Автомобильные номера в канаде

Vehicle registration plates of Canada are issued by an agency of the provincial or territorial governments.

Generally, the appearance of vehicle registration plates are frequently chosen to contain symbols, colours, or slogans associated with the issuing jurisdiction.

Often, registration plates are called licence plates (drivers are licensed, vehicles are registered), but the term «licence plate» is common in informal usage (this terminology was official in New Brunswick prior to June 14, 2019[1]). On most licence plates, there is a small sticker, which indicates the month and year of plate renewal, that the driver sticks to the licence plates.

In some parts of Canada, special plates are issued to persons with disabilities having the International Symbol of Access on them, which entitle them to special parking privileges. Some provinces issue a disabled parking permit for people with disabilities to display on their dashboard, allowing them to park at designated spots closest to building entrances. The international code for Canadian plates is CDN.[2][3]

Designs and serial formats[edit]

In all provinces and the territory of Yukon, licence plate serials are alphanumeric and usually assigned in ascending order. The letters I, O, Q and U are generally not used to avoid confusion with 1, 0 and V; additionally, British Columbia does not use the letters Y and Z. The Northwest Territories and Nunavut use all-numeric serials, which are also assigned in ascending order.

Many jurisdictions distinguish their licence plates through distinctive colour schemes and logos. For example, Ontario’s plates have featured a crown graphic since 1937 (except 1951), while Yukon’s plates have featured a gold prospector graphic since 1952. The Northwest Territories’ plates since 1970, and Nunavut’s from 1999 to 2012, are cut in the shape of a polar bear, but meet the standardized mounting guidelines (below).

In every jurisdiction except Nunavut, the serial is embossed onto the plate. Nunavut’s current rectangular plate, first issued in 2012, has the serial screened; the territory’s previous bear-shaped plate had the serial embossed. Other identifying information, such as the name of the issuing jurisdiction and the vehicle class, can be either screened or embossed.

In 1956, the Canadian provinces and U.S. states came to an agreement with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, the Automobile Manufacturers Association and the National Safety Council that standardized the size for licence plates for vehicles (except those for motorcycles) at 150 mm (6 in) in height by 300 mm (12 in) in width, with standardized mounting holes.[4] These figures may vary slightly by jurisdiction. Smaller-sized plates are used for motorcycles and, in some jurisdictions, mopeds and certain types of trailers and construction equipment.

Showing current registration on plates[edit]

An example of a validation sticker for vehicle insurance issued in British Columbia

Historically, many Canadian plates were replaced every year, although the most common practise in modern times is to send new validation stickers to vehicle owners every year or two, to indicate that the vehicle registration is still valid.

Plates that are not up to date quickly attract the attention of law enforcement, because registration «renewal» is a transaction that can usually be undertaken only by the car’s registered owner, once certain requirements have been met, and because registration fees are a source of government revenue. A delinquent registration sticker is often an indicator that the vehicle may be stolen, that the vehicle’s owner has failed to comply with the applicable law regarding emission inspection or insurance, or that the vehicle’s owner has unpaid traffic or parking tickets. Even with the stickers, most provinces previously required that all licence plates be replaced every few years; that practise is being abandoned by many provinces because of the expense of continually producing large numbers of plates.

A damaged Ontario license plate, with its validation stickers placed on the upperhand corner

The sticker is usually placed on one corner of the plate, while the month of the year in which the plate would expire is printed in an opposing corner. Some jurisdictions combine the year and month on one sticker. In others, the plate’s validation is a decal displayed from the inside of the windshield. The colour of plate stickers and windshield decals often change annually, to allow for easier detection by police. Quebec no longer issues plate stickers and has not done so since 1992. Saskatchewan stopped issuing the stickers on November 1, 2012, as a cost saving measure.[5] British Columbia no longer issues insurance decals and allows motorists to remove existing and expired decals from their license plates as of May 1, 2022.[6]

Most validation stickers are either serialized (with the serial number recorded on the registration), or are printed by a special printer at the time of registration or renewal with the vehicle’s licence plate number on them to discourage fraudulent sticker use, as the sticker will be valid only for the plate for which it was intended.

Currently, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Quebec, and Saskatchewan are the provinces in which decals are not used. Instead, the police rely on the use of cameras and computers that automatically report any plates for which the registration is expired (making the use of fake stickers obsolete), the car has been reported as stolen and/or similar reasons. That said, the vehicle registration certificate is the only way for the owner to prove that a vehicle has valid registration. In Ontario, as registration and renewal is free, there are no stickers being required anymore.[7]

Temporary permits[edit]

A temporary licence plate issued in Ontario

Each and every province issues temporary licence plates differently. Ontario issues 10-day temporary permits, available up to twice in a 365-day period,[8] when a licence holder purchases a used vehicle, as long as the vehicle was legally registered as ‘Fit’ with the previous owner. An ‘Unfit’ vehicle (has not passed safety standards with the previous owner) can not be issued a temporary permit. If a vehicle passes safety standards inspection, but does not pass emissions testing it may be issued up to four 10-day temporary permits. As of 2008,[8] Ontario issues regular licence plates with a registration sticker that is labelled «T» to owners of recently purchased used vehicles. Classic vehicles (older than 25 model years) use the paper printed window temporary plate (as pictured in this article).

In Alberta, temporary permits are not issued. Instead, the licence plate is issued the day of registration from a registry.

If you purchase a vehicle in British Columbia, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) will issue you a 15 days permit for approximately $60 which will be a piece of paper you attach to the windshield of the vehicle and this is along with insurance since auto insurance in British Columbia is not privatized but brokerage is. Autoplan brokers are authorised to do this. If you are a British Columbia resident purchasing a vehicle elsewhere in Canada or the United States, you may obtain temporary insurance from ICBC directly over the phone (one of the few times you deal with ICBC directly). Likewise is the case for Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

Life cycle[edit]

Plates typically stay with the owner rather than the vehicle, and motorists usually transfer plates from their previous vehicle to the new one as a cost-saving measure. For this reason, in Ontario it is possible to see a brand new vehicle with valid 1973-issue licence plates, while a 15-year-old vehicle may have brand new plates if there were no previous plates to transfer.

In Newfoundland and Labrador plates typically stay with the vehicle and the registration transferred between owners, with new plates being issued to new vehicles. Exceptions include veteran, fire fighter, and amateur radio operator plates.

In Ontario, motorists may apply to transfer licence plates with the approval of the provincial Ministry of Transportation under special circumstances, such as from one immediate family member to another. Motorists may also purchase year of manufacture plates for classic vehicles up to the plate issuing year of 1973 in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario

Various provinces have different schemes for reissuing licence plates, a process known as «replating.» In some jurisdictions, plates are issued on a permanent basis and are not replaced unless the owner requests a new plate or that their existing plate be remade. These jurisdictions include New Brunswick and Ontario. Other jurisdictions replate on a rolling basis, replacing a particular motorist’s plate when it reaches a certain age. Yet other jurisdictions may recall a particular series of plates for reissuance at regular or irregular intervals. This is particularly common in jurisdictions in which only one licence plate series or design is valid at any given time. Optional-issue plates may or may not follow the same rules for replacement as standard-issue plates, depending on the jurisdiction.


A vehicle with a Manitoba license plate mounted on front of its vehicle. Manitoba is one of three provinces that requires front-mounted license plates.

In the Canadian provinces and territories of Alberta, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, and Yukon, licence plates are currently only required on the rear of most vehicles. The remaining provinces, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Ontario, require the licence plates to be mounted on both the front and rear of the vehicle. Dealership plate frames or custom plate frames are allowed as long as the frame does not obstruct view of validation stickers or district.

Vanity and speciality plates[edit]

In each province but Newfoundland and Labrador, motorists are given the option of extra-cost vanity plates (also known as «personalised» or «prestige» plates), which are licence plates with a custom serial (sequence of letters and/or numbers). Generally vanity plates are not permitted to have profane or obscene messages on them, although standards vary widely among issuing jurisdictions as to what constitutes an unacceptable message.

In some jurisdictions, vehicle owners may also pay extra for speciality plates. With these, the plate serial is chosen by the licensing agency—as with regular plates—but the owners select a plate design that is different from the normal licence plate. For example, an alumnus or student of an area university might purchase a plate with the school’s logo, or a sports enthusiast might decide to pay extra for a plate depicting their favourite team. A portion of the extra cost of these licence plates often ends up as a donation for a related school or non-profit organization. In 1996 the province of Ontario issued an optional Star Trek licence plate. It was discontinued in the early 2000s. Some jurisdictions allow for some or all of their speciality plates to also be vanity plates, usually for an additional fee on top of the cost of the plate.

A vanity plate issued in British Columbia

Beginning in 2010, Saskatchewan issued speciality plates[9][10] in celebration of the Saskatchewan Roughriders’ centennial. The plates feature the slogan «Pride Lives Here.» Plates in the first series begin with an R, followed by four digits (R####); subsequent series begin with a digit, then an R, then three digits (#R###). These plates are also available as five character vanity plates for an additional fee. In the first sixteen months, 22,000 Roughrider plates were issued,[11] resulting in $585,000 profit for the football club. In 2012, SGI made Rider plates available for motorcycles and snowmobiles.[12]

Veterans are allowed to have a special veteran’s licence plate.

In addition, provinces may provide commemorative plates as a standard issue. A number of provinces issued plates recognizing the 1967 centennial of the Canadian Confederation during that year. Several provinces have issued plates commemorating milestones in their own province. Provinces often issue plates with their motto or slogan, such as Quebec’s «Je me souviens», British Columbia’s «Beautiful British Columbia.» or Ontario’s «Yours To Discover». These are arguably also general commemoratives. Saskatchewan’s «Land of Living Skies» slogan may be interpreted as a reference to the province’s drastically changing weather within minutes or a nod to the northern lights, aurora borealis.

All provinces offer specialized licence plates for licensed amateur radio operators, in many cases at no extra charge or at a discount compared to standard vanity plates. The owner’s radio call sign is used instead of a standard-issue serial.

In preparation for the 2010 Winter Olympics held in Vancouver, the province of British Columbia and the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia issued special «Olympic» registration plates. The special plates feature an image of the mountain peaks of Garibaldi Provincial Park as the background, with the Vancouver 2010 logo in the foreground between the letter and number groups of the registration plate. The plates were optional, requiring an initial fee of $35.00, as well as a yearly renewal fee of $25.00 per year. These «Olympic Plates» were only offered until December 31, 2010, however owners may continue to display them on their vehicle.[13]

On November 17, 2018 the province of Alberta announced Edmonton Oilers and Calgary Flames licence plates for $75 with $55 of each purchase going to the charity of the selected team, the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation and the Calgary Flames Foundation, respectively. Alberta also has a «Support our Troops» license plate that has been available since July 22, 2014 with most of the money going to the Support our Troops program.[14]


Armed Forces[edit]

Vehicles owned by the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence are also specially plated, and authorised for movement on all highways and roads. Called a «Canadian Forces Registration» (CFR),[15] these licence plates are white with a green border and the text «Canada» written on them at the top in green, with a red maple leaf on either side of the text at the top. License plates show only the CFR’s last five numbers for vehicles and for trailers. The full CFR number also included a 2 digit prefix (followed by a dash) that reflected the last 2 digits in the year of manufacture of the vehicle. These plates also do not bear any form of validation tag / sticker, as there is no need for annual renewal.

Canadian Armed Forces license plaes

  • Canadian military police

    Canadian military police

  • Canadian 1 Military Police Platoon

    Canadian 1 Military Police Platoon

  • Canadian Land Forces Command

    Canadian Land Forces Command

  • Canadian Forces Military Police Ford Taurus Sedan, federal license plate 05483

    Canadian Forces Military Police Ford Taurus Sedan, federal license plate 05483

Royal and viceregal automobiles[edit]

When in Canada, the monarch of Canada is driven in an official car that bears a licence plate with a gold St Edward’s Crown on a red field.[16] The governor general’s vehicle bears a standard licence plate of the province of Ontario, but the vehicle displays the governor general’s flag to distinguish it.

British Columbia[edit]

The official vehicle for the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia does not have a licence plate and instead, an embossed coat of arms of British Columbia is affixed to the plate area. Official government vehicles do not use distinct licence plate or numbers unlike other provinces within this section of the article.


Cars owned by the Government of Canada in Ontario are in the format FDx-123, not in the usual four-letter format, with the first two letters always being «F» and «D» and the third digit being either a letter or a number. Cars owned by the provincial government of Ontario use standard series plates, but with specialized validation stickers exempt from annual registration. These exempt stickers are yellow with black stripes, informally dubbed bumblebee stickers. Ontario plates assigned to Members of Parliament are in the format of MHC-123 for members of the House of Commons and SEN-123 for senators. Members of the Canadian Cabinet receive CAN-123 plates, with the Prime Minister assigned CAN-001 and remaining members of cabinet assigned numbers sequentially based on order of precedence. Federal court judges receive FCJ-123. Ontario Superior Court judges receive SCO-123.

The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario receives licence plates that bear an embossed crown rather than a number. members of Provincial Parliament receive MPP-123 plates. Members of the Executive Council of Ontario (Cabinet of Ontario) receive ONT-123 plates, with the premier assigned ONT-001 and remaining members of cabinet assigned numbers sequentially based on order of precedence. Provincial judges receive PJO-123.

New Brunswick[edit]

Cars and pickup trucks owned by the province of New Brunswick also use standard series plates, but with black «Permanent» validation stickers exempt from annual registration.

Municipally owned vehicles larger than a pickup truck receive plates that begin with M, in the format M12-345.

Diplomatic plates are in the format of DP-123.

The Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick receives a licence plate that bears an embossed crown.

Newfoundland and Labrador[edit]

All government vehicles (including construction equipment and trailers) in Newfoundland and Labrador are issued plates that begin with G. Depending on the level of government the plate format can be GFx-123 for federal vehicles, GPx-123 for provincial, and GMx-123 for municipal.

Government vehicles in Newfoundland and Labrador do not display registration stickers.


As of 2012, vehicles owned by members of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut receive plates in the format of MLA-123.


The Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan receives licence plates that bear an embossed crown rather than a number. Official government vehicles do not use distinct licence plate or numbers unlike other provinces within this section of the article. Federal government vehicles are issued «vehicle class» stickers bearing the letters «GC.»[17]

General registration licence plates[edit]

A motor vehicle dealers license plate issued in Ontario

In Ontario, motor vehicle dealers licensed under the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act use a single portable plate with the word «DEALER» on the left side and red alpha-numeric characters on a white background. It is for exclusive use by motor vehicle dealers only on motor vehicles owned as part of the dealer’s inventory of vehicles for sale. It may also be used for private use vehicles that are owned as part of the dealer’s inventory of vehicles for sale. The dealer, his/her family or the employee of the dealership or the employee’s family may also use such a vehicle for private use.

Quebec has a similar way of dealing with things. Plate numbers with the prefix «X» followed by five or six digits may be used on any vehicle that is part of a dealer’s inventory.

Service providers, including anyone who repairs, customises, modifies, manufactures or transports motor vehicles or trailers use yellow and black DLR series plates (Dealer and Service Plate).

A Service Plate may be used:

  • on a trailer or motor vehicle other than a motorcycle or motor-assisted bicycle for purposes related to the repair, road testing, customisation or modification of the vehicle, if the vehicle is in the possession of the person to whom the service plate is issued, or
  • for the purpose of transporting the vehicle by a person engaged in the business of transporting vehicles, or
  • for purposes related to the manufacturing or sale of a trailer, or
  • for the purpose of towing the vehicle by a person engaged in the business of transporting vehicles, or
  • to tow a vehicle to a location where its load will be removed or to an impound facility.

Private use of motor vehicles or trailers with a service plate is not permitted.

British Columbia Demonstration (dealer) plates: Similar regulations are in place. These can only be used by employees of the dealership for use pertaining to the dealership.

British Columbia Transporter plates are used by legal entities to transport non-owned vehicles with a written contract.

British Columbia Manufacturer plates are used by auto makers.

Diplomatic licence plates[edit]

The diplomatic plates are issued by the province in which the consulate or embassy is located. Thus, most plates are issued in Ontario, where the capital Ottawa is located.

British Columbia[edit]

Diplomatic license plate issued in British Columbia

The provincial government introduced new vehicle plate template for consular officials in 2006. The plates are red background (contrast with blue or white background for regular plates) and white lettering. These plates do not have slogans such as «Beautiful British Columbia» or «Best Place on Earth» that appear on plates for regular plates.

Format of the plates are XX ###X where XX can be CC (Consular Officers), HC (Honorary Consuls), CS (Administrative, service or technical staff) and SR (sub-state foreign officials), followed by 3 numbers and a letter.


Diplomatic license plate issued in Ontario

Ontario plates are colour-coded. Car, motorcycle and trailer plates use blue letters on a white background. Commercial vehicle, bus and farm plates use black on white; diplomat plates are white on red; dealer plates are red on white; service plates are black on yellow; and green plates are for electric vehicles and have a 3-number, 3-letter format, coded as follows:

  • CDx = Diplomat
  • CCx = Consular
  • XTx = Non Diplomatic Embassy Staff
  • XOR = Foreign missions without diplomatic status.

Ambassadors or Heads of Missions use plates in the 010 to 019 number series, i.e., starting at 010-CDA. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office is the main user of XOR plates.


Saskatchewan Consular Corps plates maintain the colour scheme of standard plates (green on white). «Land of Living Skies» is replaced with «Consular Corps.» The plates have a 2-letter, 3-number format. CC is used by consular vehicles.


Mission holders based in Quebec have a unique format. Plates are XXX ### where XXX can be Y27 (Canadian Diplomat Officers with Mission),Y28 (Foreign Diplomat Officers with Mission), Y29 (Generic Mission Holders), followed by 3 numbers and or letters. The sum of the letters and numbers is a validation. These licence plates are only valid for 3 months and can be renewed.

See also[edit]

  • Vehicle registration plates of the United States


  1. ^ «Bill 14 — an Act to Amend the Motor Vehicle Act».
  2. ^ «Number plate codes: International».
  3. ^ «Annex 4. Distinguishing Sign of Vehicles in International Traffic».
  4. ^ Garrish, Christopher (October 2016). «Reconsidering the Standard Plate Size». Plates. Vol. 62, no. 5. Automobile License Plate Collectors Association.
  5. ^ «Saskatchewan Licence Plates are Going Stickerless». Government of Saskatchewan. October 2, 2012. Retrieved November 10, 2019.
  6. ^ «Discontinuing licence plate decals, and printing changes» (PDF). Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. March 11, 2022.
  7. ^ «Renew your licence plate». Ontario.ca. Retrieved March 18, 2022.
  8. ^ a b «Getting a Temporary Vehicle Registration or a Special Permit». Ministry of Transportation. Government of Ontario. February 21, 2012. Retrieved May 27, 2012.
  9. ^ «Roughrider licence plates available soon from SGI». Regina Leader-Post. Retrieved July 2, 2014.
  10. ^ «SGI scores with Roughrider licence plate». Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI). Retrieved July 2, 2014.
  11. ^ «News Release: 22,000 RIDER PLATES AND COUNTING». Government of Saskatchewan. Retrieved July 2, 2014.
  12. ^ «News Release: SGI EXPANDS RIDER PLATES TO MOTORCYCLES AND SNOWMOBILES». Government of Saskatchewan. Retrieved July 2, 2014.
  13. ^ «2010 Winter Games licence plates». Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. Retrieved May 27, 2012.
  14. ^ Flames and Oilers license plates unveiled — Government of Alberta
  15. ^ «Request For Proposal W8476-06MSMP/L» (PDF). Public Services and Procurement Canada. July 23, 2013. p. 848. Canadian Forces Registration (CFR) Licence Plates
  16. ^ «License plates from royal visits to BC». www.bcpl8s.ca. Retrieved August 2, 2020.
  17. ^ vehicle class

External links[edit]

  • Quebec (SAAQ)
  • A Pictorial History of British Columbia Licence Plates
  • License Plates of North America, 1969-Present

Vehicle registration plates of Canada are issued by an agency of the provincial or territorial governments.

Generally, the appearance of vehicle registration plates are frequently chosen to contain symbols, colours, or slogans associated with the issuing jurisdiction.

Often, registration plates are called licence plates (drivers are licensed, vehicles are registered), but the term «licence plate» is common in informal usage (this terminology was official in New Brunswick prior to June 14, 2019[1]). On most licence plates, there is a small sticker, which indicates the month and year of plate renewal, that the driver sticks to the licence plates.

In some parts of Canada, special plates are issued to persons with disabilities having the International Symbol of Access on them, which entitle them to special parking privileges. Some provinces issue a disabled parking permit for people with disabilities to display on their dashboard, allowing them to park at designated spots closest to building entrances. The international code for Canadian plates is CDN.[2][3]

Designs and serial formats[edit]

In all provinces and the territory of Yukon, licence plate serials are alphanumeric and usually assigned in ascending order. The letters I, O, Q and U are generally not used to avoid confusion with 1, 0 and V; additionally, British Columbia does not use the letters Y and Z. The Northwest Territories and Nunavut use all-numeric serials, which are also assigned in ascending order.

Many jurisdictions distinguish their licence plates through distinctive colour schemes and logos. For example, Ontario’s plates have featured a crown graphic since 1937 (except 1951), while Yukon’s plates have featured a gold prospector graphic since 1952. The Northwest Territories’ plates since 1970, and Nunavut’s from 1999 to 2012, are cut in the shape of a polar bear, but meet the standardized mounting guidelines (below).

In every jurisdiction except Nunavut, the serial is embossed onto the plate. Nunavut’s current rectangular plate, first issued in 2012, has the serial screened; the territory’s previous bear-shaped plate had the serial embossed. Other identifying information, such as the name of the issuing jurisdiction and the vehicle class, can be either screened or embossed.

In 1956, the Canadian provinces and U.S. states came to an agreement with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, the Automobile Manufacturers Association and the National Safety Council that standardized the size for licence plates for vehicles (except those for motorcycles) at 150 mm (6 in) in height by 300 mm (12 in) in width, with standardized mounting holes.[4] These figures may vary slightly by jurisdiction. Smaller-sized plates are used for motorcycles and, in some jurisdictions, mopeds and certain types of trailers and construction equipment.

Showing current registration on plates[edit]

An example of a validation sticker for vehicle insurance issued in British Columbia

Historically, many Canadian plates were replaced every year, although the most common practise in modern times is to send new validation stickers to vehicle owners every year or two, to indicate that the vehicle registration is still valid.

Plates that are not up to date quickly attract the attention of law enforcement, because registration «renewal» is a transaction that can usually be undertaken only by the car’s registered owner, once certain requirements have been met, and because registration fees are a source of government revenue. A delinquent registration sticker is often an indicator that the vehicle may be stolen, that the vehicle’s owner has failed to comply with the applicable law regarding emission inspection or insurance, or that the vehicle’s owner has unpaid traffic or parking tickets. Even with the stickers, most provinces previously required that all licence plates be replaced every few years; that practise is being abandoned by many provinces because of the expense of continually producing large numbers of plates.

A damaged Ontario license plate, with its validation stickers placed on the upperhand corner

The sticker is usually placed on one corner of the plate, while the month of the year in which the plate would expire is printed in an opposing corner. Some jurisdictions combine the year and month on one sticker. In others, the plate’s validation is a decal displayed from the inside of the windshield. The colour of plate stickers and windshield decals often change annually, to allow for easier detection by police. Quebec no longer issues plate stickers and has not done so since 1992. Saskatchewan stopped issuing the stickers on November 1, 2012, as a cost saving measure.[5] British Columbia no longer issues insurance decals and allows motorists to remove existing and expired decals from their license plates as of May 1, 2022.[6]

Most validation stickers are either serialized (with the serial number recorded on the registration), or are printed by a special printer at the time of registration or renewal with the vehicle’s licence plate number on them to discourage fraudulent sticker use, as the sticker will be valid only for the plate for which it was intended.

Currently, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Quebec, and Saskatchewan are the provinces in which decals are not used. Instead, the police rely on the use of cameras and computers that automatically report any plates for which the registration is expired (making the use of fake stickers obsolete), the car has been reported as stolen and/or similar reasons. That said, the vehicle registration certificate is the only way for the owner to prove that a vehicle has valid registration. In Ontario, as registration and renewal is free, there are no stickers being required anymore.[7]

Temporary permits[edit]

A temporary licence plate issued in Ontario

Each and every province issues temporary licence plates differently. Ontario issues 10-day temporary permits, available up to twice in a 365-day period,[8] when a licence holder purchases a used vehicle, as long as the vehicle was legally registered as ‘Fit’ with the previous owner. An ‘Unfit’ vehicle (has not passed safety standards with the previous owner) can not be issued a temporary permit. If a vehicle passes safety standards inspection, but does not pass emissions testing it may be issued up to four 10-day temporary permits. As of 2008,[8] Ontario issues regular licence plates with a registration sticker that is labelled «T» to owners of recently purchased used vehicles. Classic vehicles (older than 25 model years) use the paper printed window temporary plate (as pictured in this article).

In Alberta, temporary permits are not issued. Instead, the licence plate is issued the day of registration from a registry.

If you purchase a vehicle in British Columbia, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) will issue you a 15 days permit for approximately $60 which will be a piece of paper you attach to the windshield of the vehicle and this is along with insurance since auto insurance in British Columbia is not privatized but brokerage is. Autoplan brokers are authorised to do this. If you are a British Columbia resident purchasing a vehicle elsewhere in Canada or the United States, you may obtain temporary insurance from ICBC directly over the phone (one of the few times you deal with ICBC directly). Likewise is the case for Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

Life cycle[edit]

Plates typically stay with the owner rather than the vehicle, and motorists usually transfer plates from their previous vehicle to the new one as a cost-saving measure. For this reason, in Ontario it is possible to see a brand new vehicle with valid 1973-issue licence plates, while a 15-year-old vehicle may have brand new plates if there were no previous plates to transfer.

In Newfoundland and Labrador plates typically stay with the vehicle and the registration transferred between owners, with new plates being issued to new vehicles. Exceptions include veteran, fire fighter, and amateur radio operator plates.

In Ontario, motorists may apply to transfer licence plates with the approval of the provincial Ministry of Transportation under special circumstances, such as from one immediate family member to another. Motorists may also purchase year of manufacture plates for classic vehicles up to the plate issuing year of 1973 in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario

Various provinces have different schemes for reissuing licence plates, a process known as «replating.» In some jurisdictions, plates are issued on a permanent basis and are not replaced unless the owner requests a new plate or that their existing plate be remade. These jurisdictions include New Brunswick and Ontario. Other jurisdictions replate on a rolling basis, replacing a particular motorist’s plate when it reaches a certain age. Yet other jurisdictions may recall a particular series of plates for reissuance at regular or irregular intervals. This is particularly common in jurisdictions in which only one licence plate series or design is valid at any given time. Optional-issue plates may or may not follow the same rules for replacement as standard-issue plates, depending on the jurisdiction.


A vehicle with a Manitoba license plate mounted on front of its vehicle. Manitoba is one of three provinces that requires front-mounted license plates.

In the Canadian provinces and territories of Alberta, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, and Yukon, licence plates are currently only required on the rear of most vehicles. The remaining provinces, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Ontario, require the licence plates to be mounted on both the front and rear of the vehicle. Dealership plate frames or custom plate frames are allowed as long as the frame does not obstruct view of validation stickers or district.

Vanity and speciality plates[edit]

In each province but Newfoundland and Labrador, motorists are given the option of extra-cost vanity plates (also known as «personalised» or «prestige» plates), which are licence plates with a custom serial (sequence of letters and/or numbers). Generally vanity plates are not permitted to have profane or obscene messages on them, although standards vary widely among issuing jurisdictions as to what constitutes an unacceptable message.

In some jurisdictions, vehicle owners may also pay extra for speciality plates. With these, the plate serial is chosen by the licensing agency—as with regular plates—but the owners select a plate design that is different from the normal licence plate. For example, an alumnus or student of an area university might purchase a plate with the school’s logo, or a sports enthusiast might decide to pay extra for a plate depicting their favourite team. A portion of the extra cost of these licence plates often ends up as a donation for a related school or non-profit organization. In 1996 the province of Ontario issued an optional Star Trek licence plate. It was discontinued in the early 2000s. Some jurisdictions allow for some or all of their speciality plates to also be vanity plates, usually for an additional fee on top of the cost of the plate.

A vanity plate issued in British Columbia

Beginning in 2010, Saskatchewan issued speciality plates[9][10] in celebration of the Saskatchewan Roughriders’ centennial. The plates feature the slogan «Pride Lives Here.» Plates in the first series begin with an R, followed by four digits (R####); subsequent series begin with a digit, then an R, then three digits (#R###). These plates are also available as five character vanity plates for an additional fee. In the first sixteen months, 22,000 Roughrider plates were issued,[11] resulting in $585,000 profit for the football club. In 2012, SGI made Rider plates available for motorcycles and snowmobiles.[12]

Veterans are allowed to have a special veteran’s licence plate.

In addition, provinces may provide commemorative plates as a standard issue. A number of provinces issued plates recognizing the 1967 centennial of the Canadian Confederation during that year. Several provinces have issued plates commemorating milestones in their own province. Provinces often issue plates with their motto or slogan, such as Quebec’s «Je me souviens», British Columbia’s «Beautiful British Columbia.» or Ontario’s «Yours To Discover». These are arguably also general commemoratives. Saskatchewan’s «Land of Living Skies» slogan may be interpreted as a reference to the province’s drastically changing weather within minutes or a nod to the northern lights, aurora borealis.

All provinces offer specialized licence plates for licensed amateur radio operators, in many cases at no extra charge or at a discount compared to standard vanity plates. The owner’s radio call sign is used instead of a standard-issue serial.

In preparation for the 2010 Winter Olympics held in Vancouver, the province of British Columbia and the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia issued special «Olympic» registration plates. The special plates feature an image of the mountain peaks of Garibaldi Provincial Park as the background, with the Vancouver 2010 logo in the foreground between the letter and number groups of the registration plate. The plates were optional, requiring an initial fee of $35.00, as well as a yearly renewal fee of $25.00 per year. These «Olympic Plates» were only offered until December 31, 2010, however owners may continue to display them on their vehicle.[13]

On November 17, 2018 the province of Alberta announced Edmonton Oilers and Calgary Flames licence plates for $75 with $55 of each purchase going to the charity of the selected team, the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation and the Calgary Flames Foundation, respectively. Alberta also has a «Support our Troops» license plate that has been available since July 22, 2014 with most of the money going to the Support our Troops program.[14]


Armed Forces[edit]

Vehicles owned by the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence are also specially plated, and authorised for movement on all highways and roads. Called a «Canadian Forces Registration» (CFR),[15] these licence plates are white with a green border and the text «Canada» written on them at the top in green, with a red maple leaf on either side of the text at the top. License plates show only the CFR’s last five numbers for vehicles and for trailers. The full CFR number also included a 2 digit prefix (followed by a dash) that reflected the last 2 digits in the year of manufacture of the vehicle. These plates also do not bear any form of validation tag / sticker, as there is no need for annual renewal.

Canadian Armed Forces license plaes

  • Canadian military police

    Canadian military police

  • Canadian 1 Military Police Platoon

    Canadian 1 Military Police Platoon

  • Canadian Land Forces Command

    Canadian Land Forces Command

  • Canadian Forces Military Police Ford Taurus Sedan, federal license plate 05483

    Canadian Forces Military Police Ford Taurus Sedan, federal license plate 05483

Royal and viceregal automobiles[edit]

When in Canada, the monarch of Canada is driven in an official car that bears a licence plate with a gold St Edward’s Crown on a red field.[16] The governor general’s vehicle bears a standard licence plate of the province of Ontario, but the vehicle displays the governor general’s flag to distinguish it.

British Columbia[edit]

The official vehicle for the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia does not have a licence plate and instead, an embossed coat of arms of British Columbia is affixed to the plate area. Official government vehicles do not use distinct licence plate or numbers unlike other provinces within this section of the article.


Cars owned by the Government of Canada in Ontario are in the format FDx-123, not in the usual four-letter format, with the first two letters always being «F» and «D» and the third digit being either a letter or a number. Cars owned by the provincial government of Ontario use standard series plates, but with specialized validation stickers exempt from annual registration. These exempt stickers are yellow with black stripes, informally dubbed bumblebee stickers. Ontario plates assigned to Members of Parliament are in the format of MHC-123 for members of the House of Commons and SEN-123 for senators. Members of the Canadian Cabinet receive CAN-123 plates, with the Prime Minister assigned CAN-001 and remaining members of cabinet assigned numbers sequentially based on order of precedence. Federal court judges receive FCJ-123. Ontario Superior Court judges receive SCO-123.

The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario receives licence plates that bear an embossed crown rather than a number. members of Provincial Parliament receive MPP-123 plates. Members of the Executive Council of Ontario (Cabinet of Ontario) receive ONT-123 plates, with the premier assigned ONT-001 and remaining members of cabinet assigned numbers sequentially based on order of precedence. Provincial judges receive PJO-123.

New Brunswick[edit]

Cars and pickup trucks owned by the province of New Brunswick also use standard series plates, but with black «Permanent» validation stickers exempt from annual registration.

Municipally owned vehicles larger than a pickup truck receive plates that begin with M, in the format M12-345.

Diplomatic plates are in the format of DP-123.

The Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick receives a licence plate that bears an embossed crown.

Newfoundland and Labrador[edit]

All government vehicles (including construction equipment and trailers) in Newfoundland and Labrador are issued plates that begin with G. Depending on the level of government the plate format can be GFx-123 for federal vehicles, GPx-123 for provincial, and GMx-123 for municipal.

Government vehicles in Newfoundland and Labrador do not display registration stickers.


As of 2012, vehicles owned by members of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut receive plates in the format of MLA-123.


The Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan receives licence plates that bear an embossed crown rather than a number. Official government vehicles do not use distinct licence plate or numbers unlike other provinces within this section of the article. Federal government vehicles are issued «vehicle class» stickers bearing the letters «GC.»[17]

General registration licence plates[edit]

A motor vehicle dealers license plate issued in Ontario

In Ontario, motor vehicle dealers licensed under the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act use a single portable plate with the word «DEALER» on the left side and red alpha-numeric characters on a white background. It is for exclusive use by motor vehicle dealers only on motor vehicles owned as part of the dealer’s inventory of vehicles for sale. It may also be used for private use vehicles that are owned as part of the dealer’s inventory of vehicles for sale. The dealer, his/her family or the employee of the dealership or the employee’s family may also use such a vehicle for private use.

Quebec has a similar way of dealing with things. Plate numbers with the prefix «X» followed by five or six digits may be used on any vehicle that is part of a dealer’s inventory.

Service providers, including anyone who repairs, customises, modifies, manufactures or transports motor vehicles or trailers use yellow and black DLR series plates (Dealer and Service Plate).

A Service Plate may be used:

  • on a trailer or motor vehicle other than a motorcycle or motor-assisted bicycle for purposes related to the repair, road testing, customisation or modification of the vehicle, if the vehicle is in the possession of the person to whom the service plate is issued, or
  • for the purpose of transporting the vehicle by a person engaged in the business of transporting vehicles, or
  • for purposes related to the manufacturing or sale of a trailer, or
  • for the purpose of towing the vehicle by a person engaged in the business of transporting vehicles, or
  • to tow a vehicle to a location where its load will be removed or to an impound facility.

Private use of motor vehicles or trailers with a service plate is not permitted.

British Columbia Demonstration (dealer) plates: Similar regulations are in place. These can only be used by employees of the dealership for use pertaining to the dealership.

British Columbia Transporter plates are used by legal entities to transport non-owned vehicles with a written contract.

British Columbia Manufacturer plates are used by auto makers.

Diplomatic licence plates[edit]

The diplomatic plates are issued by the province in which the consulate or embassy is located. Thus, most plates are issued in Ontario, where the capital Ottawa is located.

British Columbia[edit]

Diplomatic license plate issued in British Columbia

The provincial government introduced new vehicle plate template for consular officials in 2006. The plates are red background (contrast with blue or white background for regular plates) and white lettering. These plates do not have slogans such as «Beautiful British Columbia» or «Best Place on Earth» that appear on plates for regular plates.

Format of the plates are XX ###X where XX can be CC (Consular Officers), HC (Honorary Consuls), CS (Administrative, service or technical staff) and SR (sub-state foreign officials), followed by 3 numbers and a letter.


Diplomatic license plate issued in Ontario

Ontario plates are colour-coded. Car, motorcycle and trailer plates use blue letters on a white background. Commercial vehicle, bus and farm plates use black on white; diplomat plates are white on red; dealer plates are red on white; service plates are black on yellow; and green plates are for electric vehicles and have a 3-number, 3-letter format, coded as follows:

  • CDx = Diplomat
  • CCx = Consular
  • XTx = Non Diplomatic Embassy Staff
  • XOR = Foreign missions without diplomatic status.

Ambassadors or Heads of Missions use plates in the 010 to 019 number series, i.e., starting at 010-CDA. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office is the main user of XOR plates.


Saskatchewan Consular Corps plates maintain the colour scheme of standard plates (green on white). «Land of Living Skies» is replaced with «Consular Corps.» The plates have a 2-letter, 3-number format. CC is used by consular vehicles.


Mission holders based in Quebec have a unique format. Plates are XXX ### where XXX can be Y27 (Canadian Diplomat Officers with Mission),Y28 (Foreign Diplomat Officers with Mission), Y29 (Generic Mission Holders), followed by 3 numbers and or letters. The sum of the letters and numbers is a validation. These licence plates are only valid for 3 months and can be renewed.

See also[edit]

  • Vehicle registration plates of the United States


  1. ^ «Bill 14 — an Act to Amend the Motor Vehicle Act».
  2. ^ «Number plate codes: International».
  3. ^ «Annex 4. Distinguishing Sign of Vehicles in International Traffic».
  4. ^ Garrish, Christopher (October 2016). «Reconsidering the Standard Plate Size». Plates. Vol. 62, no. 5. Automobile License Plate Collectors Association.
  5. ^ «Saskatchewan Licence Plates are Going Stickerless». Government of Saskatchewan. October 2, 2012. Retrieved November 10, 2019.
  6. ^ «Discontinuing licence plate decals, and printing changes» (PDF). Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. March 11, 2022.
  7. ^ «Renew your licence plate». Ontario.ca. Retrieved March 18, 2022.
  8. ^ a b «Getting a Temporary Vehicle Registration or a Special Permit». Ministry of Transportation. Government of Ontario. February 21, 2012. Retrieved May 27, 2012.
  9. ^ «Roughrider licence plates available soon from SGI». Regina Leader-Post. Retrieved July 2, 2014.
  10. ^ «SGI scores with Roughrider licence plate». Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI). Retrieved July 2, 2014.
  11. ^ «News Release: 22,000 RIDER PLATES AND COUNTING». Government of Saskatchewan. Retrieved July 2, 2014.
  12. ^ «News Release: SGI EXPANDS RIDER PLATES TO MOTORCYCLES AND SNOWMOBILES». Government of Saskatchewan. Retrieved July 2, 2014.
  13. ^ «2010 Winter Games licence plates». Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. Retrieved May 27, 2012.
  14. ^ Flames and Oilers license plates unveiled — Government of Alberta
  15. ^ «Request For Proposal W8476-06MSMP/L» (PDF). Public Services and Procurement Canada. July 23, 2013. p. 848. Canadian Forces Registration (CFR) Licence Plates
  16. ^ «License plates from royal visits to BC». www.bcpl8s.ca. Retrieved August 2, 2020.
  17. ^ vehicle class

External links[edit]

  • Quebec (SAAQ)
  • A Pictorial History of British Columbia Licence Plates
  • License Plates of North America, 1969-Present

Автомобильные номерные знаки Канады

В Канада, номерные знаки выдается агентством правительства провинции или территории.

Обычно внешний вид номерных знаков часто выбирается так, чтобы они содержали символы, цвета или слоганы, связанные с юрисдикцией выдачи.

Часто номерные знаки называются номерными знаками (водители имеют лицензии, транспортные средства зарегистрированы), но термин «номерной знак» широко используется в неформальном употреблении. На большинстве номерных знаков есть небольшая наклейка с указанием месяца и года обновления номера, которую водитель приклеивает к номерным знакам. До 14 июня 2019 года в зоне регистрации Нью-Брансуика официально именовались номерные знаки.

В некоторых частях Канады специальные номера выдаются лицам с ограниченными возможностями, имеющим Международный символ доступа, что дает им право на особые привилегии на парковку. Некоторые провинции выдают разрешение на парковку для людей с ограниченными возможностями, которое отображается на их приборной панели, что позволяет им парковаться в специально отведенных местах, ближайших к входам в здания. Международный код канадских табличек — CDN .


  • 1 Образцы и форматы серийных номеров
  • 2 Отображение текущей регистрации на пластинах
  • 3 Временные разрешения
  • 4 Жизненный цикл
  • 5 Монтаж
  • 6 Таблички на умывальнике и специальные таблички
  • 7 Юрисдикция
    • 7.1 Королевские и вице-королевские автомобили
    • 7.2 Вооруженные силы
    • 7.3 Британская Колумбия
    • 7.4 Онтарио
    • 7,5 Нью-Брансуик
    • 7,6 Ньюфаундленд и Лабрадор
    • 7,7 Нунавут
    • 7,8 Саскачеван
  • 8 Общие регистрационные номера
  • 9 Дипломатические номерные знаки
    • 9,1 Британская Колумбия
    • 9,2 Онтарио
    • 9,3 Саскачеван
    • 9,4 Квебек
  • 10 См. Также
  • 11 Ссылки
  • 12 Внешние ссылки

Дизайн и форматы серийных номеров

Текущий номерной знак Онтарио

Во всех провинциях и на территории Юкон серийные номера номерных знаков являются буквенно-цифровыми и обычно присваиваются в порядке возрастания. Буквы I, O, Q и U обычно не используются, чтобы избежать путаницы с 1, 0 и V; кроме того, Онтарио не использует букву G, а Британская Колумбия не использует буквы Y и Z. Северо-Западные территории и Нунавут используйте полностью числовые порядковые номера, которые также назначаются в порядке возрастания.

Многие юрисдикции различают свои автомобильные номера с помощью отличительных цветовых схем и логотипов. Например, пластины Онтарио имели изображение короны с 1937 года (кроме 1951 года), в то время как пластины Юкона имели изображение золотоискателя с 1952 года. Таблички Северо-Западных территорий с 1970 года и Нунавута с 1999 по 2012 год. имеют форму белого медведя, но соответствуют стандартным правилам монтажа (см. ниже).

В любой юрисдикции, кроме Нунавута, серийный номер выбит на пластине. Нынешняя прямоугольная пластина Нунавута, впервые выпущенная в 2012 году, прошла серийный показ; на прежней медвежьей пластине территории был тиснен серийный номер. Другая идентифицирующая информация, такая как название юрисдикции выдачи и класс транспортного средства, может быть либо скринингована, либо тисненая.

В 1956 году провинции Канады и штаты США пришли к соглашению с Американской ассоциацией администраторов автотранспортных средств, Ассоциацией производителей автомобилей и Национальным Совет по безопасности, который стандартизировал размер номерных знаков для транспортных средств (за исключением мотоциклов ): 6 дюймов (15 см) в высоту и 12 дюймов (30 см) в ширину, со стандартными монтажными отверстиями. Эти цифры могут незначительно отличаться в зависимости от юрисдикции. Таблички меньшего размера используются для мотоциклов и, в некоторых юрисдикциях, мопедов и некоторых типов прицепов и строительной техники.

Отображение текущей регистрации на номерных знаках

Номерной знак Нью-Брансуика Номерной знак, использовавшийся с 2003 по 2009 год

Исторически многие канадские номера заменялись каждый год, хотя наиболее распространенной практикой в ​​наше время является отправка новые проверочные наклейки для владельцев транспортных средств каждые год или два, чтобы указать, что регистрация транспортного средства все еще действительна.

Неактуальные номера быстро привлекают внимание правоохранительных органов, потому что «продление» регистрации — это транзакция, которую обычно может предпринять только зарегистрированный владелец автомобиля после выполнения определенных требований, и потому что регистрационные сборы являются источником государственных доходов. Наклейка о просроченной регистрации часто является признаком того, что транспортное средство может быть украдено, что владелецтранспортного средства не выполнил применимое законодательство, касающееся проверки выбросов или страхования, или что владелец транспортного средства имеет неоплаченные штрафы за проезд или парковку. Даже с наклейками в большинстве провинций ранее требовалось менять все номерные знаки каждые несколько лет; от этой практики отказываются многие провинции из-за затрат на постоянное производство большого количества тарелок.

Наклейка обычно размещается на одном углу пластины, а месяц года, в котором истекает срок годности пластины, печатается в противоположном углу. В некоторых юрисдикциях год и месяц указаны на одной наклейке. В других случаях валидация таблички — это декаль, отображаемая с внутренней стороны лобового стекла. Цвет наклеек и наклеек на лобовое стекло часто меняется ежегодно, чтобы полиция могла их легко обнаружить. Квебек больше не выпускает наклейки на таблички, и не делал этого с 1992 года. Саскачеван прекратил выпуск наклеек 1 ноября 2012 года в качестве меры экономии.

Большинство проверочных наклеек либо сериализованы (с серийным номером, записанным на регистрации), или распечатываются на специальном принтере во время регистрации или продления с номером транспортного средства на них, чтобы предотвратить мошенническое использование наклейки, поскольку наклейка будет действительна только для номера, для которого это было задумано.

В настоящее время Квебек, Саскачеван и Манитоба являются единственными провинциями, в которых не используются декали. Вместо этого полиция полагается на использование камер и компьютеров, которые автоматически сообщают о любых номерных знаках, для которых истек срок регистрации (что делает использование поддельных наклеек устаревшими), автомобиль был заявлен как украденный и / или по аналогичным причинам. При этом регистрационное свидетельство — единственный способ для владельца доказать, что автомобиль имеет действующую регистрацию.

Временные разрешения

Временный номерной знак Онтарио

Каждая провинция выдает временные номерные знаки по-своему. Онтарио выдает 10-дневные временные разрешения, которые доступны до двух раз в течение 365-дневного периода, когда владелец лицензии покупает подержанный автомобиль, при условии, что транспортное средство было юридически зарегистрировано как «пригодное» предыдущим владельцем. «Необорудованному» транспортному средству (не прошедшему нормы безопасности у предыдущего владельца) временное разрешение не выдаётся. Если автомобиль проходит проверку на соответствие стандартам безопасности, но не проходит проверку на выбросы, ему может быть выдано до четырех 10-дневных временных разрешений. Начиная с 2008 года, Онтарио выдает обычные номерные знаки с регистрационной наклейкой с надписью «T» владельцам недавно приобретенных подержанных автомобилей. В классических автомобилях (старше 25 лет) используется временная пластина для окон с бумажной печатью (как показано в этой статье).

В Альберте временные разрешения не выдаются. Вместо этого номерной знак выдается в день регистрации из реестра.

Если вы покупаете автомобиль в Британской Колумбии, ICBC (Страховая корпорация Британской Колумбии) выдаст вам разрешение на 15 дней примерно за 60 канадских долларов, которое будет представлять собой листок бумаги, который вы прикрепите к лобовому стеклу автомобиля и вместе со страхованием, поскольку автострахование в Британской Колумбии не приватизировано, а брокерская деятельность приватизирована. Брокеры Autoplan уполномочены делать это. Если вы являетесь резидентом Британской Колумбии, приобретающим автомобиль в другом месте в Канаде / США, вы можете получить временную страховку от ICBC непосредственно по телефону (один из немногих случаев, когда вы имеете дело с ICBC напрямую). То же самое и с MB SK.

Жизненный цикл

Таблички обычно остаются у владельца, а не на транспортном средстве, и автомобилисты обычно переносят пластины со своего предыдущего транспортного средства на новый в качестве меры экономии. По этой причине в Онтарио можно увидеть совершенно новый автомобиль с действующими номерными знаками 1973 года, в то время как автомобиль 15-летней давности может иметь совершенно новые номера, если не было предыдущих номеров для передачи.

В Ньюфаундленде и Лабрадоре номера обычно остаются с транспортным средством, и регистрация передается между владельцами, а новые номера выдаются новым транспортным средствам. Исключение составляют номера ветеранов, пожарных и радистов.

В Онтарио автомобилисты могут подать заявку на передачу номерных знаков с одобрения Министерства транспорта Онтарио при особых обстоятельствах, например, от одного ближайшего члена семьи к другому. Автомобилисты также могут приобретать таблички года выпуска для классических автомобилей до 1973 года выпуска в соответствии с условиями Министерства транспорта Онтарио.

В разных провинциях действуютразные схемы перевыпуска номерных знаков, этот процесс известен как «перевыпуск». В некоторых юрисдикциях номера выпускаются на постоянной основе и не заменяются, если владелец не потребует новый номер или переделать существующий номер. Эти юрисдикции включают Нью-Брансуик и Онтарио. В других юрисдикциях пластина меняется на постоянной основе, заменяя номер конкретного автомобилиста по достижении определенного возраста. Тем не менее, в других юрисдикциях могут быть отозваны определенные серии пластин для переиздания через регулярные или нерегулярные интервалы. Это особенно часто встречается в юрисдикциях, в которых в любой момент времени действительна только одна серия или дизайн номерных знаков. Таблички с дополнительным выпуском могут или не могут соответствовать тем же правилам замены, что и пластины стандартного выпуска, в зависимости от юрисдикции.


В канадских провинциях и территориях из Альберта, Нью-Брансуик, Ньюфаундленд и Лабрадор, Северо-Западные территории, Новая Шотландия, Нунавут, Остров Принца Эдуарда, Квебек, Саскачеван и Юкон, номерные знаки в настоящее время требуются только на задней части большинства транспортных средств. В остальных провинциях: Британская Колумбия, Манитоба и Онтарио, номерные знаки должны быть установлены как на передней, так и на задней части транспортного средства. Допускаются рамки для табличек дилеров или специальные рамки для табличек при условии, что рамка не закрывает вид на проверочные наклейки или район.

Таблички для тщеславия и специальные таблички

Номерные знаки на туалетных столиках Онтарио

В каждой провинции, кроме Ньюфаундленда и Лабрадора, автомобилистам предоставляется опция дополнительных табличек для тщеславия (также известные как «персонализированные» или «престижные»), которые представляют собой номерные знаки с произвольным порядковым номером (последовательность букв и / или цифр). Обычно на туалетных столиках не разрешается содержать непристойные или непристойные сообщения, хотя стандарты в отношении того, что является неприемлемым сообщением, сильно различаются в разных юрисдикциях.

В некоторых юрисдикциях владельцы транспортных средств также могут доплачивать за специальные номера. С ними серийный номерной знак выбирается лицензирующим агентством — как и в случае с обычными номерными знаками, — но владельцы выбирают дизайн номерного знака, который отличается от обычного номерного знака. Например, выпускник или студент области университет может приобрести табличку с логотипом школы, или турист может решить доплатить за табличку с изображением сцена природы. Часть дополнительной стоимости этих номерных знаков часто оказывается пожертвованием соответствующей школе или некоммерческой организации. В 1996 году провинция Онтарио выпустила дополнительный номерной знак Star Trek. Его сняли с производства в начале 2000-х. Некоторые юрисдикции разрешают, чтобы некоторые или все их специальные тарелки также были тарелками для тщеславия, обычно за дополнительную плату сверх стоимости тарелки.

Начиная с 2010 года, Саскачеван выпустил специальные тарелки в честь столетия Саскачеван Роудрайдерс. На пластинах изображен слоган «Здесь живет гордость». Таблички в первой серии начинаются с буквы R, за которой следуют четыре цифры (R ####); последующие серии начинаются с цифры, затем с R, затем с трех цифр (#R ###). Эти тарелки также доступны в виде пяти характерных тарелок для тщеславия за дополнительную плату. За первые шестнадцать месяцев было выпущено 22 000 номеров Roughrider, что принесло футбольному клубу прибыль в размере 585 000 долларов. В 2012 году SGI сделала номера Rider доступными для мотоциклов и снегоходов.

Ветеранам разрешено иметь специальный номерной знак.

Кроме того, провинции могут предоставлять памятные знаки в качестве стандартного выпуска. В течение того же года ряд провинций выпустил таблички, посвященные столетию 1967 г. Канадской Конфедерации. Несколько провинций выпустили таблички, посвященные вехам в их собственных провинциях. Провинции часто выпускают таблички со своим девизом или лозунгом, такие как «Je me souviens» Квебека, Британская Колумбия «Красивая Британская Колумбия». или Онтарио «Ваш для открытия». Возможно, это также общие памятные даты. Слоган Саскачевана «Страна живых небес» может быть истолкован как отсылка к резко меняющейся погоде в провинции в течение нескольких минут или как намек на северное сияние, северное сияние.

Все провинции предлагают специализированные номерные знаки для лицензированных радиолюбителей, во многих случаях без дополнительной оплаты или со скидкой по сравнению со стандартными номерными знаками. Вместо штатногосерийного номера используется собственное радио позывной.

В рамках подготовки к зимним Олимпийским играм 2010, проводимым в Ванкувере, провинция Британская Колумбия и Страховая корпорация Британской Колумбии выпустили специальные «Олимпийские» номерные знаки. На специальных табличках на заднем плане изображены горные вершины провинциального парка Гарибальди, а на переднем плане между буквенной и цифровой группами номерного знака находится логотип Ванкувера 2010. Таблички были необязательными, требуя первоначального взноса в размере 35 долларов США, а также ежегодной платы за продление в размере 25 долларов США в год. Эти «Олимпийские таблички» предлагались только до 31 декабря 2010 г., однако владельцы могут продолжать размещать их на своих транспортных средствах.

17 ноября 2018 г. провинция Альберта объявила о Номерные знаки Эдмонтон Ойлерз и Номерные знаки Калгари Флэймз за 75 долларов, из которых 55 долларов каждой покупки идут на благотворительность отобранной команды, Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation и Calgary Flames Foundation, соответственно. В Альберте также есть магазин, доступный с 22 июля 2014 года, при этом большая часть денег идет в фонд.


Королевские и вице-королевские автомобили

В Канаде монарх Канады управляется на служебном автомобиле, который имеет номерной знак с позолотой Св. Корона Эдварда на красном поле. Автомобиль генерал-губернатора имеет стандартный номерной знак провинции Онтарио, но на автомобиле изображен флаг генерал-губернатора, чтобы отличить его.

Вооруженные силы

Канадские вооруженные силы Табличка

Транспортные средства, принадлежащие Канадским вооруженным силам и Министерству национальной обороны, также имеют специальные плакаты и разрешены для движения по всем автомагистралям. и дороги. Эти номерные знаки, названные «Регистрацией вооруженных сил Канады» (CFR), белые с зеленой рамкой и текстом «Канада», написанным на них зеленым цветом вверху, с красным кленовым листом по обе стороны от текста вверху. Серийные номера CFR — это пятизначные числа для автомобилей и прицепов. Эти таблички также не имеют каких-либо проверочных ярлыков / стикеров, так как нет необходимости в ежегодном продлении.

Британская Колумбия

Британская Колумбия номерной знак грузовика

Официальный автомобиль для лейтенант-губернатора Британской Колумбии не имеет номерного знака, а вместо него тисненый Герб Британской Колумбии прикреплен к области пластины.

Когда Королева предприняла свой Золотой юбилейный тур в 2002 году, на ее официальном автомобиле была изображена королевская корона на красном фоне.

Официальные правительственные автомобили не имеют отличных номерных знаков или номеров, в отличие от других провинций, указанных в этом разделе статьи.


Номерной знак Онтарио

Автомобили, принадлежащие федеральному правительству в Онтарио, имеют формат FDx-123, а не обычный четырехбуквенный формат, с первыми двумя буквами всегда обозначаются буквами «F» и «D», а третья цифра является буквой или числом. В автомобилях, принадлежащих правительству провинции Онтарио, используются стандартные серийные номера, но со специальными проверочными наклейками, освобожденными от ежегодной регистрации. Эти освобожденные от налога наклейки желтого цвета с черными полосами, неофициально называемые стикерами шмель. Таблички Онтарио, назначенные членам парламента, имеют формат MHC-123 для членов Палаты общин и SEN-123 для сенаторов. Члены канадского кабинета получают таблички CAN-123, премьер-министру назначается CAN-001, а оставшимся членам кабинета назначаются номера последовательно на основе порядка старшинства. Судьи федерального суда получают FCJ-123. Судьи Верховного суда Онтарио получают SCO-123.

Вице-губернатор Онтарио получает номерные знаки с тисненой короной, а не с номером. Члены Парламента провинции получают таблички MPP-123. Члены Кабинета Онтарио получают номерные знаки ONT-123, причем премьер-министру назначают ONT-001, а остальным членам кабинета назначаются номера последовательно в порядке старшинства. Провинциальные судьи получают PJO-123.


Текущий Нью-Брансуик номерной знак

Легковые автомобили и пикапы, принадлежащие провинции Нью-Брансуик, также используют стандартные серийные номера, но с черными «постоянными» проверочными наклейками освобождены от ежегодной регистрации.

Транспортные средства, находящиеся в муниципальной собственности, большие, чем пикап, получают номера, начинающиеся с буквы M, в формате M12-345.

Дипломатические номера имеют формат DP-123.

Вице-губернатор Нью-Брансуика получает номерной знак с тисненой короной.

Ньюфаундленд и Лабрадор

Текущий Ньюфаундленд и Лабрадор номерной знак

Всем правительственным транспортным средствам (включая строительную технику и прицепы) в Ньюфаундленде и Лабрадоре выдаются номера, начинающиеся с буквы G. В зависимости от на уровне правительства формат табличек может быть GFx-123 для федеральных транспортных средств, GPx-123 для провинциальных и GMx-123 для муниципальных.

Правительственные автомобили в Ньюфаундленде и Лабрадоре не имеют регистрационных наклеек.


Нунавут номерной знак, использовавшийся с 1999 по 2012 год. Дизайн в форме медведя все еще используется в Северо-Западных территориях.

По состоянию на 2012 год автомобили, принадлежащие членам Законодательное собрание Нунавута получит таблички в формате MLA-123.


Номерной знак Саскачевана использовался с 1998 по 2009 год. Текущий номер провинции имеет такой же дизайн, но с другими штампами, используемыми для сериала.

Вице-губернатор Саскачевана получает номерные знаки с тисненой короной, а не с номером.

Официальные правительственные автомобили не имеют отличных номерных знаков или номеров, в отличие от других провинций, указанных в этом разделе статьи. Транспортным средствам федерального правительства выдаются наклейки «класс автомобиля » с буквами «GC».

Общие регистрационные номерные знаки

В Онтарио торговцы автотранспортными средствами, имеющие лицензию в соответствии с Законом о торговцах автотранспортными средствами, используют один переносной номерной знак со словом «ДИЛЕР» на левой стороне и красными буквенно-цифровыми символами. на белом фоне. Это за искл.

Не пропустите также:

  • Автомобильная зарядка для телефона хорошая
  • Автомобильная зарядка для телефона лучшая
  • Автомобильная беспроводная зарядка для телефона сяоми
  • Автомобильная bluetooth гарнитура для телефона
  • Автомобиль старый номер на новый

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