Автомобильные номера грузии фото

EU style Georgian new registration plate

Old Georgian registration plate

Georgian registration plate with old «GEO» country code

Vehicle registration plates of Georgia are composed of an embossed serial of two letters, a hyphen, three numbers, a hyphen, and two letters (e.g. AB-115-BA), in black on a white background with a blue vertical strip on the left. [1] The plates are issued in the Latin alphabet. Georgian registration plates are the same size as the most common European registration plate. All plates have the abbreviation «GE» in the lower left corner of the plate and the national flag in the upper left corner. This set of new style registration plates have been in use since 1 September 2014.[2]

A new, European-style of registration plate was introduced on 1 September 2014. These have sets of two letters first and last (like French and Italian registration plates), with three numerals in the middle. A blue strip on the left contains the Georgian flag and a «GE», and there is a small security hologram on the bottom right.[2] As additional security features, the plates have a watermark-like symbol of the LEPL Service Agency of MIA[clarification needed] of Georgia and a machine-readable data matrix code near the hologram. The old style plates with three letters, a hyphen and three numbers (e.g. ABC-775), in black on a white background, became invalid in September 2020.
To accommodate owners of imported American or Japanese vehicles, a more square styled plate is also available.[2]

Previous series[edit]

Between 1977 and 1993, georgian registration plates were manufactured in accordance with the Soviet GOST 3207-77 standard. The alphanumeric sequence took the form of: x #### XX, where x is a lowercase Cyrillic serial/counter letter; # is any digit in the range 0-9; and XX are two uppercase Cyrillic letters indicating where the vehicle was first registered.

Georgia used codes ГА, ГГ and ГР without particularity of territory, АИ was only used for Abkhazia, and ЮО was only used for South Ossetia.

Former vehicular designations[edit]

Originally the first letter of the old registration plate was assigned according to the territory where the vehicle was registered:

  • A — Tbilisi
  • B — Adjara
  • C — Abkhazia
  • D — Kutaisi
  • E — Rustavi
  • F — Zugdidi
  • N — Akhaltsikhe
  • O — Gori
  • P — Mtskheta
  • R — Telavi
  • S — Bolnisi

Once the system was exhausted, it was removed. Anyone may buy the combination that they like. Some commercial organizations have bought up all the number sequences of the old registration plates within one tri-letter combination (e.g. all the TBC plates are owned by TBC Bank, and all the MZE plates are owned by Mze TV Company). Ambulances had plates in the PSP series, after the pharmaceutical company sponsoring them, and fire engines have plates in the SOS series.

Embassies and consulates[edit]

Embassy and consulate vehicles have their own registration plate with white characters and white numbers on a red background. Numbers on embassy plates are formatted so that the first two digits represent the foreign entity/organization the vehicle is registered, followed by a CMD, D or AS. The last three digits are sequential, where XX CMD 001 is (generally) the Ambassador’s flag car. For a list of foreign entity/organization and their first digits, see below:

Code Country or organization
01  Germany
02  United States
03  Turkey
04  Israel
05  China
06  Russia
07  United Nations
08 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
09  Iran
10   Vatican City
11  Armenia
12  France
13 Red Cross
14  Ukraine
15 International Organizations
16  European Union
17  Great Britain
18  Greece
19  Azerbaijan
20 World Bank
21  Romania
22  Poland
23  Cote d’Ivoire
24  Latvia
25 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
26  Bulgaria
27 International Committee of the Red Cross
28  Switzerland
29  Italy
30  San Marino
31  Netherlands
32  Czech Republic
33  Sweden
35  Kazakhstan
36 European Union Council of Europe
37  Philippines
38  Denmark
39  Lithuania
40  Estonia
41 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
43  Iraq
44  Spain
45  Hungary
46 European Union European Union Monitoring Mission
47 Asian Development Bank
48  Slovakia
50  Japan
51  Ireland
52  Slovenia
54  Malta
55  Canada
56  Brazil
57  Indonesia
59  Qatar
63  Austria
65  Turkmenistan
67  South Korea

Abkhazia and South Ossetia[edit]

The self-proclaimed republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia issue their own registration plates: Russian-style plates in Abkhazia and Soviet-style plates in South Ossetia. Since 2004 these registration plates are forbidden to be used on the territory controlled by the government of Georgia; while the Georgian plates are not allowed to be used on the territory controlled by republics. Thus most cars that cross the boundaries of the unrecognised republics have to use Russian registration plates.

Military plates[edit]

As of 2011, military police patrol vehicle plates were black with white letters, with a narrow yellow strip on the left containing the letters «GA» above each other. The code was two Latin letters followed by three numerals, with a safety hologram separating them. Dimensions are 550 mm (22 in) by 110 mm (4.3 in).[3] Regular military license plates receive a green strip on the left.


  1. ^ «Georgia license plates». Matriculasdelmundo. 2021-10-14.
  2. ^ a b c «შსს-ს მომსახურების სააგენტოში ახალი სანომრე ნიშნების დიზაინის პრეზენტაცია გაიმართა» [Presentation of new license plates held at Service Agency] (in Georgian). Service Agency of MIA of Georgia. 2014-03-05. Retrieved 2014-03-25.
  3. ^ Exec. Order No. 223, annex no. 3 (April 26, 2011; in ka) Ministry of Justice of Georgia. Retrieved on March 25, 2014.

External links[edit]

  • Vehicle registration rules (official page) (in Georgian)

External links[edit]

EU style Georgian new registration plate

Old Georgian registration plate

Georgian registration plate with old «GEO» country code

Vehicle registration plates of Georgia are composed of an embossed serial of two letters, a hyphen, three numbers, a hyphen, and two letters (e.g. AB-115-BA), in black on a white background with a blue vertical strip on the left. [1] The plates are issued in the Latin alphabet. Georgian registration plates are the same size as the most common European registration plate. All plates have the abbreviation «GE» in the lower left corner of the plate and the national flag in the upper left corner. This set of new style registration plates have been in use since 1 September 2014.[2]

A new, European-style of registration plate was introduced on 1 September 2014. These have sets of two letters first and last (like French and Italian registration plates), with three numerals in the middle. A blue strip on the left contains the Georgian flag and a «GE», and there is a small security hologram on the bottom right.[2] As additional security features, the plates have a watermark-like symbol of the LEPL Service Agency of MIA[clarification needed] of Georgia and a machine-readable data matrix code near the hologram. The old style plates with three letters, a hyphen and three numbers (e.g. ABC-775), in black on a white background, became invalid in September 2020.
To accommodate owners of imported American or Japanese vehicles, a more square styled plate is also available.[2]

Previous series[edit]

Between 1977 and 1993, georgian registration plates were manufactured in accordance with the Soviet GOST 3207-77 standard. The alphanumeric sequence took the form of: x #### XX, where x is a lowercase Cyrillic serial/counter letter; # is any digit in the range 0-9; and XX are two uppercase Cyrillic letters indicating where the vehicle was first registered.

Georgia used codes ГА, ГГ and ГР without particularity of territory, АИ was only used for Abkhazia, and ЮО was only used for South Ossetia.

Former vehicular designations[edit]

Originally the first letter of the old registration plate was assigned according to the territory where the vehicle was registered:

  • A — Tbilisi
  • B — Adjara
  • C — Abkhazia
  • D — Kutaisi
  • E — Rustavi
  • F — Zugdidi
  • N — Akhaltsikhe
  • O — Gori
  • P — Mtskheta
  • R — Telavi
  • S — Bolnisi

Once the system was exhausted, it was removed. Anyone may buy the combination that they like. Some commercial organizations have bought up all the number sequences of the old registration plates within one tri-letter combination (e.g. all the TBC plates are owned by TBC Bank, and all the MZE plates are owned by Mze TV Company). Ambulances had plates in the PSP series, after the pharmaceutical company sponsoring them, and fire engines have plates in the SOS series.

Embassies and consulates[edit]

Embassy and consulate vehicles have their own registration plate with white characters and white numbers on a red background. Numbers on embassy plates are formatted so that the first two digits represent the foreign entity/organization the vehicle is registered, followed by a CMD, D or AS. The last three digits are sequential, where XX CMD 001 is (generally) the Ambassador’s flag car. For a list of foreign entity/organization and their first digits, see below:

Code Country or organization
01  Germany
02  United States
03  Turkey
04  Israel
05  China
06  Russia
07  United Nations
08 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
09  Iran
10   Vatican City
11  Armenia
12  France
13 Red Cross
14  Ukraine
15 International Organizations
16  European Union
17  Great Britain
18  Greece
19  Azerbaijan
20 World Bank
21  Romania
22  Poland
23  Cote d’Ivoire
24  Latvia
25 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
26  Bulgaria
27 International Committee of the Red Cross
28  Switzerland
29  Italy
30  San Marino
31  Netherlands
32  Czech Republic
33  Sweden
35  Kazakhstan
36 European Union Council of Europe
37  Philippines
38  Denmark
39  Lithuania
40  Estonia
41 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
43  Iraq
44  Spain
45  Hungary
46 European Union European Union Monitoring Mission
47 Asian Development Bank
48  Slovakia
50  Japan
51  Ireland
52  Slovenia
54  Malta
55  Canada
56  Brazil
57  Indonesia
59  Qatar
63  Austria
65  Turkmenistan
67  South Korea

Abkhazia and South Ossetia[edit]

The self-proclaimed republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia issue their own registration plates: Russian-style plates in Abkhazia and Soviet-style plates in South Ossetia. Since 2004 these registration plates are forbidden to be used on the territory controlled by the government of Georgia; while the Georgian plates are not allowed to be used on the territory controlled by republics. Thus most cars that cross the boundaries of the unrecognised republics have to use Russian registration plates.

Military plates[edit]

As of 2011, military police patrol vehicle plates were black with white letters, with a narrow yellow strip on the left containing the letters «GA» above each other. The code was two Latin letters followed by three numerals, with a safety hologram separating them. Dimensions are 550 mm (22 in) by 110 mm (4.3 in).[3] Regular military license plates receive a green strip on the left.


  1. ^ «Georgia license plates». Matriculasdelmundo. 2021-10-14.
  2. ^ a b c «შსს-ს მომსახურების სააგენტოში ახალი სანომრე ნიშნების დიზაინის პრეზენტაცია გაიმართა» [Presentation of new license plates held at Service Agency] (in Georgian). Service Agency of MIA of Georgia. 2014-03-05. Retrieved 2014-03-25.
  3. ^ Exec. Order No. 223, annex no. 3 (April 26, 2011; in ka) Ministry of Justice of Georgia. Retrieved on March 25, 2014.

External links[edit]

  • Vehicle registration rules (official page) (in Georgian)

External links[edit]

February 29 2008, 14:01


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Грузинские автомобильные номера

Сегодня пятницца, и надеюсь не придется много писать про политику. Хочу рассказать о том, какие в Грузии автомобильные номера.
Номера машин в Грузии имеют следующую форму, ХХХ-№№№, где ХХХ — латинские буквы, а №№№ цифры, и перетасовка букв и цифр дают большую возможность для вариантов, и эти варианты довольно прикольные бывают. Раньше что получить «блатной» номер надо было дать взятку, в последние годы же — официально заплатить в бюджет определенную сумму.
Наиболее полулярные в Грузии номера где все три буквы одни и теже (правда это в основном служебные машины), и цифры тоже одинаковые.
Дальше по престижу идут номера, где первая и третья буква повторяется, а посередине или О или какая нибудь другая буква, например WOW, LOL, AOA
не меньшей популярностью пользуются номера где написано какое нибудь слово из 3 букв)) нет, не то)) может даже имя, например ABA (непереводимое слово, в зависимости от интонации может означать все что угодно, да, нет), GIA, GIO, ANI (как на фотке), LAD, KET-(О в цифрах), SOF (Софико), GZA (дорога по грузиснки), VAX (вааах)))
Любая фирма может заказать себе любую серию номеров, только при условии, что они оплатят все 1000 номеров, так по дорогам бегают TBC(ТБС Банк), MZE(телекомпания Мзе, чей журналоист щас задержан в Абхазии), PSP (фармацефтическая фирма, она спонсор скорой помощи, и их номера установлены на всех машинах скорой помощи в Грузии, что является дополнительной рекламой), у отряда спасателей, на пожарных машинах стоят номера SOS.
Забыл сказать, что мне больше всего нравится номер III-111, еще нравится IOO-001, OOI-100 и что нибудь в том же духе, в любой перестановке
Раньше, когда вошли эти номера, каждый регион выдавал номера, начинавшиеся с определенной буквы, к примеру тбилисское ГАИ выдавало номера с буквы А, Аджарское ГАИ — с буквы В, ГАИ Абхазии — с буквы С, зугдитское ГАИ — с буквы F, но щас можно взять любой номер в любом месте, было бы желание.
Ну и машина, конечно. Мне то ее и не хватает..

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