiyah Airways | IATA: 8U | Prefix: 546 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Algerie | IATA: AH | Prefix: 124 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Arabia | IATA: G9 | Prefix: 514 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Arabia Maroc | IATA: 3O | Prefix: 452 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Astana | IATA: KC | Prefix: 465 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Atlanta Icelandic | IATA: CC | Prefix: 318 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Austral | IATA: UU | Prefix: 760 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Botswana | IATA: BP | Prefix: 636 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Busan | IATA: BX | Prefix: 982 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Canada | IATA: AC | Prefix: 014 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Canada Jazz | IATA: QK | Prefix: 983 | |
Airline: | Name: Air China | IATA: CA | Prefix: 999 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Europa Lineas Aereas | IATA: | Prefix: | |
Airline: | Name: Air France | IATA: AF | Prefix: 057 | |
Airline: | Name: Air India Limited | IATA: AI | Prefix: 098 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Inuit | IATA: 3H | Prefix: 466 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Malta | IATA: KM | Prefix: 643 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Mauritius | IATA: MK | Prefix: 239 | |
Airline: | Name: Air New Zealand | IATA: NZ | Prefix: 086 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Niugini | IATA: PX | Prefix: 656 | |
Airline: | Name: Air North Charter and Training Ltd. | IATA: 4N | Prefix: 287 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Panama | IATA: 7P | Prefix: 691 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Saint Pierre | IATA: PJ | Prefix: 638 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Tahiti Nui | IATA: TN | Prefix: 244 | |
Airline: | Name: Air Tindi Ltd | IATA: 8T | Prefix: 744 | |
Airline: | Name: AirAsia Berhad | IATA: AK | Prefix: 807 | |
Airline: | Name: airBaltic | IATA: BT | Prefix: 657 | |
Airline: | Name: AirBridgeCargo Airlines | IATA: RU | Prefix: 580 | |
Airline: | Name: Airlink Cargo | IATA: 4Z | Prefix: 749 | |
Airline: | Name: Alaska Airlines | IATA: AS | Prefix: 027 | |
Airline: | Name: Aloha Airlines | IATA: KH | Prefix: 687 | |
Airline: | Name: American Airlines | IATA: AA | Prefix: 001 | |
Airline: | Name: Amerijet | IATA: M6 | Prefix: 810 | |
Airline: | Name: ANA — All Nippon Airways | IATA: NH | Prefix: 205 | |
Airline: | Name: Asiana Airlines | IATA: OZ | Prefix: 988 | |
Airline: | Name: ASL Airlines Belgium | IATA: 3V | Prefix: 756 | |
Airline: | Name: Astral Aviation | IATA: 8V | Prefix: 485 | |
Airline: | Name: Atlas Air | IATA: 5Y | Prefix: 369 | |
Airline: | Name: Avianca Airlines | IATA: AV | Prefix: 134 | |
Airline: | Name: Avianca Costa Rica | IATA: LR | Prefix: 133 | |
Airline: | Name: Avianca El Salvador | IATA: TA | Prefix: 202 | |
Airline: | Name: Azerbaijan Airlines | IATA: J2 | Prefix: 771 | |
Airline: | Name: Azores Airlines | IATA: S4 | Prefix: 331 | |
Airline: | Name: Bangkok Airways | IATA: PG | Prefix: 829 | |
Airline: | Name: Biman Bangladesh Airlines | IATA: BG | Prefix: 997 | |
Airline: | Name: Boliviana de Aviacion | IATA: OB | Prefix: 930 | |
Airline: | Name: British Airways | IATA: BA | Prefix: 125 | |
Airline: | Name: Canadian North Inc. | IATA: 5T | Prefix: 518 | |
Airline: | Name: Cargojet Airways Inc. | IATA: W8 | Prefix: 489 | |
Airline: | Name: CargoLogicAir | IATA: P3 | Prefix: 560 | |
Airline: | Name: Cargolux Airlines | IATA: CV | Prefix: 172 | |
Airline: | Name: Cargolux Italia | IATA: C8 | Prefix: 356 | |
Airline: | Name: Caribbean Airlines | IATA: BW | Prefix: 106 | |
Airline: | Name: Cathay Pacific | IATA: CX | Prefix: 160 | |
Airline: | Name: Cebu Pacific Air | IATA: 5J | Prefix: 203 | |
Airline: | Name: Challenge Airlines IL | IATA: 5C | Prefix: 700 | |
Airline: | Name: China Airlines | IATA: CI | Prefix: 297 | |
Airline: | Name: China Cargo Airlines | IATA: CK | Prefix: 112 | |
Airline: | Name: Congo Airways | IATA: 8Z | Prefix: 582 | |
Airline: | Name: Copa Airlines | IATA: CM | Prefix: 230 | |
Airline: | Name: Corsair International | IATA: SS | Prefix: 923 | |
Airline: | Name: Coyne Airways | IATA: 7C | Prefix: 575 | |
Airline: | Name: Croatia Airlines | IATA: OU | Prefix: 831 | |
Airline: | Name: CSA Czech Airlines | IATA: OK | Prefix: 064 | |
Airline: | Name: Delta Airlines | IATA: DL | Prefix: 006 | |
Airline: | Name: DHL Aero Expresso S.A. | IATA: D5 | Prefix: 992 | |
Airline: | Name: DHL Aviation/European Air Transport | IATA: QY | Prefix: 615 | |
Airline: | Name: DHL de Guatemala S.A. | IATA: L3 | Prefix: 947 | |
Airline: | Name: DHL Ecuador | IATA: 7T | Prefix: 144 | |
Airline: | Name: DHL International Aviation ME | IATA: ES | Prefix: 155 | |
Airline: | Name: Egyptair | IATA: MS | Prefix: 077 | |
Airline: | Name: El Al Israel Airlines | IATA: LY | Prefix: 114 | |
Airline: | Name: Emirates Airlines | IATA: EK | Prefix: 176 | |
Airline: | Name: Eritrean Airlines | IATA: B8 | Prefix: 637 | |
Airline: | Name: Estafeta Carga Aerea | IATA: E7 | Prefix: 355 | |
Airline: | Name: Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise | IATA: ET | Prefix: 071 | |
Airline: | Name: Etihad Airways | IATA: EY | Prefix: 607 | |
Airline: | Name: EVA Airways Corporation | IATA: BR | Prefix: 695 | |
Airline: | Name: Express Air Cargo | IATA: 7A | Prefix: 336 | |
Airline: | Name: Federal Express | IATA: FX | Prefix: 023 | |
Airline: | Name: Finnair Oyj | IATA: AY | Prefix: 105 | |
Airline: | Name: Garuda Indonesia | IATA: GA | Prefix: 126 | |
Airline: | Name: GoAir | IATA: G8 | Prefix: 879 | |
Airline: | Name: Gulf Air | IATA: GF | Prefix: 072 | |
Airline: | Name: Hainan Airlines Comp. Ltd. | IATA: HU | Prefix: 880 | |
Airline: | Name: Hawaiian Airlines | IATA: HA | Prefix: 173 | |
Airline: | Name: Hong Kong Airlines | IATA: HX | Prefix: 851 | |
Airline: | Name: Hongyuang Group | IATA: KF | Prefix: 142 | |
Airline: | Name: Iberia — Lineas Aereas de Espana | IATA: IB | Prefix: 075 | |
Airline: | Name: Icelandair | IATA: FI | Prefix: 108 | |
Airline: | Name: Iran Air — The Airline of Islamic Republic of Iran | IATA: IR | Prefix: 096 | |
Airline: | Name: ITA Airways | IATA: AZ | Prefix: 055 | |
Airline: | Name: Japan Airlines | IATA: JL | Prefix: 131 | |
Airline: | Name: Kalitta Air | IATA: K4 | Prefix: 272 | |
Airline: | Name: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines | IATA: KL | Prefix: 074 | |
Airline: | Name: Korean Air | IATA: KE | Prefix: 180 | |
Airline: | Name: Kuwait Airways | IATA: KU | Prefix: 229 | |
Airline: | Name: LAM — Linhas Aereas de Mocambique | IATA: TM | Prefix: 068 | |
Airline: | Name: LAS-Lineas Aereas Suramericanas | IATA: 4L | Prefix: 174 | |
Airline: | Name: LATAM Airlines Argentina | IATA: 4M | Prefix: 469 | |
Airline: | Name: LATAM Airlines Brasil | IATA: LA | Prefix: 957 | |
Airline: | Name: Linea Aerea Carguera de Colombia S.A. | IATA: L7 | Prefix: 985 | |
Airline: | Name: Lion Airlines | IATA: JT | Prefix: 259 | |
Airline: | Name: LOT — Polish Airlines | IATA: LO | Prefix: 080 | |
Airline: | Name: Luxair | IATA: LG | Prefix: 149 | |
Airline: | Name: Martinair Cargo | IATA: MP | Prefix: 129 | |
Airline: | Name: Mauritania Airlines | IATA: L6 | Prefix: 425 | |
Airline: | Name: Middle East Airlines | IATA: ME | Prefix: 076 | |
Airline: | Name: MNG Airlines | IATA: MB | Prefix: 716 | |
Airline: | Name: Montenegro Airlines | IATA: YM | Prefix: 409 | |
Airline: | Name: MS Airblue | IATA: PA | Prefix: 084 | |
Airline: | Name: Nepal Airlines | IATA: RA | Prefix: 285 | |
Airline: | Name: Nippon Cargo Airlines | IATA: KZ | Prefix: 933 | |
Airline: | Name: Norwegian Air International | IATA: D8 | Prefix: 329 | |
Airline: | Name: Norwegian Air Shuttle | IATA: DY | Prefix: 328 | |
Airline: | Name: Norwegian Air Sweden | IATA: LE | Prefix: 348 | |
Airline: | Name: Oman Air | IATA: WY | Prefix: 910 | |
Airline: | Name: Pakistan International Airlines | IATA: PK | Prefix: 214 | |
Airline: | Name: Pegasus Airlines | IATA: PC | Prefix: 624 | |
Airline: | Name: Philippine Airlines | IATA: PR | Prefix: 079 | |
Airline: | Name: Plus Ultra Líneas Aéreas | IATA: PU | Prefix: 663 | |
Airline: | Name: Polar Air Cargo Worldwide, Inc. | IATA: PO | Prefix: 403 | |
Airline: | Name: PT. Indonesia AirAsia | IATA: QZ | Prefix: 975 | |
Airline: | Name: Qantas | IATA: QF | Prefix: 081 | |
Airline: | Name: Qatar Airways | IATA: QR | Prefix: 157 | |
Airline: | Name: Royal Air Maroc | IATA: AT | Prefix: 147 | |
Airline: | Name: Royal Jordanian | IATA: JO | Prefix: 512 | |
Airline: | Name: RwandAir | IATA: WB | Prefix: 459 | |
Airline: | Name: Saudia Arabian Airlines | IATA: SV | Prefix: 065 | |
Airline: | Name: Scandinavian Airlines | IATA: SK | Prefix: 117 | |
Airline: | Name: Shenzhen Airlines | IATA: ZH | Prefix: 479 | |
Airline: | Name: Siberia Airlines | IATA: S7 | Prefix: 421 | |
Airline: | Name: Sichuan Airlines | IATA: 3U | Prefix: 876 | |
Airline: | Name: Silk Way West Airlines | IATA: 7L | Prefix: 501 | |
Airline: | Name: Singapore Airlines | IATA: SQ | Prefix: 618 | |
Airline: | Name: Sky Lease Cargo | IATA: GG | Prefix: 576 | |
Airline: | Name: South African Airways | IATA: SA | Prefix: 083 | |
Airline: | Name: Southern Air Inc. | IATA: 9S | Prefix: 099 | |
Airline: | Name: SpiceJet | IATA: SG | Prefix: 775 | |
Airline: | Name: SriLankan Airlines | IATA: UL | Prefix: 603 | |
Airline: | Name: Stabo Air | IATA: 4E | Prefix: 242 | |
Airline: | Name: STARLIGHT AIRLINES | IATA: QP | Prefix: 321 | |
Airline: | Name: SunExpress | IATA: XQ | Prefix: 564 | |
Airline: | Name: Surinam Airways | IATA: PY | Prefix: 192 | |
Airline: | Name: Swiss International Air Lines | IATA: LX | Prefix: 724 | |
Airline: | Name: TAAG Angola Airlines | IATA: DT | Prefix: 118 | |
Airline: | Name: Tampa Air Cargo | IATA: QT | Prefix: 729 | |
Airline: | Name: TAP Portugal | IATA: TP | Prefix: 047 | |
Airline: | Name: TAROM — Romanian Air Transport | IATA: RO | Prefix: 281 | |
Airline: | Name: Thai AirAsia | IATA: FD | Prefix: 900 | |
Airline: | Name: Thai Airways | IATA: TG | Prefix: 217 | |
Airline: | Name: Transcarga International Airways | IATA: T9 | Prefix: 734 | |
Airline: | Name: Turkish Airlines | IATA: TK | Prefix: 235 | |
Airline: | Name: Ukraine International Airlines | IATA: PS | Prefix: 566 | |
Airline: | Name: United Airlines | IATA: UA | Prefix: 016 | |
Airline: | Name: UPS | IATA: 5X | Prefix: 406 | |
Airline: | Name: Ural Airlines | IATA: U6 | Prefix: 262 | |
Airline: | Name: UTair Aviation Joint-Stock Company | IATA: UT | Prefix: 298 | |
Airline: | Name: Uzbekistan Airways | IATA: HY | Prefix: 250 | |
Airline: | Name: VietJet Air | IATA: VJ | Prefix: 978 | |
Airline: | Name: Vietnam Airlines | IATA: VN | Prefix: 738 | |
Airline: | Name: Virgin Atlantic Airways | IATA: VS | Prefix: 932 | |
Airline: | Name: Virgin Australia Airlines | IATA: VA | Prefix: 795 | |
Airline: | Name: VivaAerobus | IATA: VB | Prefix: | |
Airline: | Name: Volaris El Salvador | IATA: N3 | Prefix: 370 | |
Airline: | Name: Wamos Air | IATA: EB | Prefix: 460 | |
Airline: | Name: WestJet | IATA: WS | Prefix: 838 | |
Airline: | Name: Wideroe | IATA: WF | Prefix: 701 | |
Airline: | Name: Yangtze River Express | IATA: Y8 | Prefix: 871 |
001 AA American
002 2G CargoItalia
005 CO Continental
006 DL Delta
Air Lines (more tracking)
012 NW Delta Air Lines (former Northwest
Airlines) (alternate
014 AC Air
016 UA United
Airlines Cargo
018 CP Canadian
Airlines Intґl
020 LH Lufthansa
Cargo AG
023 FX Fedex
tracking )
027 AS Alaska
Airlines (more tracking)
037 US USAirways
040 QC Camair-Co
043 KA Dragonair
044 AR Aerolineas Argentinas
045 LA LAN
Cargo (multi-tracking)
047 TP TAP
Air Portugal
048 CY Cyprus
050 OA Olympic
Airways (more tracking)
053 EI Aer
Lingus Cargo (more tracking)
055 AZ Alitalia (more
057 AF Air
France (more
(from USA: Air France tracking)
061 HM Air
064 OK Czech
Airlines (more
065 SV Saudi
Arabian Airlines (more tracking — more tracking)
070 RB Syrian
Arab Airlines
071 ET Ethiopian
Airlines (more tracking)
072 GF Gulf
Air (more
074 KL KLM
Cargo (more
tracking) (more tracking)
075 IB Iberia
(more tracking)
076 ME Middle
East Airlines
077 MS Egyptair
079 PR Philippine
080 LO LOT
Polish Airlines
081 QF Qantas
082 SN Brussels
083 SA South
African Airways
086 NZ Air
New Zealand (more tracking)
090 IT Kingfisher Airlines
096 IR Iran
Air (more tracking)
098 AI Air
105 AY Finnair
106 BW Caribbean Airlines
108 FI Icelandair
(more tracking)
112 CK China
Cargo Airlines
114 LY EL
115 JU JAT Airways
117 SK SAS-Scandinavian
Airlines System
Angola Airlines
119 LM Air
124 AH Air Algerie
125 BA British
126 GA Garuda
128 UO Hongkong Express
129 MP Martinair
131 JL Japan
132 MX Mexicana
Airlines of Costa Rica
139 AM Aeromexico
Cargo (more
140 LI LIAT Airlines
145 UC LAN
Chile Cargo (multi-tracking)
147 AT Royal
Air Maroc
148 LN Libyan Airlines
157 QR Qatar
160 CX Cathay
Pacific Airways
165 JP Adria Airways
167 QM Air Malawi
172 CV Cargolux
176 EK Emirates (more tracking)
180 KE Korean
Air (more tracking)
182 MA Malev
Hungarian Airlines
187 DW Aero-Charter (use format: 187—88888888)
189 JI Jade
Cargo International
199 TU Tunisair *
201 JM Air
Jamaica (more tracking)
205 NH ANA
All Nippon Cargo (more tracking)
214 PK Pakistan
Intґl Airlines
217 TG Thai
Airways (more tracking)
229 KU Kuwait
230 CM Copa Airlines Cargo
231 NG Lauda Air
232 MH Malaysian
Airline System
232 MH (more
234 JD Japan
Air System
235 TK Turkish
236 BD British
Midland Airways BMI (more tracking)
239 MK Air Mauritius
244 TN Air Tahiti Nui (flight tracking only)
254 0J Jet Club
257 OS Austrian Cargo
(see 020 LH Lufthansa)
258 MD Air
265 EF Far
Eastern Air Transport
270 TL Trans
Mediterranean Airways
272 K4 Kalitta Air
281 RO Tarom
288 LD Air
Hong Kong
297 CI China
301 5S Global Aviation and Services (more tracking)
302 OO Sky
West Airlines
307 WE Centurion
Air Cargo
318 CC Air Atlanta Icelandic
321 QP Starlight Airlines
324 SC Shandong Airlines (Chinese)
345 NC Northern Air Cargo
356 C8 Cargolux Italia
369 5Y Atlas
370 TL TMA Trans Mediterranean Airways
378 KX Cayman Airways
390 A3 Aegean Airlines
403 PO Polar
Air Cargo
406 5X UPS
Air Cargo
416 N8 National Air Cargo (multiple AWB tracking)
417 E6 Bringer Air Cargo
421 S7 Siberia Airlines
423 ER DHL
Aviation/DHL Airways
463 ZP Silk Way Airlines
465 KC Air Astana
479 ZH Shenzhen Airlines (Chinese)
485 8V Astral Aviation
507 SU Aeroflot (more tracking)
512 RJ Royal Jordanian
525 B7 Uni Airways
526 WN Southwest
529 A2 Cielos
530 T0 Trans American Airways/TACA Peru
549 M3 ABSA
Aerolinhas Brasileiras
552 M2 Mario’s Air
555 SU Aeroflot
566 PS Ukraine
Intґl Airlines
572 9U Air Moldova
574 4W Allied Air (alternate site)
575 7C Coyne Airways
580 RU AirBridge
Cargo (former 412 VI)
589 9W Jet
603 UL SriLankan
615 QY DHL
Aviation / European Air Transport
618 SQ Singapore
623 FB Bulgaria
631 GL Air
635 IY Yemenia
Yemen Airways (more tracking)
643 KM Air
649 TS Air Transat
656 PX Air
657 BT Air
672 BI Royal
Brunei Airlines
675 NX Air Macau
687 KH Aloha Air Cargo
693 JX Jett8 Airlines
695 BR Eva
Airways (more tracking)
700 5C CAL
Cargo Air Lines
706 KQ Kenya
710 K5 Aban Air
711 MR Movie Reviews
716 MB MNG
724 LX Swiss
725 W3 Arik Air *
729 QT Tampa
730 6U ACG Air Cargo Germany
731 MF Xiamen
Air Acores
738 VN Vietnam
745 AB LTU (Leisure Cargo)
745 AB Thomson Airways
754 TB Jetairfly
756 3V TNT
757 SMJ Avient
771 J2 Azerbaijan
774 FM Shanghai
781 MU China
Eastern Airlines
784 CZ China
Southern Airlines (more tracking)
790 1A Leaderjet
800 GD Grandstar
803 AE Mandarin Airlines
807 AK AirAsia Berhad
810 M6 Amerijet International
817 S6 SAC
South American Airways
825 F4 Shanghai Airlines Cargo
831 OU Croatia Airlines
843 D7 AirAsia
851 N8 Hong Kong Airlines
858 FK Africa
862 EV Atlantic Southeast Airlines
865 MY MASAir
870 VV Aerosvit (more
tracking )
871 Y8 Yangtze
River Express Airlines
873 6R AeroUnion
876 3U Sichuan
880 HU Hainan Airlines (Hainan Airlines/Chinese)
886 OH Comair
901 B1 TAB Transportes Aereos Bolivianos
907 QN Air
923 SS Corsair
928 UZ Buraq Air Transport (Arabic only) (more tracking)
932 VS Virgin
933 KZ Nippon
Cargo Airlines
946 V4 Vensecar Internacional
957 JJ TAM
Brazilian Airlines (national) — (international tracking ) *
958 7I Insel Air Cargo
960 OV Estonian
976 QO Aeromexpress Cargo
988 OZ Asiana
Airlines (more tracking)
989 IJ Great
Wall Airlines
992 D5 DHL Aero Expreso
996 UX Air Europa Cargo
997 BG Biman
999 CA Air
China (more tracking)
??? 6J Jubba Airways
??? ?? Pronto Airways
??? ?? Ryan Air