Ик бластер на телефоне что это

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Did you know that the «IR» in “IR blaster” stands for infrared? Most remote controls use infrared to communicate with home entertainment components such as TVs, audio receivers, and DVD players. Some older Android models come with a built-in IR blaster, and with the right app, you can use your phone or tablet to control your TV and more. This wikiHow article teaches you how to turn your IR-enabled Android phone or tablet into a virtual remote control for any TV.

Things You Should Know

  • Check if your Android has the IR blaster hardware already installed.
  • You can buy a plug-in, adapter, or dongle if your Android doesn’t have the hardware installed.
  • In the case that your Android does already have an IR blaster, check to see if you have a pre-installed app.


  1. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 1


    Make sure your phone has an IR blaster. The easiest way to find out is to search the internet for your phone model’s specs (or your phone model and the words «IR blaster») and see what comes up. Fewer Androids come with IR blasters these days, but you’ll find them on some models.

    • Modern HTC and Samsung models no longer come with IR blasters, but you can often find them on newer models released by Huawei, Honor, and Xiaomi.[1]
    • You can also check your Android’s user manual if you’ve hung on to it.
  2. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 2


    Install an IR Universal Remote app if you don’t already have one. Before downloading a new app, check your app drawer for a built-in remote control/IR blaster app. Most Androids that come with an IR blaster component installed also have a pre-installed app that can do this. If you don’t see one, there are many free and paid apps on the Google Play Store you can use to control your home audio and video devices. Some popular and highly-reviewed options are Universal TV Remote Control by CodeMatics and AnyMote Universal Remote + WiFi Smart Home Control by Color Tiger. You may have to try a few different apps before you find the one that best suits you.

    • Not all IR apps are universal remote control apps. Some are for specific brands. Be sure to read the app’s description before installing. For example, you can use Mi Remote only for Xiaomi phones.


  3. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 3


    Open your IR remote app. You can tap Open to launch the app from the Play Store or tap its icon on the app drawer.

  4. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 4


    Select your IR blaster when prompted. The app should ask you to choose your IR blaster the first time you open it. Follow the on-screen instructions to select it and/or grand appropriate permissions.[2]

  5. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 5


    Select the model you want to control. Most apps come with a built-in list of supported audio and video devices from which you can choose. You’ll usually have to select the manufacturer first and then the model.

    • Depending on the app you’re using, you may be asked to enter a universal code for the component. You can find these codes on the web by searching the internet for the model and «remote control code.» You could also visit a site like https://codesforuniversalremotes.com to find your code.
    • TVs, DVD/Blu-Ray players, audio receivers, and much more can be controlled using an IR blaster.
  6. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 6


    Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the device. Once you choose your model, your app will display some instructions for linking it to the app. The steps vary by app and device. Once you’re finished with the setup, you should be able to use your Android to control the device.

    • Some apps allow you to add multiple devices. If the app is free it may limit the number of devices you can add.
  7. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 7


    Point the IR blaster to the device you want to control. Just like a normal remote control, the IR blaster will work best when you are holding the device correctly. Most of the time, the IR blaster will be at the top of the device. Simply point and press the keys on the screen of your Android to control the device you choose.

  8. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 8


    Test your remote functions. Try pressing the power button to turn the device on or off as a starting point, and then work up to other controls. The virtual remote in the app should have the same (or similar) functions as the product’s actual remote control.

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  • Question

    Does iPhone have an IR blaster?

    Nicole Levine, MFA

    Nicole Levine is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. She has more than 20 years of experience creating technical documentation and leading support teams at major web hosting and software companies. Nicole also holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Portland State University and teaches composition, fiction-writing, and zine-making at various institutions.

    Nicole Levine, MFA

    wikiHow Technology Writer

    Expert Answer

    iPhones do not have IR blasters, but you can use an iPhone as a remote control for an Apple TV.

  • Question

    My smart TV is a Coby but my phone does not have IR blaster. Can I use my phone as a remote?

    Nicole Levine, MFA

    Nicole Levine is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. She has more than 20 years of experience creating technical documentation and leading support teams at major web hosting and software companies. Nicole also holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Portland State University and teaches composition, fiction-writing, and zine-making at various institutions.

    Nicole Levine, MFA

    wikiHow Technology Writer

    Expert Answer

    Even if your Android doesn’t have an IR blaster, you may be able to use it as a remote for certain smart TVs over Wi-Fi using a universal remote control app. Check the Play Store to see if there’s a remote app for your TV and try it out!

  • Question

    How do I know if I can use IR blaster on my Android device?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    Step 1 says it: you can perform an internet search, like Google, to read forums and see if your phone has the hardware or not. You can also look at your phone’s manual to see if it has the IR components.

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  • If your Android does not have a built-in IR blaster, you can buy infrared adapters or dongles that plug into your phone via audio jack (3.5mm jack) or into the USB port as USB-C dongles. Not all dongles or adapters will work with every Android, however, and it’s important that you make sure the external IR blaster will work with your phone before you buy it.

  • Some adapters or dongles require a specific app for the product to work. If you’re trying to use an IR blaster in your USB-C port but it’s not working, try looking up who else is using your product and what app they are using. For example, the «Android Adapter Smartphone Micro USB Type C IR Infrared Remote Control Universal» works best with the «Zazaremote» app.

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Did you know that the «IR» in “IR blaster” stands for infrared? Most remote controls use infrared to communicate with home entertainment components such as TVs, audio receivers, and DVD players. Some older Android models come with a built-in IR blaster, and with the right app, you can use your phone or tablet to control your TV and more. This wikiHow article teaches you how to turn your IR-enabled Android phone or tablet into a virtual remote control for any TV.

Things You Should Know

  • Check if your Android has the IR blaster hardware already installed.
  • You can buy a plug-in, adapter, or dongle if your Android doesn’t have the hardware installed.
  • In the case that your Android does already have an IR blaster, check to see if you have a pre-installed app.


  1. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 1


    Make sure your phone has an IR blaster. The easiest way to find out is to search the internet for your phone model’s specs (or your phone model and the words «IR blaster») and see what comes up. Fewer Androids come with IR blasters these days, but you’ll find them on some models.

    • Modern HTC and Samsung models no longer come with IR blasters, but you can often find them on newer models released by Huawei, Honor, and Xiaomi.[1]
    • You can also check your Android’s user manual if you’ve hung on to it.
  2. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 2


    Install an IR Universal Remote app if you don’t already have one. Before downloading a new app, check your app drawer for a built-in remote control/IR blaster app. Most Androids that come with an IR blaster component installed also have a pre-installed app that can do this. If you don’t see one, there are many free and paid apps on the Google Play Store you can use to control your home audio and video devices. Some popular and highly-reviewed options are Universal TV Remote Control by CodeMatics and AnyMote Universal Remote + WiFi Smart Home Control by Color Tiger. You may have to try a few different apps before you find the one that best suits you.

    • Not all IR apps are universal remote control apps. Some are for specific brands. Be sure to read the app’s description before installing. For example, you can use Mi Remote only for Xiaomi phones.


  3. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 3


    Open your IR remote app. You can tap Open to launch the app from the Play Store or tap its icon on the app drawer.

  4. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 4


    Select your IR blaster when prompted. The app should ask you to choose your IR blaster the first time you open it. Follow the on-screen instructions to select it and/or grand appropriate permissions.[2]

  5. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 5


    Select the model you want to control. Most apps come with a built-in list of supported audio and video devices from which you can choose. You’ll usually have to select the manufacturer first and then the model.

    • Depending on the app you’re using, you may be asked to enter a universal code for the component. You can find these codes on the web by searching the internet for the model and «remote control code.» You could also visit a site like https://codesforuniversalremotes.com to find your code.
    • TVs, DVD/Blu-Ray players, audio receivers, and much more can be controlled using an IR blaster.
  6. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 6


    Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the device. Once you choose your model, your app will display some instructions for linking it to the app. The steps vary by app and device. Once you’re finished with the setup, you should be able to use your Android to control the device.

    • Some apps allow you to add multiple devices. If the app is free it may limit the number of devices you can add.
  7. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 7


    Point the IR blaster to the device you want to control. Just like a normal remote control, the IR blaster will work best when you are holding the device correctly. Most of the time, the IR blaster will be at the top of the device. Simply point and press the keys on the screen of your Android to control the device you choose.

  8. Image titled Use an Android IR Blaster Step 8


    Test your remote functions. Try pressing the power button to turn the device on or off as a starting point, and then work up to other controls. The virtual remote in the app should have the same (or similar) functions as the product’s actual remote control.

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  • Question

    Does iPhone have an IR blaster?

    Nicole Levine, MFA

    Nicole Levine is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. She has more than 20 years of experience creating technical documentation and leading support teams at major web hosting and software companies. Nicole also holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Portland State University and teaches composition, fiction-writing, and zine-making at various institutions.

    Nicole Levine, MFA

    wikiHow Technology Writer

    Expert Answer

    iPhones do not have IR blasters, but you can use an iPhone as a remote control for an Apple TV.

  • Question

    My smart TV is a Coby but my phone does not have IR blaster. Can I use my phone as a remote?

    Nicole Levine, MFA

    Nicole Levine is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. She has more than 20 years of experience creating technical documentation and leading support teams at major web hosting and software companies. Nicole also holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Portland State University and teaches composition, fiction-writing, and zine-making at various institutions.

    Nicole Levine, MFA

    wikiHow Technology Writer

    Expert Answer

    Even if your Android doesn’t have an IR blaster, you may be able to use it as a remote for certain smart TVs over Wi-Fi using a universal remote control app. Check the Play Store to see if there’s a remote app for your TV and try it out!

  • Question

    How do I know if I can use IR blaster on my Android device?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    Step 1 says it: you can perform an internet search, like Google, to read forums and see if your phone has the hardware or not. You can also look at your phone’s manual to see if it has the IR components.

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  • If your Android does not have a built-in IR blaster, you can buy infrared adapters or dongles that plug into your phone via audio jack (3.5mm jack) or into the USB port as USB-C dongles. Not all dongles or adapters will work with every Android, however, and it’s important that you make sure the external IR blaster will work with your phone before you buy it.

  • Some adapters or dongles require a specific app for the product to work. If you’re trying to use an IR blaster in your USB-C port but it’s not working, try looking up who else is using your product and what app they are using. For example, the «Android Adapter Smartphone Micro USB Type C IR Infrared Remote Control Universal» works best with the «Zazaremote» app.

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В большинстве случаев ИК-передатчик находится в верхней части устройства. Просто укажите и нажимайте клавиши на экране вашего Android, чтобы управлять выбранным устройством. Проверьте свои удаленные функции. Попробуйте для начала нажать кнопку питания, чтобы включить или выключить устройство, а затем переходите к другим элементам управления.

Как включить ИК-бластер?

Запустите процесс начальной настройки Android TV. Когда во время начальной настройки на экране телевизора появляется сообщение «Управляйте телевизором и кабельной / спутниковой приставкой с помощью одного пульта дистанционного управления или управляйте телевизором и приставкой с помощью одного пульта дистанционного управления», выберите «Да» или «Настройка». На экране «Включение и подключение» нажмите «ОК». Подключите IR Blaster.

Как узнать, есть ли в моем телефоне ИК-порт?

Вы можете узнать это двумя способами, физически: если они есть, ИК-бластеры обычно размещаются в верхней части краев вашего телефона. ИК-бластер обычно выглядит как черный пластиковый круг или прямоугольник. Если он у вас есть, скорее всего, это ИК-порт.

Могу я скачать IR Blaster?

В настоящее время приложение доступно на английском языке, и последний раз оно обновлялось 2017. Программа может быть установлена ​​на Android. IR BLASTER Gen06 (версия 21) имеет размер файла 2 МБ и доступен для загрузки с нашего веб-сайта. Просто нажмите зеленую кнопку «Загрузить» выше, чтобы начать.

  1. Шаг 1: Необходимые детали. 1x 3.5-мм вспомогательный кабель (я сломал один, лежа, поэтому я использовал его, вы также можете получить автономный 3.5-мм кабель, что может быть проще…
  2. Шаг 2: понимание светодиода. …
  3. Шаг 3: последовательно соедините два светодиода. …
  4. Шаг 4: Подключение светодиодов. …
  5. Шаг 5: Окончательная отделка. …
  6. Шаг 6: Загрузите приложение.

В каких мобильных телефонах есть инфракрасный порт?

  • Huawei P40 Pro и P40 Pro Plus. Несмотря на отсутствие сервисов Google Play, Huawei P40 Pro и P40 Pro Plus — одни из лучших телефонов в мире. …
  • Poco F2 Pro. Предоставлено: Роберт Триггс / Android Authority. …
  • Xiaomi Mi 11. …
  • Huawei Mate 40 серии. …
  • Серия Xiaomi Mi 10T. …
  • Поко Х3. …
  • Редми Нот 9 Про. …
  • Поко М3.

15 февраля. 2021 г.

Какие телефоны Самсунг имеют ИК?

Телефоны Samsung на базе Android с ИК-портом

  • Samsung Galaxy Note 3.
  • Samsung Galaxy S4.
  • Самсунг гэлакси с4 мини.
  • Самсунг Галакси Мега.
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 4.
  • Самсунг гэлакси ноут эдж.
  • Samsung Galaxy S5.
  • Samsung Galaxy S5 Активный.

31 сред. 2020 г.

Как узнать, есть ли у моего телефона Android ИК-порт?

На одном смартфоне откройте приложение камеры. Затем наведите ИК-бластер на объектив камеры и нажмите кнопку — любую кнопку — на пульте дистанционного управления. Если ваш IR Blaster работает правильно, вы будете видеть холодный мерцающий свет, исходящий от ИК-передатчика пульта дистанционного управления, всякий раз, когда вы нажимаете кнопку.

Может ли камера мобильного телефона видеть инфракрасное излучение?

И хотя наши невооруженные глаза не могут уловить инфракрасный свет, датчики в ваших телефонах и цифровых камерах могут — по сути, делая невидимое видимым. … Камера мобильного телефона более чувствительна к свету, чем человеческие глаза, поэтому она «видит» невидимый для нас инфракрасный свет.

Есть ли в Samsung S7 ИК-порт?

Samsung не включил ИК-порт в Galaxy S7 и Galaxy S7 edge. ИК-порт на смартфоне позволяет вам управлять любым устройством вокруг вас, которым можно управлять с помощью пульта дистанционного управления. Это означает, что на телефоне с ИК-передатчиком вы можете управлять телевизорами, кондиционерами, музыкальными системами и другими подобными устройствами вокруг вас.

Как я могу использовать свой телефон в качестве пульта дистанционного управления без ИК-передатчика?

просто зайдите в магазин игр и найдите «Универсальный пульт дистанционного управления для телевизора», затем установите это приложение на свое устройство и протестируйте его. Android TV можно управлять с помощью приложения «Android Remote Control» от Google. Он будет подключен к телевизору через Wi-Fi или Bluetooth. Легкость использования, просто выглядит как пульт.

Есть ли в Samsung M21 ИК-порт?

В Samsung Galaxy M21 есть NFC, с его помощью можно совершать мобильные платежи. Инфракрасного передатчика нет, поэтому вы не можете использовать его в качестве пульта дистанционного управления.

Что такое ИК-порт в телевизоре?

Настройте инфракрасный (ИК) пульт дистанционного управления для Android TV и приставки. … Вы можете управлять своим Android TV ™ и кабельной или спутниковой приставкой (приставкой) с помощью пульта ДУ телевизора, подключив инфракрасный (ИК) кабель Blaster, входящий в комплект поставки телевизора.

Как мне установить на телефон инфракрасный порт?

Многие телефоны Android поставляются со встроенным инфракрасным «бластером», который использует ту же технологию, что и пульты старой школы. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это загрузить универсальное удаленное приложение, такое как AnyMote Smart IR Remote, IR Universal Remote или Galaxy Universal Remote, чтобы использовать свой телефон для управления любым устройством, получающим ИК-сигнал.

Сколько стоит ИК-бластер?

Amazon анонсировала новый аксессуар Fire TV под названием Fire TV Blaster. Это ИК-передатчик за 34.99 долларов, который позволяет вам управлять оборудованием, таким как телевизор или кабельная приставка, с помощью Alexa совместно с существующей настройкой Fire TV.

Есть ли в iPhone ИК-порт?

Из-за того, что iPhone не имеет инфракрасных (ИК) бластеров, они не могут использоваться для управления старыми моделями телевизоров без Wi-Fi, хотя вы можете купить ИК-ключи, которые подключаются к разъему Lightning, и включить эту функцию. . … Согласитесь с этим, и теперь ваш iPhone должен быть преобразован в пульт дистанционного управления.

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