Гандбол женщины 33 номер

Игрок Амплуа ДР Рост Вес


Эвелина Александровна Аношкина

вратарь 24.06.1996 176


Полина Андреевна Каплина

вратарь 16.08.1999 181


Анастасия Александровна Лагина

вратарь 11.08.1995 178


Юлия Анатольевна Манагарова

правый крайний 27.09.1988 166 53


Альбина Мусфаревна Мурзалиева

правый крайний 10.05.1996 167


Ольга Игоревна Фомина

правый крайний 17.04.1989 176 69


Полина Петровна Горшкова

левый крайний 22.11.1989 173 68


Юлия Константиновна Маркова

левый крайний 10.08.1996 170 63


Екатерина Павловна Зеленкова

правый полусредний 28.02.1999 182


Антонина Витальевна Скоробогатченко

правый полусредний 14.02.1999 182 72


Елена Анатольевна Михайличенко

левый полусредний 15.09.2001 177


Вероника Владимировна Никитина

левый полусредний 16.02.1992 175


Карина Ибрагимовна Сабирова

левый полусредний 23.03.1998 181 77


Ирина Сергеевна Снопова

левый полусредний 07.06.1995 182 74


Ольга Викторовна Щербак

левый полусредний 14.03.1998 177


Екатерина Фёдоровна Ильина

центральный 07.03.1991 177 65


Валерия Алексеевна Кирдяшева

центральный 28.11.2000 177


Милана Еламановна Таженова

центральный 06.03.1999 182


Ярослава Владимировна Фролова

центральный 18.05.1997 178 75


Ксения Сергеевна Закордонская

линейный 04.03.2003 174 68


Анастасия Александровна Илларионова

линейный 28.03.1999 180 70

Календарь игр и расписание гандбольного чемпионата Европы, который в эти дни проходит в Дании. Расписание и результаты игр.

Расписание, результаты и турнирная таблица предварительного раунда

Группа A

Расписание и результаты
4.12 (18:15) Франция 24:23 Черногория
4.12 (20:30) Дания 30:23 Словения
6.12 (18:15) Словения 17:27 Франция
6.12 (20:30) Черногория 19:28 Дания
8.12 (18:15) Черногория 26:25 Словения
8.12 (20:30) Франция 23:20 Дания
Турнирная таблица
М Команда И О
1 Франция 3 6
2 Дания 3 4
3 Черногория 3 2
4 Словения 3 0

Группа B

Расписание и результаты
3.12 (18:15) Россия 31:22 Испания
3.12 (20:30) Швеция 27:24 Чехия
5.12 (18:15) Чехия 22:24 Россия
3.12 (20:30) Испания 23:23 Швеция
7.12 (18:15) Испания 27:24 Чехия
3.12 (20:30) Россия 30:26 Швеция
Турнирная таблица
М Команда И О
1 Россия 3 6
2 Швеция 3 3
3 Испания 3 3
4 Чехия 3 0

Группа C

Расписание и результаты
4.12 (18:15) Венгрия 22:24 Хорватия
5.12 (20:30) Нидерланды 25:29 Сербия
6.12 (16:00) Сербия 26:38 Венгрия
6.12 (18:15) Хорватия 27:25 Нидерланды
8.12 (18:15) Сербия 24:25 Хорватия
8.12 (20:30) Нидерланды 28:24 Венгрия
Турнирная таблица
М Команда И О
1 Хорватия 3 6
2 Венгрия 3 2
3 Нидерланды 3 2
4 Сербия 3 2

Группа D

Расписание и результаты
3.12 (18:00) Румыния 19:22 Германия
3.12 (20:30) Норвегия 35:22 Польша
5.12 (16:00) Польша 24:28 Румыния
5.12 (18:15) Германия 23:42 Норвегия
7.12 (18:15) Германия 21:21 Польша
7.12 (20:30) Румыния 20:28 Норвегия
Турнирная таблица
М Команда И О
1 Норвегия 3 6
2 Германия 3 3
3 Румыния 3 2
4 Польша 3 1

Расписание, результаты и турнирная таблица основного раунда

Группа 1

Расписание и результаты
10.12 (20:15) Черногория 23:24 Россия
10.12 (22:30) Франция 26:25 Испания
11.12 (20:15) Франция 28:28 Россия
11.12 (22:30) Дания 24:22 Швеция
13.12 (20:15) Черногория 31:25 Швеция
13.12 (22:30) Дания 34:24 Испания
15.12 (18:00) Черногория 26:26 Испания
15.12 (20:15) Франция 31:25 Швеция
15.12 (22:30) Дания 30:23 Россия
Турнирная таблица
М Команда И О
1 Франция 5 9
2 Дания 5 8
3 Россия 5 7
4 Черногория 5 3
5 Испания 5 2
6 Швеция 5 1

Группа 2

Расписание и результаты
10.12 (20:15) Хорватия 25:20 Румыния
10.12 (22:30) Нидерланды 25:32 Норвегия
12.12 (18:00) Венгрия 25:32 Германия
12.12 (20:15) Хорватия 25:36 Норвегия
14.12 (20:15) Нидерланды 28:27 Германия
14.12 (22:30) Венгрия 26:24 Румыния
15.12 (18:00) Нидерланды 35:24 Румыния
15.12 (20:15) Хорватия 23:20 Германия
15.12 (22:30) Венгрия 21:32 Норвегия
Турнирная таблица
М Команда И О
1 Норвегия 5 10
2 Хорватия 5 8
3 Нидерланды 5 6
4 Германия 5 4
5 Венгрия 5 2
6 Румыния 5 0

Расписание и результаты финального раунда (плей-офф)

Расписание и результаты
Матч за 5 место 18.12(17:30) Россия 33:27 Нидерланды
Полуфинал 18.12 (20:00) Франция 30:19 Хорватия
Полуфинвл 18.12 (22:30) Норвегия 27:24 Дания
Матч за 3 место 20.12 (17:30) Хорватия 25:19 Дания
Финал 20.12 (20:00) Франция 20:22 Норвегия

Формат турнира

Чемпионат Европы по гандболу проводится в Дании с 3 по 20 декабря 2020 года. Состав участников был определен по рейтингу 2018 года, в него вошли 16 лучших коллективов.

На первом этапе все 16 команд были разделены на 4 группы по 4 участника. Каждая сборная играет с каждой и последняя команда из группы покидает турнир. Оставшиеся 12 сборных образуют две новые группы по 6 команд. На втором этапе все команды проведут еще по 3 матча.

По итогам второго этапа определятся 4 лучшие сборные. Они не только выявят победителя, но и получат путевки на ЧМ, который пройдет в 2021 году. Первое место группы 1 сыграет против второго места группы 2 и наоборот. Третьи места групп разыграют между собой пятую строчку.

Турнирная таблица — Cуперлига — женщины — Сезон 2022/2023




21 21 0 0 786 503 283 100 42



21 17 0 4 693 542 151 81 34



20 16 1 3 663 517 146 80 33



21 15 1 5 689 531 158 71 31



21 14 0 7 714 629 85 67 28



20 10 2 8 626 517 109 50 22



20 10 1 9 498 510 -12 50 21



21 8 0 13 537 599 -62 38 16



21 8 0 13 550 659 -109 38 16



20 5 2 13 518 636 -118 25 12



20 2 1 17 495 622 -127 10 5



20 2 0 18 441 674 -233 10 4

Балтийская заря


20 1 0 19 449 720 -271 5 2

© 2023 Быстрый центр. Все права защищены.

АСК «Виктория»

Russia Russia
Association Handball Union of Russia
Coach Lyudmila Bodniyeva
Assistant coach Tomáš Hlavatý
Mikhail Izmailov
Captain Olga Fomina
Most caps Lyudmila Postnova (212)
Most goals Lyudmila Postnova (722)

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Team colours


Summer Olympics
Appearances 3 (First in 2008)
Best result 1st (2016)
World Championship
Appearances 14 (First in 1993)
Best result 1st (2001, 2005, 2007, 2009)
European Championship
Appearances 14 (First in 1994)
Best result 2nd (2006, 2018)
Last updated on Unknown.

Russia women’s national handball team

Medal record
Olympic Games
Gold medal – first place 2016 Rio de Janeiro Team
Silver medal – second place 2008 Beijing Team
Silver medal – second place 2020 Tokyo Team
World Championship
Gold medal – first place 2001 Italy
Gold medal – first place 2005 Russia
Gold medal – first place 2007 France
Gold medal – first place 2009 China
Bronze medal – third place 2019 Japan
European Championship
Silver medal – second place 2006 Sweden
Silver medal – second place 2018 France
Bronze medal – third place 2000 Romania
Bronze medal – third place 2008 Macedonia

The Russia women’s national handball team is the national team of Russia. It is governed by the Handball Union of Russia and took part in international handball competitions.

In reaction to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the International Handball Federation banned Russian and Belarus athletes and officials, and the European Handball Federation suspended the national teams of Russia and Belarus as well as Russian and Belarusian clubs competing in European handball competitions.[1] Referees, officials, and commission members from Russia and Belarus will not be called upon for future activities.[1] And new organisers will be sought for the YAC 16 EHF Beach Handball EURO and the Qualifier Tournaments for the Beach Handball EURO 2023, which were to be held in Moscow.[1]


1993–1999: Instability[edit]

The Russian women’s national handball team was formed in 1993 as the successor Soviet Union women’s national handball team, one of the strongest handball teams. Notwithstanding the third place at the 1992 Summer Olympics as Unified Team, Russia could not qualify to the Olympic Games in the following eight years.[2]

In this period the Russian team saw four changes of coaches, who retired after failing on large events. The only striking performance was at the 1997 World Women’s Handball Championship, where Russia under Igor Eskov, coach of the Rostov club Istochnik, became 4th, and two Russian handball players, Natalya Malakhova and Natalya Deryugina, were included into the All-Star team. However, already in the next year at the 1998 European Women’s Handball Championship in the Netherlands, Russia became only 9th, and at the 1999 World Women’s Handball Championship, under Kuban’s Alexander Tarasikov and head coach of the Unified Team at the 1992 Olympics, just 12th.[2]

1999–2009: Breakthrough[edit]

In late 1999, Tarasikov was replaced by Evgeny Trefilov, the club coach of Lada. He introduced younger players to the national team and concentrated more on national club players. At the 2000 European Championship, Russia became bronze medalist.[2]

At the 2001 World Championship, Trefilov returned two veterans, Raisa Verakso, which was her sixth participation at Worlds, and the 1990 World champion, goalkeeper Svetlana Bogdanova. Russia won all nine matches, and in the final defeated Norway.[3]

Against the backgrounds of those victories, team Russia became 4th at the 2002 European Championship in Denmark, and a year later at the World Championship in Croatia they became only 7th, which meant that Trefilov’s team could not qualify for the 2004 Olympic Games. Only one point was needed to reach the semi-finals in Croatia, but Russia failed to do that against France in the group stage, losing 19–20; a draw would have been enough to qualify.[citation needed]

After the fourth-best result at the 2004 European Championship in Hungary, team Russia rose from the ashes at the 2005 World Championship in St. Petersburg, repeating the 2001 success in Italy.[4]

Russia lost in the final of the 2006 European Championship to Norway, and so could not directly qualify for the Olympics; however, Russia rematched Norway at the 2007 World Championship in France in the final. A number of top handball players such as Lyudmila Bodnieva, MVP of the previous World championships and member of the All-Star Team at the 2000 and 2006 European championships, Irina Bliznova, who was injured in the group stage, Natalya Shipilova, who could not compete in the semi-finals. Goal keeper Inna Suslina made a great game, saving three out of five penalties. Russia won 29–24.[5]

Norway returned the favour at the 2008 Olympics in the gold medal game. Already in the early stage leading ten balls, the Vikings hindered the Russians coming back, and so Russia lost 34–27. Russia won silver.[6]

After the Olympic Games, Anna Kareeva, Oksana Romenskaya and Natalya Shipilova decided to retire from handball.[7][8] Prior to the 2008 European Championship in Macedonia, players such as Polina Vyakhireva, Yana Uskova, Ekaterina Andryushina, Lyudmila Postnova and Irina Bliznova could not compete for Russia due to injuries or disease; they were replaced by nine debutants. Russia again met Norway in the semi-finals, and as previously, the Scandinavians started well, leading 7–1 in the beginning. In the third-place match between Germany, Russia claimed bronze.[9]

The Russians defeated the Norwegians in the semi-final of the 2009 World Championship with a score of 28–20. In the final, Russia claimed the gold medal by defeating France, 25–22.[citation needed]

2009–2013: Decline and Retirement of Trefilov[edit]

After the 2009 World Championships, team Russia saw a number of disappointing results. They became 7th at the 2010 European Championship and 6th at the 2011 World Championship. Russia could not get beyond the quarterfinal of the 2012 Olympics, losing there to South Korea. After the London Olympics, the new head coach became Vitaly Krokhin.[citation needed]

In June 2013, Russia fought for the qualification to the World Championship. In the playoff round, Russia won the first leg in Rotterdam, 27–26, but lost the next leg in Rostov-on-Don, 21–33. With that said, Russia for the first time did not qualify for the Worlds.[10]

2013–19: Trefilov’s Return and Olympic Gold[edit]

On 16 September 2013, Evgeny Trefilov returned as head coach.[11] He debuted at the 2014 European Championship, but Russia became a dreadful 14th, the worst ever result in the European championships. However, on 7 and 13 June 2015, Russia twice defeated Germany in the playoffs and qualified for the 2015 World Championship. In their first match they defeated the Norwegians, 26–25.[12] However, the Russians only reached the quarterfinals, losing there to Poland. In the playoffs, team Russia was placed 5th.[13]

Russia qualified to the Olympics for the third time, through the qualification tournament taking place from 18 to 20 March 2016 in Astrakhan. In the group stage of the Olympic tournament, Russia defeated all of its rivals. In the knockout stage, the Russians defeated Angola in the quarterfinal, and in the marathon semi-final match between Norway claimed the deciding point in overtime. In the final, Russia defeated France to claim its first Olympic gold in women’s handball.[14][15]

At the 2018 European Championships, the last time under the guidance of Trefilov, Russia broke through the final for the first time since 2006. Russia lost to host France, who took its first championship title.[citation needed]

2019–20: Ambros Martin as new head coach[edit]

In August 2019, national team’s head coach Trefliov was replaced by Rostov-Don’s Ambros Martin. Trefilov took the post as vice-president of the Handball Federation of Russia.[16] Team Russia entered the 2019 World Championships as the main favourite. The squad, primarily including 20 players, was reduced to 18 players; injured Antonina Skorobogatchenko and alternate Olga Shcherbak were dismissed.[17] The Russian team, after winning eight matches in a row was eventually defeated by the Dutch in the semi-finals by a one-point difference, which happened after a last-minute shot in the second half, leaving a final result of 32–33 for Russia against the Netherlands.[18] Russia went on to win the bronze match against Norway, 33–28; this was the first time since 2009 that the Russians won a medal at the Worlds.[citation needed]

Russia went to the 2020 Europeans with less optimism; three injured top players – Elena Mikhaylichenko, Anna Sen and Anna Viakhireva – had to skip the championships; reduced team practice sessions of only one week, for the first time taking place in a sports school hall; missing test matches due to the worldwide situation imposed by the COVID-19 outbreak.[19] Russia started well on the Championships, finishing first in its group in the preliminary round. In the main round, the Russians defeated Montenegro, played a draw match against France and lost against Denmark. As a result, they did not qualify for the semifinals. Martin decided to retire from his position as head coach, expressing his will to focus on family life instead.[20]

2021: Alekseyev replaces Martin[edit]

After Martin retired in December 2020, Lada’s Alexey Alekseyev, who previously served as assistant coach for the national team and was the head coach of Luch, replaced the Spaniard. Furthermore, the coaching staff was renewed, now featuring former handball player Olga Akopyan and Rostov-Don’s assistant coach Tomáš Hlavatý. Also, Trefilov took the position as consultant.[21] Prior to the Tokyo’s 2020 Summer Olympics, which were postponed to July–August 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, team Russia went through the Hungarian leg of the qualification tournament, which took place Győr. Two of four participating teams were granted a ticket to the upcoming Olympics. Russia won all three matches against Serbia, Kazakhstan and Hungary.[22][23]

The squad for the Olympics was announced on 2 June.[24] Prior to the Olympics, on 26 June Russia played a friendly match against the Netherlands in Japan.[25] A week later they played another friendly match, losing a second time to the Dutch team.[26] Goalkeeper Anastasia Lagina and outside left Daria Samokhina were named alternates.[27] The team lost its opening Olympic match to Sweden, then drew Hungary, and after that went on a five-match winning streak all the way to the gold medal game, beating Norway in the semi-finals by one point, just as they did in 2016. And just as in 2016, Russia faced France in the final. This time, the French prevailed, 30–25, but Russia won silver, its third Olympic medal after Soviet collapse.[citation needed]

On 23 September 2021, Lyudmila Bodniyeva was announced as the team’s new head coach, after Alekseyev’s contract ran out.[28]

2022: Suspension from international competition[edit]

In reaction to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the International Handball Federation banned Russian and Belarus athletes and officials, and the European Handball Federation suspended the national teams of Russia and Belarus as well as Russian and Belarusian clubs competing in European handball competitions.[1] Referees, officials, and commission members from Russia and Belarus will not be called upon for future activities.[1] And new organisers will be sought for the YAC 16 EHF Beach Handball EURO and the Qualifier Tournaments for the Beach Handball EURO 2023, which were to be held in Moscow.[1]


Russia women’s national handball team at the 2016 Summer Olympics


Competition 1st place, gold medalist(s) 2nd place, silver medalist(s) 3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Total
Olympic Games 1 2 0 3
World Championship 4 0 1 5
European Championship 0 2 2 4
Total 5 4 3 12

Olympic Games[edit]

Year Position Pld W D L GS GA +/-
United States 1996 Did not qualify
Australia 2000
Greece 2004
China 2008 2nd Silver medal.svg 8 6 1 1 229 210 +19
United Kingdom 2012 8th 6 3 1 2 174 149 +25
Brazil 2016 1st Gold medal.svg 8 8 0 0 256 230 +26
Japan 2020 2nd Silver medal.svg 8 5 1 2 232 226 +6
Total 4/7 30 22 3 5 891 815 +76

World Championship[edit]

Year Position Pld W D L GS GA +/–
Norway 1993 5th 7 4 1 2 164 147 +17
Austria/Hungary 1995 6th 8 4 1 3 187 171 +16
Germany 1997 4th 9 6 1 2 227 209 +18
Denmark/Norway 1999 12th 6 3 0 3 178 144 +34
Italy 2001 1st Gold medal world centered-2.svg 9 9 0 0 252 194 +58
Croatia 2003 7th 8 5 1 2 224 182 +42
Russia 2005 1st Gold medal world centered-2.svg 10 10 0 0 328 239 +89
France 2007 1st Gold medal world centered-2.svg 9 7 1 1 324 279 +45
China 2009 1st Gold medal world centered-2.svg 9 6 0 3 253 242 +11
Brazil 2011 6th 9 7 0 2 295 210 +85
Serbia 2013 Did not qualify
Denmark 2015 5th 9 8 0 1 277 207 +70
Germany 2017 5th 7 6 0 1 202 180 +18
Japan 2019 3rd Bronze medal world centered-2.svg 10 9 0 1 311 224 +87
Spain 2021 8th 7 4 1 2 211 181 +30
Denmark/Norway/Sweden 2023 Disqualified during qualification[a]
Germany/Netherlands 2025 To be determined
Hungary 2027
Total 14/18 119 92 6 21 3486 2708 +778
  1. ^ The EHF suspended Russia after its invasion of Ukraine.[29]

European Championship[edit]

Year Position Pld W D L GS GA ±
Germany 1994 6th 6 3 0 3 143 116 +27
Denmark 1996 7th 6 3 1 2 164 147 +17
Netherlands 1998 9th 6 1 1 4 144 147 −3
Romania 2000 3rd Bronze medal europe.svg 7 5 0 2 163 148 +15
Denmark 2002 4th 8 4 1 3 202 189 +13
Hungary 2004 4th 8 4 0 4 226 215 +11
Sweden 2006 2nd Silver medal europe.svg 8 7 0 1 242 200 +42
North Macedonia 2008 3rd Bronze medal europe.svg 8 5 1 2 210 183 +27
DenmarkNorway 2010 7th 6 3 0 3 159 145 +14
Serbia 2012 6th 7 2 3 2 190 180 +10
CroatiaHungary 2014 14th 3 0 1 2 79 83 −4
Sweden 2016 7th 6 2 2 2 148 147 +1
France 2018 2nd Silver medal europe.svg 8 5 0 3 217 209 +8
DenmarkNorway 2020 5th 7 5 1 1 193 178 +15
SloveniaNorth MacedoniaMontenegro 2022 Disqualified during qualification[a]
AustriaHungarySwitzerland 2024 TBD
Russia 2026 Qualified as host
DenmarkNorwaySweden 2028 TBD
Total 15/18 94 49 11 34 2480 2287 +193
  1. ^ The EHF suspended Russia after its invasion of Ukraine.[30]

Other tournaments[edit]

  • Carpathian Trophy 1995 – Second place
  • Carpathian Trophy 1997 – Second place
  • Carpathian Trophy 2000 – Winner
  • Møbelringen Cup 2001 – Winner
  • Carpathian Trophy 2002 – Third place
  • Møbelringen Cup 2004 – Third place
  • Møbelringen Cup 2005 – Second place
  • Møbelringen Cup 2006 – Second place
  • Møbelringen Cup 2007 – Second place
  • Møbelringen Cup 2008 – Second place
  • Møbelringen Cup 2009 – Second place
  • Møbelringen Cup 2015 – Winner
  • Møbelringen Cup 2017 – Second place
  • Carpathian Trophy 2018 – Third place


Current squad[edit]

Squad for the 2021 World Women’s Handball Championship.[31][32]

Head coach: Lyudmila Bodniyeva

No. Pos. Name Date of birth (age) Height App. Goals Club
3 LW Polina Gorshkova 22 November 1989 (age 33) 1.73 m 34 58 Russia CSKA Moscow
11 GK Anastasia Lagina 11 August 1995 (age 27) 1.78 m 11 2 Russia Rostov-Don
23 LB Elena Mikhaylichenko 14 September 2001 (age 21) 1.80 m 21 28 Russia CSKA Moscow
25 RW Olga Fomina 17 April 1989 (age 33) 1.75 m 151 305 Russia HC Lada
31 CB Karina Sabirova 23 March 1998 (age 24) 1.81 m 27 41 Russia CSKA Moscow
33 CB Ekaterina Ilina 7 March 1991 (age 31) 1.74 m 119 318 Russia CSKA Moscow
35 CB Valeriia Kirdiasheva 28 November 2000 (age 22) 1.77 m 2 5 Russia HC Lada
36 RW Yulia Managarova 27 September 1988 (age 34) 1.67 m 70 220 Russia Rostov-Don
39 RB Antonina Skorobogatchenko 14 February 1999 (age 23) 1.82 m 58 128 Russia CSKA Moscow
41 LB Veronika Nikitina 16 May 1992 (age 30) 1.75 m 13 19 Russia HC Lada
51 CB Milana Tazhenova 6 March 1999 (age 23) 1.82 m 2 1 Russia Rostov-Don
55 P Ksenia Zakordonskaya 4 March 2003 (age 19) 1.74 m 0 0 Russia HC Astrakhanochka
67 P Anastasia Illarionova 28 March 1999 (age 23) 1.80 m 28 16 Russia CSKA Moscow
76 RB Ekaterina Zelenkova 28 February 1999 (age 23) 1.82 m 2 3 Russia Rostov-Don
77 CB Yaroslava Frolova 18 May 1997 (age 25) 1.77 m 41 90 Russia Rostov-Don
78 LB Irina Korneeva 7 June 1995 (age 27) 1.82 m 16 6 Russia HC Astrakhanochka
86 CB Olga Sherbak 14 March 1998 (age 24) 1.77 m 2 5 Russia HC Lada
96 LW Yulia Markova 10 August 1996 (age 26) 1.68 m 20 18 Russia CSKA Moscow
99 GK Polina Kaplina 16 August 1999 (age 23) 1.81 m 7 1 Russia CSKA Moscow

Notable players[edit]

Several Russian players have seen their individual performance recognized at international tournaments, either as Most Valuable Player, best defense player or as a member of the All-Star Team.

  • Liudmila Bodnieva, 2005 World Championship
  • Liudmila Postnova, 2009 World Championship
  • Anna Vyakhireva, 2016 and 2020 Summer Olympics; 2018 European Championship
All-Star Team
  • Natalya Deryugina, 1995 and 1997 World Championship
  • Natalia Malakhova, 1997 World Championship
  • Irina Poltoratskaya, 2001 World Championship
  • Liudmila Bodnieva, 2001 and 2005 World Championship; 2002, 2004 and 2006 European Championship
  • Inna Suslina, 2006 European Championship; 2009 World Championship
  • Yana Uskova, 2007 World Championship
  • Liudmila Postnova, 2008 Summer Olympics
  • Irina Bliznova, 2008 Summer Olympics
  • Polina Kuznetsova, 2007 World Championship; 2012 European Championship; 2016 and 2020 Summer Olympics
  • Emiliya Turey, 2011 World Championship
  • Daria Dmitrieva, 2016 Summer Olympics
  • Anna Vyakhireva, 2019 World Championship; 2020 Summer Olympics
Best defense player
  • Nadezda Muravyeva, 2008 European Championship

Coaching history[edit]

Period Head Coach
–1999 Russia Alexander Tarasikov
1999–2012; 2013–2019 Russia Evgeny Trefilov
2012–2013 Russia Vitaly Krokhin
2019–2020 Spain Ambros Martin
2021 Russia Alexey Alekseyev
2021– Russia Liudmila Bodnieva[33]

See also[edit]

  • Russia men’s national handball team
  • Soviet Union women’s national handball team
  • Soviet Union men’s national handball team


  1. ^ a b c d e f «Russia and Belarus suspended by EHF». Handball Planet. 1 March 2022.
  2. ^ a b c «Из того, что было» [From what was there] (in Russian). Sports.ru. 18 December 2000. Archived from the original on 5 March 2016. Retrieved 19 August 2016.
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  7. ^ Vladimir Mozhatsev (4 September 2008). «2008-09-04» (in Russian). Sport-Express. Retrieved 21 August 2016.
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  16. ^ «IHF | «I’m not leaving handball»: Russian coach legend Trefilov moves up to federation vice-president role». www.ihf.info.
  17. ^ «ЧМ-2019. Амброс Мартин назвал окончательный состав сборной России — в нем нет Антонины Скоробогатченко и Ольги Щербак». Гандбол. Сайт «Быстрый центр».
  18. ^ Netherlands beat Olympic champions Russia to make IHF Women’s Handball World Championship final
  19. ^ Шитихин, Андрей. ««Медаль будет хорошим результатом». Сборную России вычеркнули из числа фаворитов Евро-2020». www.championat.com.
  20. ^ Главный тренер женской сборной России по гандболу Амброс Мартин будет отправлен в отставку
  21. ^ Алексей Алексеев возглавил женскую сборную России по гандболу
  22. ^ Чистова, Елена. «Российские гандболистки завоевали путёвку на Олимпийские игры в Токио». www.championat.com.
  23. ^ Last six spots at women’s handball tournament in Tokyo confirmed
  24. ^ Шебика, Антон. «Объявлен состав женской сборной России по гандболу для подготовки к Олимпиаде в Токио». www.championat.com.
  25. ^ Шебика, Антон. «Женская сборная России по гандболу проиграла Нидерландам в контрольном матче». www.championat.com.
  26. ^ «Нидерланды — Россия. 02-07-2021. Товарищеский» – via www.youtube.com.
  27. ^ Шебика, Антон. «Названы гандболистки, которые будут в резерве сборной России на Олимпиаде в Токио». www.championat.com.
  28. ^ «Bodniyeva takes over as head coach of Russian women». www.eurohandball.com. Retrieved 28 December 2021.
  29. ^ «EHF decision on current competition structures». eurohandball.com. EHF. 4 March 2022. Retrieved 4 March 2022.
  30. ^ «EHF decision on current competition structures». eurohandball.com. EHF. 4 March 2022. Retrieved 4 March 2022.
  31. ^ «20 гандболисток вызваны для подготовки к чемпионату мира» (in Russian). rushandball.ru. 15 November 2021. Retrieved 18 November 2021.
  32. ^ «Team Roster Russian Handball Federation» (PDF). ihf.info. 8 December 2021. Retrieved 8 December 2021.
  33. ^ handball-world. «Russia’s Handball Federation Reveals New Head Coach of Women’s National Team». handball-world. Retrieved 11 November 2021.

External links[edit]

  • Official website Edit this at Wikidata
  • IHF profile

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